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Everything posted by Destino

  1. you don’t need to be able to read the Spanish to figure this one out.
  2. Wolves defense looks a lot different when grabbing on screens, hand checking, and running into driving players gets called. The refs set the tone early that such defense wasn’t going to fly and Murray suddenly looks like Murray again.
  3. That was a hell of a basketball game.
  4. Vaccines are controversial now? Not just the Covid vaccine but vaccines in general now? This is ridiculous. People are going to die because these morons took political fantasy road all the way to conspiracy town. I'm on board with anti-communism education though. That should be universal in every democracy. Communists and fascists are enemies of liberal democracy, and citizens of liberal democracies should be prepared to for the lies they’ll be bombarded with from both camps.
  5. I’m not too concerned by this. A few red states, or even all the red states, isn’t enough to halt research and development. If they can create a product that competitive and at a competitive price, things will change. And they might even be helped along by the political left that wants to raise prices on meat, to force people to eat less of it, if they can manage to be excluded from these sin taxes. this is just democracy doing its thing as it’s influenced by various groups.
  6. I didn’t like the Mavs chances tonight but when Luka gets some help they’re tough to beat. Bet they regret letting Brunson walk though. They don’t get enough criticism for that. He’s a far better player than Kyrie today. At risk of incurring some ribbing from @Die Hard when the Celtics win this series in five, the celtics can be inconsistent in the post season. Won’t matter against the Cavs. Will matter against that Minnesota buzzsaw.
  7. the NBA is getting far too lenient with players going at it with fans. The fact that they bundled his being rude to a reporter with his assaulting a fan is disappointing. He hit a woman with the basketball for no reason, and then when he got it back, hit another fan with it. This in my opinion is far worse than being rude to a reporter. Not saying that was ok, it wasn’t, but being rude and assaulting paying customers are not equivalent. That they only suspended him 4 games is unacceptable.
  8. Murray raises his game in the post season most years so we just assume he counts as a star. He’s also in the west where getting in as a guard is difficult. But he’s not that guy in the regular season. Denver is very much a one star team until Murray raises his game, which we all expected him to do. This year though he’s been pretty bad other than two game winning shots. His scoring has fallen off and his fg% too. He’s shooting 37% overall, which is awful. Don’t know how injured he is, but he isn’t the guy we expected.
  9. I don’t know if this is the right conspiracy thread but I need to share and this is the one I found. @PleaseBlitz you might enjoy this. feds are marrying conservatives to derail their lives!
  10. I’m going to say something controversial today. The whole analytics only shoot a three or at the rim thing, leads to a lot of bad shots in the playoffs. Watching guys dribble into a waiting crowd of defenders at the rim when they could have launched a 5 foot wide open pull up is not good basketball. We’ve created a situation where low post players shoot from further away from the rim than guards (when not attempting a three)
  11. Brunson came back and the pacers wilted immediately. Gilbert’s post NBA career can be described like this: say the dumbest **** you’ve ever heard for attention.
  12. Slow walking this certainly helped Trumps delay tactics. None of this is hindsight, everyone knew before the charges that Trump would attempt this. The fact that they failed to account for it is a mistake they must own.
  13. OKC has 22 free throws in the first half. Not sure if Dallas is fouling too much or if the refs are a little trigger happy, but too much of this game has been spent at the free throw line.
  14. The fact that this is a negotiation is absurd. Hamas has no standing to negotiate anything, they’re beaten. I’d understand this process if Hamas still had the means of exacting a heavy toll on Israel if the conflict continues, but they don’t.
  15. We discussed years ago that Trumps only tactic would be delay delay delay and he’s succeeding again. Blame the Biden admin for this, they dragged their feet getting started and I sincerely doubt there’s a real possibility of a verdict before the election. After which this matters little.
  16. Much is being made by how physical the refs are allowing Minnesota to play defense. Reminds me of when the refs pretended not to see the Cavs grabbing the warriors off ball players that one year. We’ve seen this sort of uneven officiating between games and series before. But this right here requires explanation from league offices I have never seen refs work harder not to give a team techs than last night. Mike Mallone was all the way on the court screaming like a man possessed and not only did he avoid getting thrown out. He didn’t even get T’d up once. Then Murray completely lost his composure and again, nothing. The wolves aren’t making a big deal of it because they won by a million, but this was too egregious to slide by without comment.
  17. Murray ends the game with 8 points on 18 shots. Incredible.
  18. Denver is not running an offense. It’s kind of crazy. They haven’t run a play in a while. It’s all one pass and try to score. they should bench the starters at this point. Why risk injury? This one is ovah.
  19. I love Shaq. If you want serious basketball talk hit up the Lebron and JJ reddick podcast.
  20. I may have been charitable saying the nuggets would only lose by 30. also, this game is doing nothing to convince me Rudy Gobert isn’t as over rated as I think he is. I just don’t like defensive centers with no offense. I think they should not exist in the game anymore. They’re relics.
  21. I said Murray should have a tech. Really he should be out of the game too. Crowd is booing the home team.
  22. And the refs are refusing to T them up. They should be playing without their head coach and Murray and KCP should both have techs. Wolves defense has broken them.
  23. long defenders in the nba do not shut down stars, that’s not a thing that exists. Can they frustrate them? Sure. Usually though what they do is reduce their scoring output a bit and reduce their efficiency. whats happening to Murray is bizarre. He’s having a meltdown on the floor right now, fouling guys for no reason while yelling at refs. Wolves have him rattled. And Mike Malone too, who should have been tossed. They might lose this game by 30.
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