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Dan T.

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Everything posted by Dan T.

  1. its so ironic to me… at the start of the season everyone felt we were set at most positions but QB was the big question mark. Now we seem to be set at QB but everything else is up in the air.
  2. Cheeseman needs to be gone. He has one job, and he sucks at it.
  3. Why is every Game Break the Cowboys? Is that the only other 4 o’clock game? Come on Fox.
  4. Brienemy wearing a warmUp jacket over that heavy sweatshirt. And he’s got that big man padding. He’s cozy warm.
  5. Here is MAGA in a nutshell. Willfully ignorant. Afraid of everything. Fiercely resistant to facts outside her bubble. Stupid (in one breath "I was promised free health care" in the next breath "people think they're entitled to everything.") Here is your Donald Trump supporter.
  6. Crap that’s the second time tonight I’ve been kicked off of here.
  7. Oops. Didn’t know I was banned. Goodbye.
  8. Hey, hey, HEY! STOP. You two be like Josh and shake hands.
  9. Magic’s tweet: The team message board went down. Fans like the message board. They were sad it went down. Now it is back up. The fans are happy again. Go Commanders!
  10. Me this afternoon, surrounded by TK, PCS, Jumbo, Destino, and Martin C.
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