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Posts posted by d0ublestr0ker0ll

  1. Just now, Captain Wiggles said:

    10% of his episodes not 10 total. 😉


    Yup ol Misinformation Rogan. What's Lowell from Wings think about the budget deficit? Or the trade gap? Now there was a REAL TV handyman. Handsome yet masculine. 

    Ok, 10%.




    Good lord.


    You won't turn me off with the smart ass talk.


    Rogan brings in Navy Seals, Army Rangers, Naval Commanders, Astronauts, Quantum Physicists, and holds a 3 hour convo with them perfectly.


    Those 10%, that were cancelled, are due to witch hunting.  Let them be aired.

  2. 1 minute ago, Captain Wiggles said:

    Canceled?  Lol nope Joe Rogan still has a podcast on Spotify. They just removed certain episodes probably for liability reasons. Which is why I use Tidal now instead of Spotify. 😝


    The 10 or so Podcasts were cancelled.


    Not his entire podcast.


    Because he brings legends in.  And they jive with him.


    No passive aggression, like this forum.

    • Haha 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


    Yup. That's why spotify had to pull like 10% of his podcasts. 👋 


    So Cancelled.




    Who the **** is the guy I've seen posted?


    Tucker Carlson?  Never seen his shows.  Not one.

    • Haha 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Captain Wiggles said:


    Hes returned with a toxic male joe rogan/trump inspired troll shtick. 🤭


    Love how you connect Rogan and Trump.  A free-speaking, have anybody on his podcast guy, to a dictator.  Ok.

  5. Just now, The Almighty Buzz said:


    You talk to everyone like ****.  Don't know what changed because I don't think you were always like this.  But maybe you should look in the mirror before commenting about how others talk down to you.


    Oh please.  I'm presenting a mirror to you all.  Didn't you say some **** in the Stadium a few months ago, that pissed everybody off?


    Maybe you were right.  Maybe you were wrong.  Maybe you could adjust your comment, in retrospect.


    In any event, I was surprised you didn't get banned.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Captain Wiggles said:

    Mayhaps you're on a message board. Reading what someone took the time to post is kinda how this works. 


    Ah God, you had me until here.


    The ease of being condecending on the internet is killing fluid conversation.  No need to talk down to me.  Aka be a smart ass.


    If you want **** to get fixed, stop loading your messages with condecending tones and messages.


    Wish that would happen on all platforms.

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, LadySkinsFan said:


    It's been explained already. Either read it or stay uninformed.


    Alright, I'll go back and read it.


    Having to explain your stance thru passive aggressive diatribes and dismissal will not fix anything.  Trust me.


    I'll be back.

  8. Just now, Captain Wiggles said:


    Actually @bearrock did a really good job explaining it on the previous page.


    Care to answer my question? 


    That you take funds...


    Away from the police...


    Is there some kind of backroom sorcery going on?


    Why do I have to read a block of text for the explanation?


    You yell - DEFUND THE POLICE.

  9. 5 hours ago, bearrock said:


    When has anyone raised an issue with justified use of force?  Body cam doesn't prohibit officers from justified force.  If anything, it would empower them as there would be video evidence of the justification.


    I'm raising the issue.


    Because there are thousands of examples, now on video, of Cops desperately trying to be great at their jobs.


    Getting murdered themselves in doing so.


    Desperately trying to talk a perp out of their manic episode.  Using tasers and bean bags.


    Until they have to go to sleep every night reliving the time their partner was killed because of x,y,z.  Or they had to kill the perp.  PTSD.


    Let's defund them.

  10. 1 minute ago, 86 Snyder said:

    See, that’s why I didn’t answer the question.  You just want to talk about 72 things at once.


    Man, just asking a question.  I think you're trying to paint my enquiry in to something else.


    All good.

  11. Just now, The Evil Genius said:


    I cwnt help but wonder if that person who shot his doctor and others in Tulsa could have been stymied by a cooling off/waiting period. Buying a AR and using it that same day to commit mass murder can't look good for the pro-gun lobby. 


    As an aside, getting away from medicinal use only for Marijuana might have also been effective here if the guy was truly in pain as alleged. Not sure what the State laws are in Oklahoma, but some medicinal use only states can be quite overly restrictive in who is eligible (and also punitive towards dispensaries). 


    Word.  My first thought is - he was exacting revenge.  Good guns here are too easy to get.  I do think he lost his mind.  Which is what I'm afraid of for the entire society.  I see so many people that I wish I could help.

  12. Just now, Ball Security said:

    Let’s ask the Uvalde brethren.  Or the Parkland SRO.


    So if we want secret service level investigation, on top of those operations, so to speak...we need more intel and money put in to it.


    Same with what just happened in my city.  Tulsa, 4 people got shot up at a hospital.


    What is your solution?

  13. 1 minute ago, 86 Snyder said:


    1- You have a tendency to write incomplete sentences that can’t be directly interpreted.


    2- ”I have no actual reply so I will change the conversation”


    3- ”I still have no actual reply so instead I will make up a scenario and shift the burden to someone else”


    Answer the last question.

  14. 3 minutes ago, 86 Snyder said:

    Want to criticize healthcare?  Why don’t you become a doctor


    Want to criticize gun laws?  Why don’t you learn everything about guns


    Want to criticize the judicial system?  Why don’t you become a judge


    Want to criticize overpriced repair work?  Why don’t you become a mechanic


    Want to criticize policy?  Why don’t you run for office


    Want to criticize the Fed?  Why don’t you become an economist


    This line of reasoning is juvenile, impossible in practicality, and point blank stupid.


    Snowball that effect.


    The point is, cops have to go through incredibly tough moments every day.  Any moment, someone could whip out a handgun like Doc Holliday.


    Let me ask you a direct question, if a person was threatening your - or anyone's life you are serving to - do you shoot them, or let them carry out the deed?

  15. 3 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

    Heroes are for children. 

    Most basic, condecending comment of all time.  I said they are heroic. Keep lowering yourself, and following the zombies, Cleitoras.

    • Haha 1
  16. Just now, Renegade7 said:


    The majority of them have never fired there gone, I'm really tired of automatically giving them the hero label when like has been noted too many of them turn a blind eye to the bad cops.  Good cops even say that, comes with the territory, unions are too powerful as well.


    Couple starters that will help, bodycams have to be madatory in ever jurisdiction, disabling while working is a fireball offense, and police testimony no longer gets this "unquestionable" treatment like its a different type of evidence jus because they are saying it.  If they don't have physical evidence and their body came is off, it's hearsay as far as I'm concerned now.



    It sounds like all of you are adamantly against calling a huge amount of cops heroic.




    Then why don't you get out there?


    Very easy to Siskel and Ebert that ****.


    Yes, there is corruption in every realm of everything.


    Don't demonize the real mfs.  Sad.


    Funny thing, they don't care if you care or not.

    • Thumb down 1
  17. Just now, Renegade7 said:


    I see...you mean he planted drugs in your car while pointing his body cam away from what he was doing?


    This is to your point about body cams, they aren't mandatory everywhere yet and they aren't full proof either.


    Ok, I hear your point.


    So what is your solution?


    No, I was trying to help him as he shined a flashlight around my apartment building.  He said he thought I had a "angry tone".  He was looking for trouble.


    I asked for all of his info.  He was "Sgt. Smith"  and dipped fast.


    I had his name, I HAD HIS ASS.


    Look, my point is, there are SO MANY COPS THAT ARE GREAT.


    Putting their hearts and livelihoods out there.  The majority of them.  They shoot and kill somebody, perhaps get shot themselves...


    And this is what I hear.

    • Haha 1
  18. 4 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

    The more cameras there are the more bad cops there seems to be.


    Yeah?  Have to tried to compare the amount to the good cops?


    Namely the ones who beg the perp to stop wailing a weapon desperately?  Only to have PTSD for the rest of their lives?

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