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Everything posted by KDawg

  1. Just ordered my Team Bring It - USA T-Shirt. All proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project. Yup. I'll support our troops. And The Brahma Bull.
  2. There's a reason why The Rock is one of my all time favorite performers. Hell, he IS my all time favorite performer. His stuff combined with the opening to RAW had me all sorts of pumped up.
  3. Update for those of us who have no idea what you're talking about?
  4. It's The Rock's birthday celebration next week.
  5. Yeah, that whole thing was pretty lame. Really disappointed that Orton and Sin Cara are now on Smackdown. Two of my favorite RAW guys. I can't stand Alberto Del Rio. R-Truth now is a character that matters. I'll tell you what, though... Without The Rock on the show, wrestling is reminding me why I stopped watching in the first place.
  6. R-Truth is great as a heel... "Ya'll better stop with that what" "Ya'll pissin' me off!"
  7. Awesome. Don't have to see Cena on RAW for awhile... That said, you know he'll be bouncing back and forth. The brand split isn't really a split. It's "you're on this show most of the time" kind of thing.
  8. I knew they were going to go that route. Morrison and Truth's opening segment was so cheesey and lame that you KNEW they were going to have Truth snap. The cigarette was just a hilariously awesome touch. The people in the background yelling, "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" made it even better.
  9. I read the WWE was down on Sin after his first match. They said he botched his entrance and his performance wasn't great. If that report is true, WWE is not smart. That guy is going to be a star for them. They need to get rid of the trampoline entrance for sure, though. Primo fell when he went to hit his finisher in that match, and Cara attempted to recover by acting like he fell off. Cara is a great IC candidate. I'd prefer no cruiserweight division, though. They need to feature the IC Title much more. That belt helped drive the company years ago.
  10. By the way.... Sin Cara is freakin' awesome. Hopefully they make him a US/Intercontinental Title contender and don't throw him in the world bracket. That's something that WWE used to do really well. They had main event guys and middle tier guys. Mr. Perfect was a PERFECT Intercontinental Champion, but would have been a poor WWE Champion. Shawn Michaels wouldn't be a good IC Champ, but was a good World Champ. Occassionally, after awhile, an IC guy CAN make the jump. But it shouldn't be a common thing. I'd go back to only having one of the following: World IC or US Tag And that's it. Make the titles worth while.
  11. I fell asleep. Glad I DVR'ed it. So Edge DID retire? Wow. His health is more important. And who knows, after some time off maybe he'll be able to return, or maybe he won't. But at least he went out with a win at WrestleMania. Kind of unimportant, but any word on what they're doing with his belt? Any chance they'll just go with one title? (Preferably the WCW Belt)
  12. Wow, how shocking. Lame. Everyone knows what WWE means.
  13. Yeah, it was great. Dr. Doom (with nothing wrong at all with his face) defeated Captain America (portrayed by a Mexican). And people wonder why people mock wrestling. That was beyond dumb. Turd Burglar should dress as the Hamburglar from McDonald's and go sniff glue.
  14. The problem is the constant need/want to break kayfabe all the time. You can have these guys be more realistic while staying in character. HHH, The Game, The Cerebral Assassin, the King of Kings... Like him or not, he has a gimmick. He was big. Stone Cold... Gimmick. He was big. The Rock... Gimmick. He was big. Edge. Gimmick. Big. The Miz. Gimmick. Getting big. Hulk Hogan. Gimmick (to the point of it becoming his real life identity over his actual name). He was big. Brooklyn Brawler. Gimmick. Not big, but had a niche. Big Bossman, LoD, Nasty Boyz, Bushwhackers, The Rockers, Nation of Domination, Hart Foundation, Macho Man, Goldberg (man with just a last name for the most part), Sting, Undertaker, Kane, etc... Those guys had gimmicks and made something of it. Dolph Ziggler, Cody "Turd Burglar" Rhodes, Zack Rider, Alberto Del Rio... They're all boring gimmicks, with boring rehashed concepts.
  15. This is why my buddies and I ordered WrestleMania. We have fun with it. We know its fake, we don't take it seriously, but the nostalgia aspect of this WM was great. We go to live events too, and just start chanting things. We did so many WHOOO! chants the last time the we went it was hilarious. We probably annoyed a bunch of people, but the people around us loved us. They knew we weren't in to a lot of it, hence my "ROCKY!" chants in the middle of a match between two turds (one was named Zack Rider or something) when the Rock wasn't even around any more, but they enjoyed the fact we were having fun and not being total pricks. They were smiling at us and giving us high fives. It's a fun experience if you have fun with it Trish Stratus married me quite a few times in my dreams 8 years ago . Sorry, her fat is a major turn off. She looks like an oompa Loompa. Disagree. The nostalgia alone makes watching him worth it. Also take into account he's on his last legs as a wrestler. Every time you see him is a step closer to the end of his career. Enjoy him. He's going to make it to 20. He'll have to die to not make it. He'll probably wrestle through anything to do it. And he's earned the right to do just that, no matter how painful it is. I'm still trying to figure out why people like this Del Rio loser. I saw him twice now and both times he was boring as sin. Cody Rhodes is a turd burglar. Santino is the Brooklyn Brawler of this era. He's a necessity to have around. It's a different role, sure, Santino is more comedic and Brawler was more, uhm, punching dummy. We actually enjoyed the guy. Clearly he was kicking back and having fun and since we don't know him personally, we didn't judge him. He probably had a bit to drink and was having fun with it. If he's like that all the time, well, good luck to him. But if he was just kicking back and having fun, good for him. I also liked his costume change. He was wearing a Hawks jersey for most of the show then switched to a Cavs.
  16. To say HHH isn't a draw is an odd statement. People love Trips. People loving someone = a draw. Faces always draw more than heels, unless that heel is one of the best ever. The Rock is one of the only guys I can think of that drew people at a heel and a face, and let's be honest, even as a heel people were cheering him (read: me everytime they did a show in Rochester). HHH is over big time as a face, and as a heel he still drew better than most. Throw in his DX association with HBK and he is one of the biggest draws in WWE history.
  17. If I had said something about the Rock, that would make sense. Unfortunately, your delivery was off. Nice GIF though.
  18. I still think they screwed the pooch with the RAW and Smackdown! rosters. Would have been better if they kept it wCw and WWE and stopped with all of the cross show stuff. Same writing teams for both, obviously. And the occasional show jump here and there... But the way they're doing it these "separate" shows are not separate at all.
  19. There's a ton of guys they could use for that role. Kane, remasked, destructive, powerful, builds some heat back up, monster style. Goes on a streak, destroys anything and everything, and now he wants to end his brother's career. They've done the Kane/Taker thing to death, but if they did it right and built Kane up to be a monster, they could pull off the Kane thing. Of course, Kane loses at WM, but whatever. There's a bunch of guys that could fit the bill as well if they're willing to job out. How about a triple threat: Shawn Michaels comes back one night only to attempt to beat Taker, but the caveat is that HHH wants him to. Taker says he'll take them both. Taker wins. There's endless possibilities... But who knows if the WWE will screw it up.
  20. The moments with The Rock were worth it. He's the reason I ordered. People tell me I remind them of The Rock all the time in real life... (Except I'm 5'8" 205 pounds as opposed to him at what, 6'4" 250 or so?) I kind of have the same personality... The matches were lame, though. Listed, in order, of what I thought about them. The Corre vs. Big Show, Kane, Kingston, Marella - When I say point, you say less! Trish, Morrison, Fat ***** vs. Lay Cool & Ziggler: Trish made this match full of win. The rest? Awful. Trish saved this one from being the worst just by being in it. Rawr. Mysterio vs. Rhodes: Zzzzzzzz. Edge vs. Del Rio: Not a bad opening to the show, but I have no interest in this Del Rio guy. He bores me. Orton vs. Punk: Pretty typical of what you'd expect from this match. Wasn't bad, wasn't good. Lawler vs. Cole: Semi-entertaining. Austin made this match much more notable. How sad that this match is one of the top matches on a WM card. Miz vs. Cena: One reason this was good. The People's Champ. Otherwise... Zzzzzzz. HHH vs. Undertaker: By FAR the best match on the card. That said, I knew Taker wasn't going to lose. My guess is he's going to go 20-0 at WrestleMania and then hang them up forever. The "injury" he sustained should be a good reason to keep him out of action for a few months up until his final match at WrestleMania 29. The ending of this match was very anticlimatic, though. Disappointed there. I had fun, couple of my buddies came over... None of us really watch wrestling any more, but we all enjoy it when it comes to special events and such. But the card was very "meh."
  21. This is the first PPV I've ordered in 8 years.
  22. PS: Bones was born in Rochester. All of Rochester celebrated when he won Saturday night.
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