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Califan007 The Constipated

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Posts posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. Just watched The Tale... it's based on a true story and is sometimes an incredibly difficult watch. 😐


    I know people hate the term "trigger" but this movie absolutely deserves a trigger warning in front of it. it's based on a story the director wrote when she was 13 that she claimed at the time was made up but turns out to be true. the movie gives you things from her perspective as a child and as an adult trying to sort through her faulty perspectives and the ways she dealt with everything over the last several decades. Fantastic acting, some surprising directorial decisions that really work, a couple of twists, and a few somewhat generic/cliche moments that end up not really being cliches when you think about it.





  2. 4 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:


    I can't tell where you stand (tough to read sarcasm)...but I really hope that everyone who won't leave their home for months for this virus treat the next emergency similarly. I am NOT discounting the tragedy of any singular death, but it's bizarre to me how COVID deaths are met with people punching a hole in their hats but we don't seem to react this way when the day-to-day things are happening. Should we all lock down this coming winter to avoid even one flu death? Isn't one too many for anyone to selfishly go skiing, head to work, or take their son to his basketball game? 


    There are about 300+ prior posts that could be copied and pasted as a response to what you just wrote here. My only thought is that either you've yet to understand the source of people's concern, or you just don't want to. Not sure what else could be said that would make you (or anyone) say "Oh, ok, I get it now."

    • Like 3
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  3. 2 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:

    I’ll do the math on that video...


    Lets say 80% are young and very low risk.  Other 20% are 45+ and/or have assorted comorbidities.  Let’s say 1500 people in that shot.


    IF, big IF, there are 5 asymptomatic carriers there...cause these folks aren’t completely brain dead.  Nobody is showing up there with a 101 fever, hacking all over the place.  Factor in some breezy sunshine and warm temps.  Then those five will infect say 100 people.  Of that 100, you’ll get 90 that fight it off, 10 that go to the hospital and 2 that die.


    Now that’s not good...at all.  But, it’s not an apocalyptic event as a special occasion/holiday deal...especially if all the attendees spend the next 8-10 days masked up.




    That's not the math, though.


    You don't need 5 asymptomatic carriers...you just need one. Depending on the R-value (which has been reported to be as high as 3 over the last month or so), one person can lead to over 2,000 infected people in just 10 rounds. And the R-value appears to be higher from "superspreading events" like attending churches and nightclubs where people congregate. Only, church services last a few hours and nightclubs one evening. What is going on in the video is something that will last 3 days, increasing the likelihood of transmission.



    By the way, full disclosure...found out last night that my niece and cousin both tested positive COVID-19 about a month ago. They have since recovered and I'm eternally thankful for that. My niece is a scientist, not sure what my cousin is doing now but she used to be with the Obama administration...and both are relatively young. Both became moms last year.

  4. 3 hours ago, Mr. Sinister said:

    He ain't getting reelected.



    3 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:

    DeWine is a good dude, so yeah...He’s probably gonna get “RINO-ed”



    Won't matter...right now he's popular af:


    "Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) is at 80 percent overall, including 92 percent among Democratic leaners and 74 percent among Republican leaners."



    • Like 2
  5. 16 hours ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:

    Fair enough...I would say that it could be used to state that it could be overblown. Simply because, actual cases could be decreasing and we can't determine that. 


    The only way actual cases can decrease is if people start dying or fully recovering at a higher rate than new infections are being detected. The number of new cases per day has gone down for a while, used to have around 33,000 new cases per day, now are around 25,000 per day. So for me anyway, the "more testing = more cases" argument is irrelevant. The "more testing = ability to slow the spread" argument is still strong, though.

  6. Ummmm....




    QAnon follower wins Senate primary in Oregon


    A follower of QAnon, a conspiracy theory that has been spreading from the far fringes of right-wing social media into more mainstream Republican circles, won the Republican primary for U.S. Senate in Oregon Tuesday, crediting fellow followers for her victory.


    “Where we go one, we go all,” said candidate Jo Rae Perkins in a tweet published prior to the results coming in, quoting a popular slogan from the conspiracy theory. “I stand with President Trump, I stand with Q and the team. Thank you Anons, and thank you patriots. Together, we can save our republic.”


    QAnon is a theory built around belief in an international conspiracy of high-ranking government officials to kidnap, abuse, torture and kill children — the delusion under which an armed North Carolina man attempted a rescue mission at a Washington pizzeria in 2016, the baseless Pizzagate conspiracy seen as a precursor to QAnon. President Trump, in the Q worldview, is working behind the scenes to expose and disrupt this conspiracy but has been thwarted by “deep-state” bureaucrats and global elites.









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  7. 55 minutes ago, Hersh said:

    This isn't the right place for a long post, but I reject that America's fall is do to Covid and Trump. That's far to easy as an excuse for all the self-inflicted wounds we have over the years in the name of tax cuts, corporate greed and false claims of religious persecution. 


    Trump's inept and incompetent handling of the pandemic illustrates it 1,000 times better than the things you mentioned, though...

    • Thanks 5
  8. 1 hour ago, Rdskns2000 said:

    If you can wait, wait. 


    58 minutes ago, FanboyOf91 said:

    How bad are you feeling?


    55 minutes ago, killerbee99 said:

    Get it done now with everyone being extra paranoid about the virus, people will be paying extra attention to cleanliness and stuff while things are still available..... If a second wave hits good luck in getting another appt any time soon.... My philosophy is strike while the iron is hot.... Before people forget about you and your issues


    Well, that cleared things right up, didn't it lol...

    • Haha 2
  9. 16 hours ago, PokerPacker said:

    Almost didn't click because of the preview image which is clearly hollywood.

    That last punch was savage.


    You could see he tried talking **** to her, too, right before she threw that last punch lol...

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