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Everything posted by PleaseBlitz

  1. "You paper hanging hun **********" :laugh:
  2. I will take the bet Herrmag, what the ****, why not? 1 week?
  3. Anyone going to a local bar to watch this? I will probably be up at Baileys in Arlington. For my picks, i will take Daddy and Gonzaga.
  4. Does Jen seem like the handy type to you? :laugh:
  5. Any ideas on how to go about this? You say shut off the water AND disconnect the water. I know to turn off the knob behind the toilet, is there something else too?
  6. Ok, so i cant believe this ****ing happened. Halftime of the GLORIOUS Skins Dallas game i go to the bathroom to expel some used beers. I finish, flush, and bump a bottle of hair crap into the bowl. It was PERFECTLY timed. The NANOSECOND the bottle hit the water, the water went down the tube, taking the bottle with it. I still cant believe it freaking happened. I tried to reach down and retrieve it, but i cant get to it. Now im scared to :toilet: in my toilet. How the hell do i get that thing out of there?
  7. I think GSP would annihilate Fitch. I would root for Fitch, but i dont think he's on the same level as frenchy.
  8. I agree. Should be a hell of a night. Ive never seen Wanderlei fight live.
  9. Half of them faked an injury right before their fights. Cowards.
  10. Can any of this years TUF crop actually compete for titles? I dont think so. They are getting down to the dregs of talent out there. Seems like those were the guys that got passed up for the first 5 seasons. The fights in the finale were pretty good though. War Machine is a ****ing head case, i love it. The main event was the best fight ive seen in 6 months. I cant believe El Matador pulled that out.
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