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Califan007 The Constipated

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Posts posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. 31 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

    It's dreadful. Makes you delirious. (I admit, I read about it in the John Grisham novel "The Testament", and I've read it many times. ) He is usually awesome with real, true details.

    I'll be keeping good thoughts for your brother. 



    7 minutes ago, Wildbunny said:

    Not good at all.

    It's another freaking ****.


    Hopefully your brother will get out of this but it's gonna be tough. I really feel for you and him mate...:(



    Thanks, both...this is from his email after my sister suggested we do a Zoom chat.. which now has me seriously concerned:


    “I am in not so good shape. I see the doctor again tomorrow morning to figure out what is going on because I have new and continued symptoms. Sitting up and talking is/would be tiring. I have no energy -- weak.
    I've chronic diarrhea, dry mouth 24/7 for 10 days, skin rash, no appetite, everything tastes funny (lost 10 pounds), poor standing tolerance, same with walking.. Have to rest now because of the effort to do this email.”

    • Sad 3
  2. 4 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


    Ya, I think there's some correlation to his disintegrating support among seniors.  It's hard to scoff at this when there's a ventilator down your throat versus someone else.


    If anyone has or had an elderly parent or loved one that they took care of, they know that the elderly consider their physicians to be gods...they will listen to their doctors more than they will listen to their family lol...


    Trump deciding to speak about health issues in ways that are contrary to every senior's personal doctor probably did him no favors.

    • Like 3
  3. Mirren nearly as good in Caligula, though (well, Caligula was awful in its own right lol).


    I completely forgot that Patrick Stewart and Liam Neeson were both in Excalibur as well. Excalibur was like the Game Of Thrones for 14-year-olds back then lol...

    • Like 1
  4. 22 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

    Excalibur is probably the greatest movie of all time.  Also, it’s super corny and kinda terrible.


    Absolutely yes to both of these lol...


    Helen Mirren stood out like a sore thumb, though...both because she was easily the best actor on the screen, and it wasn't even close, and because she was pretty sexy.






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    • Haha 1
    15 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:


    Some folks like that thin, spidery thing.  Some folks not as much.


    For me, I like some waggle.  Lynda Carter still looks outrageous for 67.




    For me, it's Helen Mirren...mad crush on her ever since Excaliber.









    • Like 4
  6. 8 hours ago, Bacon said:


    Everyone was mocking the IHME model until it started to change course. I can't take it seriously any more today than I could then.


    Meanwhile, the US reported more recoveries than new cases for the first time in the entire pandemic


    Deaths also dropped by 30% from where they were last Tuesday. 


    To me, this makes no sense.


    It was incredibly easy to tell that the IHME model was WAYYYYYYYYY off in its predictions, which played a gigantic role in any ridicule the model received. We were sitting at around 60,000 deaths at the end of April and IHME was still predicting 74,000 deaths by August 4th? Seriously? Yes, there was a range from like 56,000 to 200,000 or whatever the numbers were, but government policy was being formed based on the actual predicted number and not the range. And that number has gone from 60K to 74K to 137K to 147K in about 3 weeks. Meanwhile, epidemiologists who were already predicting 150K or more deaths 3 weeks ago were criticized for fear-mongering.


    The reason these latest predictions aren't ridiculed is that they seem far more realistic. The more realistic the prediction, the less ridicule. The methodology IHME uses may have changed to those used by most epidemiologists, which if so would explain the rapid change in predictions. I'm hoping you're not suggesting that people are wanting to believe the worse or are being manipulated into it which has lead to ridiculing more positive predictions. That would be incredibly shallow thinking.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, Larry said:

    No, Trump is not sitting in a White House dungeon, playing a pipe organ while chortling over the latest death statistics.  


    (Although I wouldn't be completely shocked if, say, Paul Ryan wasn't looking at "if Covid kills off half of the nursing home population of the country, imagine how much that will cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.")


    Yes, I think it's a complete fact that his reaction to all this is "Why is this happening to me?"  That his concern at every single point in this process has been 


    1)  How to keep it from hurting his reelection.

    2)  And opportunities for corruption.  


    The only way "reducing deaths" is even on his list at all, is if he thinks it might contribute to #1.  



    I also think it's just a headshaking level of ignorance, both willful and innate. He doesn't understand and purposefully doesn't want to know.


    That, plus Trump appears to have a conspiracy theorist's mindset anyway...no matter how many valid and proven facts you present a conspiracy theorist, they will rationalize it away in order to continue believing what they believe and stay the course.

    • Like 4
  8. 17 minutes ago, ShredSkins said:

    The hell..."Tribes" is racist? That's a new one to me lol. If a Nation has land in reservation or trust status the state doesnt have much or any power over it, technically its Federal land. This is why Oklahoma Casinos are starting to open and no one can stop them.


    <mod edit ginormous off-topic lure>

  9. 9 minutes ago, goskins10 said:


    The people most forgotten are the workers at those grocery stores and gas stations and elsewhere. Many have no choice. Other peoples carelessness put them in direct danger. It's a callous self-centered act to ignore social distancing for most any reason but certainly just becasue you want to go have fun. 


    At the store I go to, they have plexiglass between the cashiers and the customers, all employees are required to wear masks, they have markings on the floor as to where to stand when in line, The first hour the store is open is only for shoppers 60 years and older, They have a limit on the number of people allowed I the store at one time, they wrapped the debit/credit card payment machine in plastic that gets changed every hour, and about 75% of the shoppers are wearing masks. But there are numerous times when you're definitely within 6 feet of someone, it's almost impossible to avoid.


    But everyone is REALLY courteous lol...never heard so many people say "After you", "no, after you, I insist" in my life.

    5 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

    I would never put it past a hospital to do corrupt things to make more money.  That said, I would never put it past a lot of folks to do lots of things to make things appear the way they would like.  Which is why it's difficult for me to believe any of these #'s we see reported on most anything associated with Covid. 


    But like Plandemic, all the folks touting this stuff never have any proof of the conspiracies they believe in.




    For me it's more the logic (or lack of) behind believing this type of stuff. Like you said, wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out some hospitals ended up attributing some deaths to COVID and being motivated by money when they do...but the idea that it's being done on such a massive scale as to call into question the legitimacy of the COVID death count boggles the mind. And it would be sooooooo damn easy to prove, too lol...

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