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Everything posted by LD0506

  1. Shouldn't that be in the "Post Something Creepy" thread?
  2. So a whole bunch of people are too stupid to throw water, shocking
  3. Every time I see that lil red notification flag I wonder "Oh ****, what did I say this time?"

    1. SWFLSkins


      Reading you're posts lately apparently you say a lot of things you don't remember saying, lol'

    2. HapHaszard


      depends on what you were drinking last night I guess.

  4. WTF??!? I've never seen anyone try to parallel park an airliner before...............
  5. I don't just want the cam, I want the action, although I guess I AM close enough to New Jersey to find my own............
  6. Impressive video quality, where can I get one of those Russian dash cams?
  7. You shouldn't look at it as strictly dollars and cents, you end up with tools, you learn how to do things, there's the satisfaction of knowing you made it happen and, if ever anything else happens, you know that job intimately and can attack it without remorse. There are an awful lot of tools to be had on Craigslist, garage sales, FreeCycle, etc. that can fill out your toolbox. I've gotten whole lots several times, took what I wanted and moved the rest for just about breakeven on the $$. The real downside of it is that the wife always thinks I can fix anything, she doesn't quite get it that there are some things beyond fixin'.
  8. That's how we all get hooked and end up with a kings ransom in tools. Just be sure you have something secure enough to hold a ceiling fan, more weight and vibration, a plain old light box won't hold it (for long).
  9. If the thermostat is a digital one (as most new ones are), trying Googling it. An awful lot of digital devices have troubleshooting codes built into them and you might be able to find some advice out there in the void to help you out.
  10. Man, If I could timetravel back there be many more candidates than that, kinda looks like David Bowie
  11. Has to be #2, Biden's mouth isn't open
  12. There will always be a need for this thread, although Jerruh does say it better than any of us ever could.
  13. pizzaS, plural, there is no singular pizza in her world And that guy should have climbing gear, just to be safe
  14. Don't be too hard on waddles, at least he was out getting some exercise......
  15. Just be glad you didn't see the pic where they wrapped an entire ham in that pizza and ate it like a taco
  16. Woohoo! And you're on your way. This is how you get to be "handy", one job at a time, one tool at a time, looking for that next dose of satisfaction from "I did it! and I can handle that too!" Just a sidebar on the sink fix, I've found that frequently getting the old one off IS the job, and faucets,etc., have a lot of wet/dry gunk, old soap, etc., gluing them in place. Nowadays plumbing is kinda fragile (PVC, etc) and you can't really torque it without courting disaster and more trips for parts. I've used a small, household steamer unit that cleans gunk, gently heats it up and wets it enough to act as a lubricant so that the old fittings come right apart.
  17. Changing out a dishwasher is nothing, even a total naif can do that. Plan on some leakage, pay attention to how the wiring and plumbing runs when disconnecting/removing the old one and don't force it. Chipping the counter or scratching the floor is a bigger concern then the rest of the job.
  18. Incidentally...... http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000105475/article/terrell-suggs-i-can-play-for-ravens-with-torn-biceps
  19. I don't know why people are so ghanked about B-more, Griff's elusive play can negate their one great strength on D, and ought to outscore them handily. Run the table!
  20. Doesn't have to be structural to give ya brain cramp. I had to rehang gutters because someone stuck them up w/ LiquidNails and discovered the bedroom vents had been "fixed" by connecting them to the furnace return, then since it was still cold (go figure) said dingbat stuck a big wood burning stove in the livingroom, etc, etc and so on. Some people should just have a restraining order to keep them away from HomeDepot
  21. Don't be surprised if zoony is pretty close, that's a major job. Just going off what you mention I'd have to wonder if there was somewhere to relocate the bath to and expand into that space? Might be more manageable (relatively speaking). And PCS, don't forget the ever entertaining "surprise!" when you open a wall or something and find some previous owner's attempts at being handy that need to be completely undone before the real work can even begin. 2 years in and I'm still undoing stuff.
  22. Generally that trim ring on a recessed light is a friction fit into the light pot or tabs that grab the edges of the hole, etc. I wouldn't glue it unless you already have a buyer lined up- someone's going to be pissed about that sooner or later. Try rotating the trim to see if it "grabs" somewhere else and/or remove it and see if it has tabs that can be carefully bent outwards a little to grab better.
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