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Posts posted by d0ublestr0ker0ll

  1. 8 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

    Yeah, she's spiking a little high, so we're gonna take the dosage up 1/2 unit.  I'm picking her up at 5, and she'll be shaved under her chin (she's a long-hair, and hasn't been grooming like she used to, so we're getting that taken care of.) 

    This is gonna cost some serious dough. 


    Ahg.  Sorry to hear all that.


    Glad she's coming home though.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 50 minutes ago, The Almighty Buzz said:



    I didn't care for COD in the past.  Seemed like the players were always too much run n gun.  And used sniper rifles like shot guns.  I hated that.



    Ahhhh...the days when we complained about that.  😊😊😊

  3. 40 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

    I'm old...refresh my memory. 


    Already not looking good, got a call while I was in the grocery store on the way home.  I left without getting half of the stuff on my list. 



    Glucose checkup is no big deal, and a stay at the hospital is no big deal.  I know it's stressful for the parent.  Don't worry about it.


    The assessment is perhaps another story, although I will say that diabetes is rare to take a cat if you keep up with the insulin.


    It's almost always an organ failure.

  4. So sad.


    COD was clearly the king, and Battlefield was a tasteful side offering.


    The craziest part...


    We used to complain about certain weapons, perks, maps.


    We didn't appreciate what we had.

  5. 5 minutes ago, The Almighty Buzz said:

    So I know the latest Battlefield and COD games aren't popular but which is the least worse?  I haven't played any FPS in years and want to try out the new tech.  I used to be a Battlefield fan but the new one looks set in the future and I usually don't care for games that feel too "futuristic".


    Battlefield crapped the bed.


    COD pisses the bed routinely.


    Listen to Taze.  Go with RB6S

  6. 12 hours ago, FootballZombie said:


    They want you to associate it with the previous MW2


    Then some of the warm fuzzies people feel for that game, will rub off on this game before you get your hands on it.


    People put a lot of stock into their initial reaction to things, and if your first reaction to the new MW2 is to tether it to the old MW2, then your first thought is of linking the new game to something that is of known high quality. It inserts a connection of quality into your subconscious.


    Since a lot of the CODs of late have been lacking, thins allows them to make sure you focus on linking it to the old MW2 and not any of the recent CODs.



    It is a similar psychological tactic as saying "from the people who brought you X" at the start of a trailer. You link positivity before you are even exposed to the product and that has great impact on the patron.


    I get it, but how many people are going to come back after 3 years of horrible games, because the title is the exact same as a classic?


    Let's release The Godfather 2.


    I'm sure it will be just as good, if not better than the original.


    Who thinks that way!?!?


    This isn't even a remaster of the original.


    What they want to do, is sell the game to scrubs.  SBMM makes the scrubs think they are good, so they buy all the microtransactions crap in order to look cool.  Makes more money for Activision.  They sold out.


    Meanwhile, these people paying their bills are a 0.5 K/D players if it were the old days.


    The biggest problem with these games is SBMM.


    All the enthusiastic players, who used to play the game...have been abandoned.  Because Activision knows we like to earn our rewards, not buy them.

  7. Just now, Captain Wiggles said:


    Uh huh totes not condecending at all tho right bro? 🤭


    Your troll powers are weak old man. :runlukerun:


    Ain't trolling.


    If you destroy me, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


    Love you, @Cliteras.

    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Captain Wiggles said:


    I think David Crosby is a footnote in music history. 


    Neil Young is the Godfather of Grunge.


    How many musical genres are you the Godfather of? 😉



    See?  Conscending.


    How does that help?


    Grunge is pathetic music.  Is there a song that goes over 5 minutes, or doesn't complain about their life?


    ****boy music.


    How did we get in to this.

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


    What are some things, and or stuff, society has "got backwards" in your opinion? 


    You think Crosby is the ****.


    And you think Tool and Rogan has it all wrong.


    That is my gripe.

    • Haha 1
  10. Just now, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

    Neil Young is the ****.


    Mods, can we cancel d0ublestr0ker0ll now please?


    Oh wow.


    He's Benny Goodman.

    Just now, Captain Wiggles said:

    Yeah who could forget all those great hits by David Crosby topping the charts. 


    You know who my biggest musical influence is? David Crosby. 


    Said by literally nobody ever. 🤣

    Ok, there is a rivalry there, fair play.

  11. Just now, Captain Wiggles said:


    Why? It's a free market. I can choose where and how I spend my money. 


    For example Spotify chose to side with Joe Rogan and his dumbass fake news podcast over NEIL ****ING YOUNG. 🤣


    So I chose to cancel my subscription. Took my business to a competitor. Nothing wrong or alarming about that. It's my choice as a consumer. 🖖




    You chose Neil Young, who is a basic poet, and very basic music composer...over 3 hour podcasts with Joe interviewing geniuses.


    Neil Young was the weakest part of CSNY.

    • Haha 1
  12. Just now, Captain Wiggles said:


    Which one?


    Cancelled. 🙄


    The word is fired. That place was a haven for sexual assault. 


    Was it Dan Snyder?


    Ok, maybe this guy was fired for real ****.  Cancelled might be the wrong word.  Cancelling is real. Real in a very alarming way.


    Orielly.  That dumb prick.

  13. Just now, 86 Snyder said:

    Who is this guy I don’t know?  Is it this guy I

    know?  But don’t know?



    I know his name, but never seen his diatribes.  Honestly.  I quit Fox news and CNN news over a decade ago.  All propaganda to separate all of us.  For money via commercials.  Who was the old ****, who got cancelled from Fox News?

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