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Everything posted by Switchgear

  1. Dak is my new favorite player. Hope for their fans every regular season, followed by crushing disappointment. He's Tony Romo 2.0. Tan Tony.
  2. https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/88664 The Cost of War: Russian Economy Faces a Decade of Regress The economy’s development will be in reverse for at least the next three to five years.
  3. Fixed that for the Kuznetsov. I bet it never sails again, now that I think about it. Russia doesn't have the resources to fix it. They'll keep pushing back the date that it will complete overhaul. My guess is that around 2030 they'll scrap it without any announcement or acknowledgement.
  4. Reading up on it, that ship is a disaster. They had a tugboat follow it to Syria, because the propulsion system is so unreliable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_aircraft_carrier_Admiral_Kuznetsov When it was operating near Syria, its arresting gear broke twice, which resulted in 2 jets going in the water, one in November 2016, one in December that year. The Russian Navy suspended operations on it after that. It went back to Russia for refit, in early 2017, so it's really been out of service for close to 6 years at this point. During that time, a 70 ton crane fell on it, putting a 200 square foot hole in its deck. It has caught on fire at least twice (one of those times being yesterday), one of the fires caused 2 fatalities. The Russians are saying they expect it to return to service in 2024. There is no doubt in my mind that date will slip. Assuming they do get it in service in 2024, that's 7 to 8 years out of service. They're talking about adding 15 years to its time in service through this refit. Assuming they do get that, I'd imagine most of that time it will be in port, being worked on further. I hope they keep pouring money into it.
  5. This is the Disappointment Bowl. And it's living up to that one quarter in (I'm catching up)
  6. 100k dead soldiers. In less than a year. It's madness
  7. I took a tour of Thomas Point lighthouse a few weeks ago. The tour guide pointed out a metal triangle on the north side of the lighthouse. It was put there to break up ice that used to flow down the Bay, ice was a real hazard to the lighthouse. He said the last time the Bay froze over was 1977. Winter is much more mild than it used to be.
  8. They relied on western electronics. The sanctions are working, Russia can't rearm itself. Other than buying Iranian drones.
  9. Right, the plant needs power to keep pumps moving coolant, to remove the waste heat that the fuel rods generate, which happens even when the plant is offline. The fuel continues to decay, even with the control rods fully inserted. The neutrons and other particles that the fuel continually emits will interact with nearby matter to create heat. That decay heat will eventually melt the reactor down if it isn't removed, but it isn't enough to generate steam, turn the turbines, make electricity. I was a power plant electrician on the Enterprise in the 90s, I worked in the switchgear spaces, controlling the steam driven turbines that supplied power to the ship. The Enterprise had 8 2500KW steam driven turbine generators that usually provided power to the ship. It also had 4 1000KW diesel generators, which were an emergency backup. As long as one plant was still online, they weren't needed. When we were in port, the ship would hook to shore power to keep the lights on, and keep the reactors cooled while they were shut down. Nuclear plants need power to get to the point where they can make power, but they also need power when shut down to keep the waste heat from destroying the reactor.
  10. Three players have 6 touchdowns in a game, in NFL history. I doubt Kelce gets there, but who knows... 4 touchdowns with 25 receiving yards. Wow.
  11. Kelce was in motion towards the line. The Chiefs did that earlier and didn't get called for it, the long pass to 17.
  12. It has to be extra frustrating that it only took one more minute of game time to get to the over.
  13. Video from Sanandaj: https://i.imgur.com/rSgJXwr.mp4
  14. This game.... Did anyone else catch the announcer saying that if the Broncos get a 6 point lead, it will really put pressure on the Colts? I mean, how pathetic can a game get?
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