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Everything posted by ntotoro

  1. Danny Boy wound up looking worse in the end, even if he thought he was doing a pre-emptive strike on LaFemina. What wound up getting out was that Brian was fired after less than a year once he told Danny why fans weren’t coming to the games. The only way this situation will improve is for “The Shield” to step in and force him to sell. Makes me appreciate Gibbs 2.0 even more. Danny will never learn.
  2. If anything, it's interesting to see that you have a left-wing outlet (Post) and right-wing outlet (Daily Caller), which is the definition of balance. Look... everyone hates Dan Snyder.
  3. Sadly, yes, he will be. Seriously? That's what you're worried about?
  4. Loss of draft picks and keeping Danny punishes the fans more than anyone else. Danny can shrug it off and say "Oh, alright... " knowing he keeps the team. He's gotta go... and I mean GO
  5. Hopefully not a follow-up to the Albert Haynesworth sex tape, which I’m guessing involves a lot of salted, cured meats, a la George Costanza.
  6. I think the point is all the hubbub about “They’re doing this because of the name” is just convenient window dressing.
  7. The ROI certainly is pretty bad and it still wouldn't be the worst business venture Dan Snyder enacted... 😄
  8. I think that's just how bad ownership, the FO coaching and even players have been. The toxicity has even spread to the fanbase. This all starts with the owner, what kind of a piece of excrement Danny is and what he had allowed to occur in this organization.
  9. Snider is being a bit dramatic here. The media flies off the handle with unsubstantiated stories and rumor on a daily basis and covers it with “anonymous sources” or doesn’t even bother covering themselves. Sometimes they get busted with huge payouts, but money fixes it all. Bezos has lawyers... good ones.
  10. Doesn’t that involve draft picks as punishment? It has already been said there are no draft picks involved. Which hire would it be? Not Rivera, whose mere interview supposedly checked that box.
  11. Because media outlets just never throw unsubstantiated crap out there or drive narratives, only to pay millions in restitution later. They neeeeeeever do that... 😆
  12. How well has Danny being a fan worked for the team either on or off the field? I’d be ok with that if they were on rollerskates... 😆
  13. I’m going to assume this isn’t the sad and disappointing news since I’m not exactly crying over it.
  14. There has to be something legal involved and something really, really bad. The way the media these days doesn’t look before leaping... even when it costs them over $250m after the fact... this has to be something bad. I could very well be wrong about this being something we’ve already heard before.
  15. When has Snyder not done that? That’s why part of me thinks this is going to wind up being something we’ve already known. Danny piles up on his people, the media piles up on Danny and so this goes until he either dies or sells the team. The guy is the common denominator for foolishness.
  16. Never have I been so dismayed at being right and even that basically only scratched the surface. Also makes you wonder why something wasn’t done sooner.
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