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Everything posted by Destino

  1. Who cares where he got the suspicion? If Pacman wanted the fight it was his to have. The smokescreen you are talking about is hilarious. It's like Pacman was asked to climb Everest in order to sign the contract... the reality is simple. All he had to do was agree to more rigorous testing, something that an athlete with nothing to hide wouldn't bat an eye before agreeing to for that kind of payday and cap on a great career. He blinked.
  2. Let me ask you something. Why don't the most rigorous drug testing standards, those of the Olympics, follow the schedule Manny was willing to accept? I mean if it's the same thing why not? I'll tell you why not. Because if the athletes know the time and date of the tests they can be sure to pass them. That's the bottom line. If you're willing to swallow the ridiculous nonsense that Pacman passed up the chance to cement his legacy with a truly signature win and a 50 million dollar potential pay out over superstition I've got a bridge to sell you. The reality here is simple, the only thing that was ever able to stop Pacman meteoric rise in the ring has been the prospect of an unscheduled test. After the baseball debacle when I see that I know exactly what is going on.
  3. You can say that until you are blue in the face but all reports on the facts in this case suggest that what you're saying in nonsense. Not only was this the FINAL obstacle in negotiations but the Mayweather camp did compromise on many details of the fight. Pacman's camp is the one that freaked out over the drug testing and refused to move. They were saying the fight was dead long before Mayweather's camp. As soon as the drug testing was seen by them they wanted no part of this fight. I think the reason Mayweather did this is because he had a suspicion about Pacman and he wasn't about to lose his legacy to a juicer. Looks like he was right. The multi-weight class wonder... maybe he's not such a wonder after all.
  4. People can spin this anyway they want to but the only thing the great PacMan had to do was agree to the same drug testing standards that thousands of athletes currently adhere to. Mayweather was going to participate in it as well so it's not like he was asking Pacman to do anything special. Pacman refused and then got all mad about it talking lawsuit. He wanted set testing dates. In the era following the baseball debacle I know I'm not alone is wondering about Pacman after this. Drugs can be flushed from the system if you know when the tests are. The tests already lag behind technology to find them as it is. People can blame Mayweather because what they wanted was the fight to happen. I however think Mayweather may be onto something. The amazing athlete blinked when asked to the adhere the most rigorous standards in testing. Turned down his biggest payday for fear of random testing. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2580405/pacquiao_vs_mayweather_comes_to_a_screeching_pg2.html?cat=49
  5. I'm not a hater... that is an awesome entrance!
  6. Dana White is smiling. Boxing continues it's downward spiral and now his events have less competition on PPV.
  7. Even attractive women take a bad picture now and then. Not to mention they don't always dress to kill.
  8. Speaking of people no one wants to see naked... war machine is doing porn now. Apparently it's old news that I missed that I heard about at a bar last night.
  9. I don't think he's trying to make fun of Mraz but he did. Gloriously did. hahaha
  10. Double leg takedown doesn't require strength unless it's against the cage. GSP takes opponents down in the center of the ring, no slam. That isn't strength or size, it's speed and technique. BJ can't stuff that at all. His entire takedown defense is based on pressing his ass against the fence and using balance to combat single leg attempts. Very few guys take down opponents in the center. GSP is one of them and BJ has not answer for it. They could be that exact same size and BJ would be on his ass.
  11. BJ isn't losing because of weight. He's losing because that speed advantage he enjoys doesn't exist against GSP. He can't sit back defend the take down and throw hands. GSP can take him down at will and avoid BJ's hands. GSP isn't taking him down with weight. He scores sweeps and double legs. double legs are all speed and technique, not strength.
  12. The only hope BJ has against GSP is to make it a stand up war and land a heavy hand. GSP can take him down at will and BJ can't stop the take down or get back up. I don't anticipate another fight between the two any time soon. BJ doesn't want to take another beating like that and for GSP the fight offers no upside, he's already won twice.
  13. BJ, GSP, and Spider have no real competition at the moment. Kind of sucks because that is three of 5 weight classes that are locked down.
  14. They don't promote nearly as well and they don't have TUF (which is easily the best marketing tool MMA has ever seen). The difference between the UFC and other fight groups is that UFC understands how to make fans emotionally invested in fighters by introducing the world to them in a more personal way. Strikeforce is more like boxing, they rely on big names to sell fights. That makes for short term interest. The UFC sells an entire card because their fans know 70% of the fighters on every card. They've seen them on TUF or they've seen them on prefight shows that takes you into their gyms and into their lives. Strikeforce could have better fighters in every weight class, and still get crushed by UFC.
  15. Don't forget the fact that his mobility and control of his legs is uncanny. He can use them like arms in a fight and dealing with him once he's on top is almost impossible.
  16. Personally I think the most reliable way to beat BJ Penn is to bring the fight to him and put him on his back. I think standing with him at his weight class is a mistake because of his great hands and his rock solid chin. Matt Hughes and GSP that created the two most decisive wins over BJ did so by putting him on his back and beating him down. I don't buy that his cardio is great and I think you can take some of the fight out of him. He won't give up but he'll try to defend instead of attack when he thinks he's in trouble. If Diego stands any chance against BJ it will be by scoring take downs early and doing as much damage as possible from a dominate position early in the fight.
  17. Not sure if I could come out alive if I were holding a shotgun to be honest with you. lol
  18. it's a bank robbery note. http://www.fox8.com/news/wjw-robebr-eats-note-txt,0,474915.story
  19. The Kimbo fight may have been terrible but it was full of great moments. The end where both immediately bend over exhausted was classic. The slam was classic. The leg kick was classic.
  20. Personly I'd hate to see Jon Jones fight any top fighter yet. He's young and raw and doesn't need a crushing set back thus early. Slowly up the mountain. He can be great but not if thrown to the wolves this early. He needs to take raw skill and translate it to decisive game plan and strategic fighting first. Right now his natural ability is winning fights.
  21. You can make that argument but he did appear to be intelligently defending himself. Personally I agree with you it means anything... Jon Jones clearly won the fight.
  22. DQ was the natural result because the illegal hit lead to the fighter not being able to continue. Tough loss but knowing the rules is important. It's not about what ended the fight as much as the timing of it.
  23. Did that dude say "I have retard strength too" during his post fight interview? Lol btw-told u guys he had no chin. (not that it was a big secret)
  24. ground game? lol who cares? Houston is going to knock him out in 10 seconds.
  25. Sure is we wipe out the history and start tracking it at the start of the Ultimate fighter. Otherwise you have a fighter that grabs his junk in the ring, trash talks everyone, and generally shows no respect for opponents. But yeah... other than that, he was a good coach (that made fun of his own fighters, and rooted against big country in the semi-final) The best moments in ego deflation have been Evans and Bisping getting knocked out.
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