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Everything posted by BayouBrave86

  1. The cable spring broke to open my hood in my Jeep and I'm wondering how much it would cost to fix it. The mechanic at the local shop told me it could be up to 200 bucks?? Are you kidding me? Is this true? Would it be cheaper just taking it to the dealership since I wouldn't have to worry about the mechanic at the local shop trying to find the part?
  2. I'm guessing murder-suicide. It really is a tragedy though. Vince McMahon is a clown by the way, real great taste in faking your own death pal.
  3. Wow that is terrible. He was one of the last real technical wrestlers. I haven't watched wrestling since middle school, but man..that is really sad to hear.
  4. Wow! What happened to Heenan...geez. Father time hasn't been kind to him.
  5. Alright, I haven't watched wrestling since Bret Hart left, but I hear he is about to be back on tonight?
  6. Yeah because of a certain thing where one of the guys got crucified at the show, Angle became displeased and walked out. At least thats what one of my buddies told me who is a big fan of the wrestling a few years ago.
  7. Alright I finally figured it out! Someone tell me if they can see this picture or not...Im the guy with the long hair with my homecoming date in the white dress. My best friend has his eyes closed and his g/f is makin the funniest face..never let them hear the end of it.:laugh:
  8. Alright yeah Im picture retarded too, how do I go about posting a picture that I get from an email or something? I tried posting a picture of me from a friend's website but it is restricted..anyone got any answers?
  9. Ancalagon you look like a badass dude! haha
  10. No prob, did my picture work?
  11. Ah wtf that ain't cool. Haha damn...hmm I'll try and fix the problem. It isn't my site that I got the picture from, a girl I know has the funtigo site and posted a picture of me and a few friends..including herself.
  12. Me and a few friends, Im the guy in the Blue sweatshirt. No clue who the girl in the Billabong sweatshirt is? haha
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