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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. "I brought unemployment among blacks to an all-time low...plus also, hey, I did that one thing for the black colleges. Nobody had ever done anything for black colleges and I did it, but the fake news media doesn't talk about it." Or something like that there.
  2. I (obviously) didn't see this because I don't watch any right-wing propaganda outlets...but if you haven't seen it, it's a doozy lol...(video is queued up)
  3. Also, the Katie Britt parody videos are overflowing on Twitter right now lol...SNL is gonna be late to the party in that regard, but will probably be the funniest.
  4. The...what? lol And I'm not at all surprised she took something that actually happened, and presented it in a false way for political purposes. A lot of MAGA types on Twitter have been doing this--presenting events that happened years ago as if they are happening now, and sometimes that they are happening to them specifically. I enjoy hunting down the truth behind those stories and responding to those tweets with what I find. This guy did an outstanding job.
  5. Biden campaign notches best fundraising day during State of the Union, announces new battleground state swing https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2024/03/08/biden-campaign-notches-best-fundraising-day-during-sotu-as-it-looks-to-take-his-message-out-on-the-road President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign announced Friday that it had notched record fundraising figures in the hours during and after his State of the Union address. On Friday, the campaign announced Biden’s high-stakes election-year address powered its best fundraising day since the incumbent president kicked off his reelection bid nearly a year ago. Biden’s team first logged its most lucrative single hour from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Thursday – an hour that included the president’s entrance into the House chamber and the first half hour of his speech. The record was broken in the 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. hour and then again from 11 p.m. to midnight, the campaign told reporters on a call Friday.
  6. "Charlie Kirk, founder of the far-right Turning Point USA youth group, said: “I’m sure Katie Britt is a sweet mom and person, but this speech is not what we need. Joe Biden just declared war on the American right and Katie Britt is talking like she’s hosting a cooking show, whispering about how Democrats ‘dont get it’.” That pointed to widespread confusion over the setting for such a figure to give such an important speech: a kitchen. Kirk asked followers if they liked the speech. Blue-ticked conservative verdicts included “Man, it was so disappointing”, “No, very babysitter-reading-a-bedtime story-like”, “way too dramatic”, and “the up and down emotion was bizarre”. ********* “No one was surprised that [Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell’s handpicked senator resonated so poorly with the base,” said a source close to Trump, who requested anonymity for similar reasons. (Britt is a favorite of McConnell, which has made Trumpworld suspicious.) “But her performance was the stuff of nightmares and people were surprised by that,” they continued. Julia Ioffe, Washington correspondent for Puck News, said: “Imagine you’re sleeping over at a friend’s house and you get up in the middle of the night to pee and you hear a weird sound so you follow it to the kitchen, where your friend’s mom is drunk, crying, and rambling about the national debt. Those are the vibes from Katie Britt right now.” ************ "Shannon Watts highlighted a darker side to Britt’s performance, as expressed in a particularly lurid passage. With wavering voice, the senator described meeting a migrant woman who she said described being “sex trafficked by the cartels starting at the age of 12” and who, Britt said, spoke of being repeatedly raped “on a mattress in a shoebox of a room”. Watts said: “Senator Katie Britt says sexual assault is the worst thing that can happen to a woman while encouraging Americans to vote for a convicted sexual predator.”
  7. My assumption is that the rebuttals are recorded before the SOTU even starts. It's a bunch of generic talking points and criticisms of the president, regardless of what he actually says in his speech. So it's not a true rebuttal, more like a really, really short alternate State Of The Union speech. And this one sucked eggs.
  8. If going by Twitter, the only criticisms MAGA can muster at the moment are: - Biden pronounced Laken Riley's name as "Lincoln Riley" - Nobody will remember anything Biden said tonight, they will only be talking about how amped up he seemed I haven't seen anything else yet.
  9. No real change for me, but I will admit I was wrong...he absolutely did better than "just fine."
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