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Everything posted by G.A.C.O.L.B.

  1. All of this. I'm not sure me and you have ever disagreed. Oh and I would be ecstatic if we flipped Blatche for Love. Not seeing why Minny would do that though.
  2. I think a lot of Hinrich starting is to be out there with Wall and showing him the ropes. Agent Zero (**** 9, he'll always be 0) has just been starting the last few games as Wall has been hurt.
  3. I gave three examples in my previous post where he didn't hustle and put his ass on the line. His defensive woes are just a part of that larger theme. That he's lazy and heartless. As is his poor shot selection. As is him laying it in rather than dunking. And keep waiting for it to improve, let me know how that works out for you. I've been hearing that argument for years now. (Hell my one ban on here was a result of me mocking another posters infatuation with Blatche like four years ago. Anyone remember hands11? I think he's over at realgm now.)
  4. Oh I agree. I'm rarely in the "trade at all costs" camp. But I do think that we should be targeting a PF in the draft or free agency.
  5. Let me ask you Blatche-sucks holdouts something: You see Wall, McGee, Young, Hinrich, even Gilbert putting their asses on the line, going to the floor, doing whatever it takes to make plays, do you see Blatche doing that as well? Hell he doesn't even want to go strong to the basket. That's got nothing to do with being hurt and out of shape.
  6. I've always been down on Blatche. To start this year though I let off of him a little cause of people were so adamant about him finally waking up with a strong finish last year (when it didn't matter). But dude is a bum. Dude has always been a bum. Dude will always be a bum. It's the intangibles not the skillset. He is a fat, lazy, POS, heartless, gutless loser. You know what really pissed me off tonight? Among many things, the one that really irked me, was that at least twice he let balls bounce out of bounds when he could have made plays for them if he actually, you know, tried. It wasn't perfectly clear to me who the ball had gone off of last. Or him as each time he whipped around to look at the ref to see if we got the possession. To me those two plays (while small and both went our way) perfectly symbolize Blatche's game and issues. He's just so ****ing lazy and heartless. Another was when dude dunked toward the end. Instead going up, fouling him hard, making him earn the points at the line, Blatche just stood there and watched him dunk. Flip called timeout immediately after that. I was hoping he was going to pull his ass but he didn't. Anyway, thank God I added 30 minutes extra to the end of my recording. It ended like 3 seconds after the final buzzer. I would've been sick to miss the ending. But what a game. Man, the Wiz and Sixers have now played two classics this year. And we own both How awesome would it be if Turner develops as well (I'm still not seeing it though) and we have a Wall/Turner, DC/Philly rivalry going for the next 10 years? I gotta say, I was on cloud nine :cloud9: in Hibachi's Dagger!!! heyday but this tops that. I'm so excited. Wall is just amazing. Amazing. He took over that 4th quarter. That was all him. I'm coming around fast on Nick Young. Javale is LEGIT. No question in my mind anymore about that. I like Booker too. Tough and not afraid to bang with the best of him. He gets more comfortable (and better) each time he plays. It's night and day between now and when he got some minutes last week. I've seen Seraphin once this year and he's the same. Tough and will bang with people. (Hopefully he develops.) Hinrich was a great edition. Only 29. And he's got the type of skillset where he'll still be playing at a pretty high level for a few more years. Yi is still only (allegedly) 23 years old. Thornton busts his ass and is only 27. Every Wiz fan should be absolutely psyched right now. This is really happening. Don't get me wrong though. I'm not saying that we are complete. Among other trinkets and roleplayers, we still need a big time wing player that can slash and drive and also hit outside shots. It's gonna be nice when Howard gets back but I don't see him being the future. And we also, imo, need a PF that can play down in the post. Not Blatche's behind the back, between the legs, fading jumpshot type of post play, but real post play. And I still need to think about how Gilbert fits in here. If he is the kind of player we want at the 2. I just don't know.
  7. I had to work tonight so I taped the game. I just finished the 3rd quarter now. I don't know who won yet so I'm not gonna reply to any posts, but I just gotta say that I love this team. They love to play the game. They have passion for it. And they have heart. They are what's good about professional sports. Wall is just so fun to watch and this is the best game of Javale McGee's career. I think us hardcore's have recognized that he is legit and if any casual fans are watching this, I can't see how they can't come to the same conclusion. Oh and **** Andres Nocioni. He's been killing us for years. (At least Lou Williams has been fairly quiet.)
  8. I love your posts SteveM. I haven't really gotten on next year's draft class yet. I'm not as big a college basketball fan as I am an NBA fan. Normally in December sometime, when I've got the team down and where it needs to go and after the college basketball season has developed a little, I start figuring out who I like, start following them and go from there. So with that said, at this time I can't really give you an accurate appraisal of either Barnes or Jones. From what I do know though, I think Jones is more talented than Barnes and has a much higher upside. But as I've stated many times, I'm a big believer in character, intelligence and work ethic. I think those are mosts. They might not necessarily separate the nice statistical careers and complete busts, but I do think it's what separates the winners from the losers. The difference between a Jerry Stackhouse/Vince Carter and a Kobe Bryant. So just reading what you've written, those are huge red flags for me when it comes to Jones. That doesn't mean I'm sold on Barnes either though. I'm not sure he's worthy of the #1 pick. I think he might be along the lines of Evan Turner. Where he's a solid player, little to no chance of being an outright bust, but he'll never be a superstar. A lot changes between now and the draft, any draft. This time two years ago BJ Mullens was considered by many to be a lock as the #1 player in the 09 draft. That he would've been top 3 if he could have came out of high school. Then he played a year at Ohio State, sucked, and went way outside the lottery, toward the bottom of the 1st somewhere. Now he's on the Thunder and doesn't play. As for you're which tandem would you take over Wall/McGee. That's tricky as a lot of those players haven't fully established themselves yet. But as things stand now... Incompletes Evans/Cousins - This is one to watch. No Griffin/Aminu - I'm a HUGE Griffin fan. Aminu is eh though. I'm not sure how he's doing this year but I wasn't sold on him leading up to the draft Lopez/Favors - Lopez is nice. A top 5-10 center for years to come. But again, Favors is eh. I wasn't sold on him at all coming out of college Gay/Mayo - Mayo has really taken a step back after a STRONG rookie year. Last year was a huge disappointment to me. And Gay is just missing something. He's got all the talent in the world but he just doesn't have it. (Yet anyway) Love/Beasley - Neither of them is going to be the franchise changer that Wall is Rose/Noah - I think Wall will be better than Rose (just as good offensively, better passer) and McGee has the potential to be better than Noah Jennings/Bogut - Wall over Jennings and Bogut is a misstep away from missing a year and a half. McGee has a bigger upside. Yes Durant/Westbrook - I've made my thoughts clear on Durant. And Westbrook is like that. And I think we didn't make a move for Beasley because of character concerns. It wasn't something we needed coming off of Gil's thing. I wanted us to take a shot at him too though. But I gotta say, just cause he's doing things in Minny so far this year, that doesn't mean it would've happened here. A lot of Beasley's issues were work ethic and distractions. Smoking weed, whatever. Minny is about as far away as you can possibly get from Miami. And anywhere else. Beasley is local. Does coming home help him there or hurt him?
  9. I don't know what we could get for him. Right now I don't see a market for him. Down the road, some people get injured, someone thinks he's the missing piece, who knows. And even then, I'm not seeing much outside of maybe some expiring deals. And we've already got some cap space. I've also heard that with the upcoming CBA there might be a repeat of the Allan Houston Rule that was available after the last one. Where you are able to waive one player without it affecting your cap. So as is, you're not going to get anything of value, maybe it's best to hold on to him, see how he develops with Wall and if it's not happening, take advantage of the one time amnesty. Oh and I've already said that there is absolutely nothing--outside of John Wall (and now Javale) blowing out his knee--that is going to get me down this season. That was a tough game and I wish we had won but oh well. I'm still excited.
  10. ****ing Rip Hamilton. This is one of those games that was a blast to watch but when you lose it, you're 10x's angrier. And if you win it, it makes your day...
  11. I think a lot of McGee's thing is him figuring out who he is. What he can do, what he can't do, and focusing and maximizing the good. Playing within himself. Maximizing his natural ability. And he's really exploded with that this year. He still relapses and tries to do too much (like the charge he picked up in the 1st half and that bad pass/turnover he had a few possessions ago). But this year he's slowly putting it all together in front of our eyes. It's awesome. And besides being a lazy, out of shape POS, I think that's Blatches' problem. I have no idea wtf he is thinking half the time. His entire game is like that 35 foot shot that Gilbert just threw up.
  12. Exciting, exciting times. And in the past, I always had this feeling that something bad was going to happen at some point. I'm not feeling that now. Holy **** Charlie V is killing us. WTF was that Gilbert? Goddamn...
  13. Wall is gonna be alright. It's a long season, we aren't doing anything big this year and he is THE franchise. The thing with nothing injuries like he's got, is that your body overcompensates in other areas. So you play with a sprained foot/ankle and you come out with a bad knee, back, achilies, whatever.
  14. McGee is legit. No doubt in my mind anymore. The rookie ref is a disaster.
  15. Gilbert beasting tonight. 13 points, 6 dimes halfway through the 2nd. Wiz up 4.
  16. Wall inactive again. Warmed up with the team and then they scratched him last minute. Really put a damper on my Sunday. He'll be back Tuesday though. I hate Blatche.
  17. Thanks for the gifs SU. Awesome. Hopefully Williams recovers from this. A lot of fighters who get dropped with a punch like that are never the same again (Roy Jones and Jermain Taylor being two).
  18. They spent half of the pre-fight talking about William's chin and how we should buckle down and get ready for a long fight. Then bam, just like that. Awesome, awesome KO. The one replay where Williams' back is to the camera is brutal. You see him land flush on his face and then he's just laying there motionless/lifeless with his eyes wide open.
  19. Holy ****. One of the most viscous KO's I've seen. Someone post that GIF when it drops. The slow motion replays actually take away from just how sick the KO was. It was like a recreation of the Big Bang on Williams chin.
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