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Everything posted by greenspandan

  1. those matchups aren't nearly as brutal as 6-1 Dallas on Monday night vs our third string quarterback.
  2. Gold pants look great. Burgundy shirts, gold pants is the sharpest uniform the team has ever had.
  3. we are so outclassing these guys. bad play call. not on white. man forbath just doesnt miss. feels good! lol this isn't the gameday thread! haha speaking of out of context. ....
  4. oh man, my Safeway just started stocking DFH's Palo Santo Marron and a few other very choice selections. i could be in trouble.
  5. i second FIREFLY. just two things about it: one, the pilot might seem a little slow -- don't let that deter you! second, it's a show that rewards you for paying close attention to the dialogue. you won't get nearly as much out of it if you watch while websurfing or doing laundry or whatever. also, it's quick. a 2 hour pilot, 12 episodes, and a 2 hour movie.
  6. burgundy top / gold pants is by far the sharpest look the redskins have ever sported. glad it seems to be the "default" home colors now.
  7. Tried two new sam adams beers this week. they've got a Harvest Pumpkin and a Hazel Brown. I hadn't had either before. Harvest Pumpkin: if not for the label, i wouldn't really have been able to distinguish this from the plain old boston lager, the spices and pumpkin flavoring was so weak. not a fan. a shame, because i normally really like both sam adams and pumpkin ales. stick with DFH's Punkin' Ale or go for the best: Southern Tier Pumking Imperial Pumpkin Ale. Hazel Brown: this one on the other hand did not skimp on the flavor. the nose and flavor are overwhelmingly and pleasantly of hazelnut. the hazelnut is so heavy that it almost feels like a hoppy IPA, but with nuttiness instead of hops. very tasty.
  8. the republican freakout over "IT'S A TAX!" is going to fail because guess what ... it's a tax that only affects people who choose not to buy health insurance even though they can afford it. if you have health insurance, or if you legitimately can't afford it, there is no tax.
  9. the court didn't re-write anything. they called a spade a spade, even though the administration kept referring to it as a shovel.
  10. voters are really going to appreciate the GOP freaking out over this rather than the economy (and people aren't going to buy that this is a huge job killer, either).
  11. don't worry, nobody believes you were about to vote for obama if not for supreme court semantics.
  12. exactly. please remember the above post when surfing the seas of hyperbole on facebook and fox news. one more thing: it's my private hope that this is the "don't ask, don't tell" of health care. it sucks, but it is a necessary stepping stone towards modernity and sanity.
  13. no, that doesn't make sense. his was the deciding vote. he could have just as easily struck it down 5 to 4 if he didn't like it.
  14. i'm on obama's side, and i agree that it will make little difference in the polls.
  15. i can see how it might make liberals a little more enthusiastic about obama's first term, but i don't see why anyone already opposed to obama would move in his favor (or vice versa). i predict little practical impact, and obama will retain his current slight electoral advantage.
  16. yeah. ignore them for breaking news, they always get it wrong in the moment. (this not a commentary on their news reporting in general -- they just seem the worst of all possible outlets when it comes to by-the-second coverage)
  17. by choice or by economic hardship? if it's the latter, obamacare would fix that. if it's the former, well, i have no sympathy if you get sick, because it's me who will be footing the bill.
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