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Everything posted by RWJ

  1. No other route to go. We have to.
  2. Not directed at you, clskinsfan. Watched their Pro Days and Maye outperformed Daniels, hands down. If the viewer is being honest. Daniels had big time problems with the deep ball. Maye has his issues too but was more accurate, especially with the deep ball and most throws and threw more balls. Why doing I say throwing more balls is important? Because there is more chance for error that the media could have nailed him on and he didn't. He nailed it! Others here have mentioned this, you see a QB that has had 3 more years of playing time vs. the other and if you were to add those three years onto Maye he might, I say might rank higher than Daniels and a bit higher at this time.
  3. No knock-on Peters but we used to be ILB starved or just LB starved and now we don't have a starting OT on this team, LT or RT. Peters I have to guess it going to know it out of the part after the first pick in the draft with our bookends. I would certainly hope so.
  4. Split crowed here on Daniels/Maye. 1. It's lying season still up till draft day. I think it's Maye all the way. JMO. 2. Will be disappointed if he's not the pick. Daniel's crowd will feel the same way. I get it.
  5. Read you loud and clear but when your selected at #2 I think the draft should start right away.
  6. So coach Kelly says in a video that JD is the maaaan! Ok, well now we have this little bitty. Washington Commanders: Rick Spielman thinks Maye goes ahead of Daniels (usatoday.com) Ricky is being asked the question:
  7. That's why the name fits: Extreme! Definition by Merriam-Webster: excessive, exorbitant, immoderate, and inordinate
  8. I'm just hoping that Morgan is there at #36 when we pick.
  9. Two things. Might not be anything and probably not. (1) JJ McCarthy was the only player we took out to dinner before his Pro Day. (2) He was the first interview we had at the Combine. Seems kind of strange we didn't take out Daniels or Maye. Maybe they didn't want to be dined. Yes, that's it.
  10. I know a lot of people won't like this but wouldn't you say that JJ had the best Pro Day throwing? I am a Drake Maye fan.
  11. Your dreaming bro. That isn't happening. You may ask for that but they'll laugh in your face. You start high. yes and end up pretty close, I think of what I stated. I did say a little more with my specifics too. Bottom line we aren't trading the pick.
  12. Yep, Pierce is enamored with him. We won't but their 2024 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 2025 1st for our 2nd and possibly more.
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