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Everything posted by KingGibbs

  1. I only saw that segment with Dwayne and I have to admit it had me laughing. Didn't see Cena's response so I can't say who won either way, but yeah, Dwayne was funny. See. Just like the 'skins, I call it like I see it.
  2. Okay Dawg. Easy on the Dwayne Johnson manlove. Sheesh.
  3. All Dwayne Johnson does anymore is talk in circles and promote his movies.
  4. Completely agree. "Dwayne Johnson" patronizes wrestling fans and he has plenty of suckers that fall for it. **** him.
  5. When I see **** like this it makes me want to ***** slap people in this country that piss and moan about things that are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Like showing your ID for example.
  6. I lost respect for Rock when he played the role of a fairy. Talk about a sellout.
  7. I guess I'm in the minority when it comes to The Rock. I think he's lame. He's becoming the new Undertaker with his occasional appearance. "Team Bring It." Really? Cena is essentially a good guy and heel at the same time. Listen to the crowds. Loved how Cena absolutely destroyed Rock on the mic earlier this year and don't tell me he didn't either.
  8. Cena knocked Rock the **** out lastnight. It was hilarious. He completely stunned the crowd. YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XIbAN0CgrnE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Edit. Don't know why the video isn't showing. I followed procedure.
  9. What do you think about that Bubble? It doesn't matter what you think! I'm betting a lot more people watch wrestling then they are willing to admit. I'm one of those. It's entertaining to me. Besides that? I'm in love with Kelly Kelly. By the way. I love Miz as a heel.
  10. LOL. I could care less because I'm not a fan of soccer or lax. To answer your next question. I post in these threads because I can.
  11. My money is on rdsknbill against any soccer players in here. Anyone want part of the action?:evilg:
  12. That's also when men were men. Imagine how dominant Ryan would be in todays game with all of the "specialty" relievers. I can't imagine standing in the box against Ryan and a "fresh" arm.
  13. Please. A knuckleballer should be able to pitch on back to back days. Not impressed.
  14. The fact that his arm was still attached to his body after throwing 149 pitches is impressive enough. Forget the no-hitter.
  15. It was great to see the O's take 4 out of 6 from the Yanks and Sox. Not many teams will accomplish that feat. I wasn't a fan of Wiggington, but he is on fire right now and when (and if) Roberts comes back you have to move Wigg's to first. Garret Atkins is looking like a bad signing thus far and Hughes needs more experience in the minors. BTW. Luke Scott is in major suckage territory. Personally, I think the fact that he isn't playing the field is effecting him. He likes to play the field. Also, send down Beregensen and bring up Tillman. Berg's is getting rocked everytime he goes out there.
  16. You already answered your own question in regards to Plax. The players had mics shoved in their face all week. Hence a real distraction. As far as Snyder goes. When has he cared about his public image?
  17. Well, unless those tickets that are causing such a ruckus can tackle, catch, pass or kick I don't see how it has any influence on the players and causing a distraction.
  18. I dare to say that anybody that gambles on the 4th preseason NFL game might have a slight gambling problem.
  19. I would definitely understand if the Vets of America were a bit upset over this.
  20. I'm sure Sellers meant to disgrace Old Glory. Total sarcasm.
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