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Everything posted by Destino

  1. Yeah I watched it. Twice. I don't think it was damn near a draw. One fighter had to run away at the first sign of trouble (Forrest) and never delivered any damage other than leg kicks. Hell if you watch the slow motion punch exchanges you see that Forrest couldn't even hit rampage. It was pathetic watching his swing wildly. The way I see it is simple Forrest stepped in the ring with a champ and failed to hit him anywhere other than the leg.
  2. Who are they going to put in the cage with Spider Silva? They aren't going to make him fight his way through the 205 weight class. If he handles Sandman he'll get a fight that if he wins delivers a title shot. Machida would be good for him and I don't think Machida has done **** to deserve a title shot yet.
  3. How many punches did Forrest land? I bet you can count them on two hands. Personally I thought Forrest got handled. The only figihter to do real damage was Rampage. Forrest did nothing and looked out matched the entire fight. He got on top... and couldn't hit rampage. He got a submission... and couldn't hold him down. Rampage on the other hand would land and send forrest running away immediately. The few times Forrest failed to get on his bike he either went down or wobbled and jumped on that bike as his coaches screamed "MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!" This decision was absolutely BS. Forrest did nothin to win that belt other than move around more and appear more "active" which is the dumbest way to score a fight.
  4. He holds the belt. In every combat sport the title holderr does not need to take the fight to the challenger. He only needs to survive the fight. IN this fight Rampage is the only fighter that did real damage. He knocked Forrest off his feet with an upper cut, and wobbled him a few other times. Forrest on the other hand... hurt his leg, laid on him for a full round without being able to hit him... and missed 90% of his punches. The decision was absolutely bull****. I'm wondering if these were the same judges that Bisping got to deliver his match over Hammill.
  5. I tend to agree with you but with Forrest's chin and his willingness to swing through pretty much anything you never know. I wouldn't bet on Forrest but I wouldn't be shocked if he somehow pulled it out. Guys with heart like that are hard to predict.
  6. 205 is one hell of a challenge for the spider. He dominated 185 but here is what is waiting for him in 205: Thiago Silva Wanderlei Silva Lyoto Machida Keith Jardine Rashad Evans Forrest Griffin *Quinton Jackson That's not an easy list to battle through.
  7. VA native! Can't hate Amir. The guy has a good attitude and was the underdog from the start, with ZERO pro fights. Guy has a massive heart.
  8. So anyone know who is being kicked off the ultimate fighter finale?
  9. Good fights last night! My thoughts: BJ Penn was clearly better than a now steroid free Sherk... but sherk has never impressed me. He has little power in his hands and lays on people to win fights. Beating him in no way puts Penn up there with GSP who routinely dominates fighters at their own game and has become one of the best at take downs in the UFC. He's put three of the best ground guys on their backs and kept them there. GSP would destroy Penn in a 5 round fight simply because BJ doesn't have the stamina to defend from his back for that long, short of a quick knock out Penn would be demolished in rounds 3-5. Dean of Mean doesn't know how to be the favorite. He was talking about styles and all this BS before a fight against a guy that made a living beating people senseless that reached championship form running around his backyard with a snorkel on. He was far more careless than he was against the Iceman and caught a beating. If the Axe Murderer ever gets another shot at the Iceman I hope someone tells him not to stand and exchange punches again... that was the dumbest gameplan I've ever seen and the results will be the same if he goes this route again. Tito needs to learn to be patient. He could have won the fight if he simply allowed Machida to run and lose points. Force Machida to move forward and shoot in the middle when he's not focused on running away. Having said that Machida had a great game plan, keep the bigger fighter off his game and frustrate him. He waited for mistake and took advantage. From what I saw however Machida wasn't all that impressive.
  10. Who knew the owned thread followed decency standards of the moral majority. Bikini chics bouncing... sure. Art depicting the human body? HELL NO.
  11. Got to love how they tell you to PM but don't allow it. Owned by the owned thread.... when all the worlds media allows certain words, the owned thread stand firm. lol
  12. Statua del Bacchino will get you in trouble? It's ART! I thought society had moved past the whole "can the children go to the art museum" debate.
  13. I hear you man. You have a point. I certianly wouldn't be sitting there taping this if that was my kid... or anyone elses for that matter.
  14. Looking at the way the dog is running and seeing as how he is making now attempt to actually grab the child it's clear the dog is playing. I've seen dog attacks and been attacked by a dog myself. They don't run by hopping when their goal is to attack. They snarl and attempt to drag you down while tearing at you. The look of an angry dog is pretty easy to spot. That and the fact that my fathers dog does the exact same thing as the dog in the clip when he's playful outdoors. Having said all that Tarhog I don't think your concern says anything negatively about you.
  15. ~~edited by staff to comply with forum rules~~
  16. same situation here. UFC has become a shared risk event lol
  17. He's Mike Vick's biggest defender. His opinion on dogs getting hurt is like asking an Exxon exec on the importance on ending our need for oil.
  18. I see nothing wrong witih that post either.
  19. He also survived because of a bad time out. He wasn't getting out of there and was getting beat like a drum.
  20. GSP clearly outclassed Matt and frankly that's no surprise after the beating he put on Matt in the 2nd fight. That was a beating that had nothing to do with luck... speaking of luck, Matt Serra's luck is going to run out when he fight GSP again. I think it was obvious that GSP underestimated him and frankly he landed a single punch that changed everything. Serra as Hughes said, is not an elite fighter and he's going to fall a long way. As for the Silva and Liddell... his coaches need to be fired. I don't know what they were thinking sending a fighter with a shorter reach to attack a counter puncher. That was a losing strategy from the start. No one can stand in front of Liddell and charge in blindly, he is as hard a hitter as the human body can produce. He doesn't have to knock you out to beat you - if he lands a couple your seeing too many stars to win. Rampage gets him to throw and than exposes Liddell poor defense. Jardine just took him completely out of his comfort zone. Silva tried to stand in front of a buzz saw and punch at it... he got rocked. BTW - anyone else make a little noise when they saw Liddell shoot? the bar I was at went nuts. lol I didn't see that coming at all.
  21. hahaha that dog pic is priceless. :laugh: :laugh:
  22. that is hilarious! no diggity no doubt. lol
  23. Amazing event. Rarely do you see so many good fights. Danzig looked impressive but I wonder what he's going to look like against faster fighters.
  24. Hughes is 41-5 and known as one of the greatest fighters at his weight class MMA has ever had to offer. Serra is a 9-4 pretender that has been ****y for as long as he's been fighting. Before anyone even knew who this guy was he was showing off and talking smack. I don't know about you guys but Hughes' reaction to Serra is typical considering the situation. If some upstart talks smack about the Patriots you think they are going to react with respct? No. They are going to look into the camera and say in an arrogant tone "who?!" MMA is a sport in which anyone can be knocked out on any given night and Serra got his belt via a shocking knock out. No one in the sport thinks he's good enough to keep it. He talked smack the entire show about how his fighters were better, blah blah blah. Result: No Serra fighters in the finals. That is why you don't BS early.
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