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Califan007 The Constipated

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Posts posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. 17 minutes ago, ShredSkins said:

    The hell..."Tribes" is racist? That's a new one to me lol. If a Nation has land in reservation or trust status the state doesnt have much or any power over it, technically its Federal land. This is why Oklahoma Casinos are starting to open and no one can stop them.


    <mod edit ginormous off-topic lure>

  2. 9 minutes ago, goskins10 said:


    The people most forgotten are the workers at those grocery stores and gas stations and elsewhere. Many have no choice. Other peoples carelessness put them in direct danger. It's a callous self-centered act to ignore social distancing for most any reason but certainly just becasue you want to go have fun. 


    At the store I go to, they have plexiglass between the cashiers and the customers, all employees are required to wear masks, they have markings on the floor as to where to stand when in line, The first hour the store is open is only for shoppers 60 years and older, They have a limit on the number of people allowed I the store at one time, they wrapped the debit/credit card payment machine in plastic that gets changed every hour, and about 75% of the shoppers are wearing masks. But there are numerous times when you're definitely within 6 feet of someone, it's almost impossible to avoid.


    But everyone is REALLY courteous lol...never heard so many people say "After you", "no, after you, I insist" in my life.

    5 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

    I would never put it past a hospital to do corrupt things to make more money.  That said, I would never put it past a lot of folks to do lots of things to make things appear the way they would like.  Which is why it's difficult for me to believe any of these #'s we see reported on most anything associated with Covid. 


    But like Plandemic, all the folks touting this stuff never have any proof of the conspiracies they believe in.




    For me it's more the logic (or lack of) behind believing this type of stuff. Like you said, wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out some hospitals ended up attributing some deaths to COVID and being motivated by money when they do...but the idea that it's being done on such a massive scale as to call into question the legitimacy of the COVID death count boggles the mind. And it would be sooooooo damn easy to prove, too lol...

    • Like 2
  3. 12 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

    So does anyone else have 'Plandemic' all over their social media feed?  It's only a few people on mine, but they are going crazy this morning posting it - "this is by real doctors".  The level of mental gymnastics it requires for these folks to fall for this crap is just unreal.  Apparently, Dr. Fauci is an evil genius manipulator, capable of conspiring with the whole world to take down President Trump.  The only reason Facebook and other outlets are taking it down is because they don't want you to know the truth, they are in on it!


    No words.



    My feed has been getting the "Hospitals are counting all deaths as COVID-19 deaths to get more money" tweets lately...thankfully not from anyone I follow but because those I follow end up responding to the nonsense and it gets put on my feed. One woman said she has family members that work at a hospital and since March they were instructed to report all deaths as COVID deaths, and that the actual death total from COVID is much lower than being reported. I said, "So, if you checked the hospital where your family members work, there would be zero deaths recorded from heart disease, cancer, gunshot wounds, car accidents, drug overdoses, etc., and just 100% deaths from COVID?"...she said she didn't know because she doesn't work there lol 😂...




    • Sad 1

    Prince had a series of concerts in London that were $10 bucks a show....I mean, damn lol. At one point, a show was advertised at $70 a ticket and people were lined up around the block ready to buy, and he changed it so that it was back to $10 instead.









    • Like 2
  5. 34 minutes ago, youngestson said:

    The share screen option on Zoom has been very useful to us. The video makes it somehow more clear who is talking. Visuals are often pretty important. 


    31 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


    Not in my line of work.  I've been doing concalls long enough to know that starting a sentence with "This is PB...." solves that problem.  



    I've been using webex and gotomeeting for online meetings for like 12 years. Never needed to see anyone else. Plus, the UI tells you who is talking at any given moment, and we can share our screens to show the interface work we're conducting or the usability test results PPT. We've had a few perspective clients use video on their end to talk to us and it always come across as tacky and unprofessional. Bad lighting, half-drawn horizontal blinds, trash can in the corner, etc, etc...it's distracting, actually. Much prefer talk-only meetings where you just pay attention to what's being said.

    • Like 2
    2 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:

    Cinco de Mayo Menu 

    Frozen Margaritas with Trader Joe's mix

    Grilled black bean & roasted corn quesadilla

    Chicken enchiladas with green enchilada sauce - cooking these on the grill 




    Cinco de Mayo Menu

    Diet Coke

    Microwave popcorn



    • Haha 4
  7. 7 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:



    Status finally changed overnight. Says our funding will be deposited May 6th.


    Fingers crossed, I've got unnecessary things to buy. 


    7 hours ago, KAOSkins said:

    I got that same message today as well.  Baited breath.


    7 hours ago, EmirOfShmo said:

    Same message I got today! Fingers crossed for sure!



    Add me to the club lol.. Actually had a date this time.

  8. 5 hours ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:


    You in Charlotte, NC too dawg?  


    4 hours ago, Mr. Sinister said:

    Last I remembered Cali was way out in San Bernadino


    Hence the name lol...


    But right now I'm stuck in Ohio (I'm really close to my daughter, though, so "stuck" isn't the right word to use there).

    • Like 1
  9. 39 minutes ago, Larry said:


    I would assume it's along the lines of "Number of patients who may or may not have tested positive, but we're treating them like they have it, based on their symptoms."  


    That's a number that's a lot bigger than the "tested positive" number.  But I think @Bacon 's point is that the article is pointing out that the "tested positive" number is going up, but the "being treated like they have it" number is going down.  


    I thought the point @Bacon was making was that since there are empty beds in the hospital, it actually means the strain on hospitals has not gone up even though the number of confirmed COVID cases increased (along with what we can assume would be increases in the ICU and increases in those needing ventilators). People who do not have COVID would rarely require trips to the ICU or to be put on ventilators, I would assume.

  10. 29 minutes ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:


    He was asking if it's against the law to point the gun at someone.  Not if they can open carry.


    Got my threads mixed up lol...I was actually responding to another poster on the COVID thread but assumed the discussion continued over here by mod directive. The other poster said, among other things:


    "I’m sure there is a no weapons law in state houses and any other government building, there are here in Charlotte. Every one of those people armed in that building are breaking the law, and our law enforcement should act accordingly. As was stated, if they were black, you can bet some **** would hit the fan. "


    The Great Buzz responded with "If you are so sure, would you mind providing a link to said law?"


    When I came over here I saw TGB going back and forth with Dat T and just assumed Dan was the one who asked that first question on the other thread...whoops lol.

    1 hour ago, tshile said:

    No. I didn’t. 

    it doesn’t matter why someone would want to do it. They can do it. 


    Then yeah, you missed my point.


    My point was not about gun laws. Whether or not they're allowed to do it is one billion percent irrelevant to the point I was making.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Bacon said:

    I hate selective reporting. 



    This is technically true because they're only measuring positive cases. Deaths aren't counted that way by the CDC though and should not be the way we measure the strain on our hospitals. 




    Suspected COVID-19 cases dropped by 1,850 in April, accounting fully for new subsequent positives, deaths and recoveries. On balance, we have around 800 fewer people in our hospitals with COVID-19 symptoms than we did a month ago. 


    I don't think we should reopen this month, but I don't like misinformation either. 



    What's the point the article is trying to make?...I can't read it without subscribing.


    And would the strain on hospitals be best measured by the number of confirmed COVID cases? It feels like those patients would require the most hospital resources (equipment and human resources).

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