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Everything posted by Skinsfan1311

  1. I've tried the Octoberfest on draft, and in bottles, and thought it tasted like sour Yuengling, but I'm probably not a good judge, as I'm not a fan of any Octoberfest beer. I'm serious about using it for cooking. I was gifted a sampler, that included some type of fruity beer. (Cherry Wheat?) I used it to make some kick-ass beer-battered onion rings, zucchini & squash. I used the black lager to cook up some fried catfish and it turned out great!
  2. Use them to make beer batter for onion rings, or fish & chips. With the exception of the Boston Lager, and one of the porters, I'm not a big fan of Sam Adam's.
  3. LOL! Agreed. Loose Cannon is my favorite. The "problem" is the ABV. 7.25% is a tad high, especially since the majority of my beer glasses are pints. I still drink Loose Cannon, but I buy it by the six-pack. I was pleasantly surprised on Saturday night. We went to Armadillo's,(in Annapolis), and they had Clipper City Beers on tap. Loose Cannon and Winter Storm. The Hop Devil is fantastic beer and, with an ABV of around 6.7%, it's a little less high octane. If they could put all of the flavor of a Loose Cannon, in a lower ABV beer, I would buy it. The only thing close, IMHO, is Duclaws Brewing Co. Hellrazer or Venom. They're 6.2% & 5.6% respectively. They're both hoppy,(though not as hopped up as Loose Cannon), I prefer Hellrazer because of the bitterness, and the lower ABV. They also use a different style of hops, that makes the Hellrazer more refreshing. If you're a hophead, you can't go wrong with any of the above.
  4. I just tapped a keg of Victory Hop Devil a couple of weeks ago. It does have a relatively high ABV of 6.7%, but it's so flavorful, that you don't even notice it. It's actually replaced Clipper City's Loose Cannon as my "house" beer. Everytime this thread is resurrected, I feel like having a beer.....
  5. I'm having a Flying Dog Gonzo Porter, right now. It's pretty good stuff.
  6. Carlos Rodgers gonna have an INT. Malcomb Kelly gonna have a TD. Let's ride this wave of good krama and cheer the maroon & black to the paloffs!!!!!
  7. Agreed. I picked up a sixer of the Torpedo 2 weeks ago and was very pleasantly surprised. The guy at the liquor store told me that it was tough to come by around because Sierra Nevada had to get combined orders for at least 1000 cases, or they wouldn't ship any of it to MD. I went back, this past Friday, and it was all gone:mad: I knew I should've snagged a case of it.
  8. Agreed. I'm a hop-head and I think it's very, very overrated. The 60 & 90 minute IPA's are much better. The problem with the 120 minute IPA is that it's a sledghammer of the wrong kind of hops. It's just not that good. It's bitter, but not in a good way. At $10.00 a bottle, it's a rip-off. If you want a sledgehammer of good hops, try the Clipper City Big DIPA. It's a limited edition bottling. They're sold in 22oz bottles and they cost $5.99. With an ABV of 10%, it can definitely kick your ass. If you can't find it, try the Clipper City's Loose Cannon, and IPA with big time hop flavor. Gotta be careful with this one too, as it has an ABV of 7.25%
  9. Agreed. The correct handling and storage of beer is very important. Given that many "craft" beers average around $10.00 a six-pack, poor handling and storage is inexcusable. Fresh beer is best, that's why I insist on a newly filled keg when I buy. I know it sounds strange, but if you're not drinking the beer out of a glass,(blasphemy!), then at least wipe the rim of the bottle off, to get rid of the skunked residue that was trapped under the cap when it was bottled. Believe it or not, that makes a big difference.
  10. That's not you imagination. There is definitely a difference between fresh draft beer, and beer out of a bottle. Draft beer is the best. It's even better, when the beer is dispensed out of this: (please ignore the Budweiser sign....only microbrews get tapped at my house;))
  11. Ahhh...a fellow hop-head! Loose Cannon is one of my all-time favorites. I think it's better than the Dogfish 60, 90 & 120 minute IPA's. Clipper City managed to give you all of the hop goodness, while keeping the flavor crisp and clean. I used to keep it on tap but, with an ABV of around 7.25%, it's not a good session beer. I found a good alternative. DuClaw's Hellrazer. It has enough bitterness to keep the hop-head in me happy and, with an ABV of 6.2%, I can drink several pints and still stand up. It's become my "house" beer. If you like the Loose Cannon, then I suggest trying Yards IPA. It's brewed in Philly, (I know:doh:), but it's an excellent IPA. My son's girlfriend goes to Philly every couple of months and she picks me up a case each time.
  12. Great choice! My favorite Clipper City beer is the Loose Cannon.
  13. Not a big fan of stouts. Harp & Newcastle are decent beers, but Asahi? Seriously?? I believe that the main ingredient in that is Thai piss. Fixed if for you.
  14. I'm a beer geek. I keep a keg of micro-brew on tap at the house at all time. I learned to appreciate good beer when my Dad was stationed in Europe, in the late 70's/early 80's. Back then, we primarily drank Becks, Lowenbrau, Peroni & Nastro Azurro, all on draft. When we travelled to Germany, we drank whatever the locals drank, which was usually some no-name beer in brown liter bottles. That being said, I hate Guiness. I've tried it several times and it continues to disappoint. It's feels very flat on the palate and tastes watered down. If you want to try a stout, go for one that has flavor, like "Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout" or Clipper City's "Peg Leg Stout". Try a lighter, flavorful beer, like Clipper City Gold Ale, or even Lowenbrau. Your best bet is to try a local brewpub, and ask for small samples. Good luck!
  15. I don't understand..they're 12 oz bottles...but if you consider 12 oz beers small....then....:notworthy
  16. That stuff ain't too bad.....but if you truly like the Barleywine style, you need to get your hands on some Clipper City "Below Decks" The '08 is out now, but you need to lay it down for a year to truly enjoy it. If you can get your hands on any of this stuff, especially the '06, (of which I have a few bottles left), or the '07, not only will you thank me later, you will probably worship me too! It's available for a very short time, in limited supply, and I was fortunate to snag another cse of the '07 a couple of weeks ago. These are best enjoyed on a cold winter night, with a roaring fire going on in the fireplace and nothing to do, which is probably a wise choice, given the 10% ABV.....
  17. It's around $9.00 a six-pack around here, (Baltimore area).
  18. It's true. That's because of the thin film of beer left on the mouth of the bottle during crowning (capping), process. It was exposed to air and trapped beneath the cap. The film is stale and has a noticeable off taste. You can taste for yourself. Open a bottle of beer, and take a sip. Then do the same thing with another bottle of the same beer, but wipe off the mouth of the bottle, before you sip. Big difference. Using a glass also allows the beer to release more aroma and flavor. Truthfully, the best beer is fresh draft, as long as it's stored at the correct pressure and temperature and dipensed through clean lines. You know what else? Cans are better than bottles for storing beer......
  19. Draft (I keep a keg tapped at all times ) Foreign & Domestic (as in craft brews..can't do Bud/Coors/Miller/Yuengling, etc) Drinking temp depends on the beer. I prefer stouts in the mid-40's. I typically keep ales,(and the occasional lager), on tap and the beer temp at the faucet is exactly 38 degrees, which is how I like it for those styles. For those cold winter nights I enjoy a good Barleywine. I take the bottle out of the fridge and let it sit on the counter for 15-20 minutes before I pour it in the glass. Do I sound like a beer snob? It's because I am.
  20. Taken from "A few pics from the Vikings ES/RR tailgate" thread
  21. ....it's been a while....I'll let you guess which game this was taken at
  22. I don't think that they're big football fans Yeah...dat's a boo-boo...but it's all better now!
  23. ..not exactly representing...but...after Mrs. Skinsfan & the Skins..getting ready to do what I love the most...I believe that this will be my last post in this thread for a while...a little Skinsfan1311 goes a long way! BEAT DALLAS!!....
  24. Me & Mrs Skinsfan....representing in Cozumel.....this past summer....
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