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Posts posted by Bang

  1. Riots are inevitable. Whether someone "steps in" or he loses a case or the election. The notion that this will all peacefully end is a pipe dream, in my opinion. It's too far gone, and those folks who tried it once were not punished as they should have been.

    They are

    A/ emboldened by the toothless weakness of the "law" that is afraid of him.

    B/  poisoned by propaganda beyond the ability to reason 

    C/ stupid and fearful

    D/ convinced of the holiness of their fatted pig, and thus convinced "God" has their backs.

    E/ think their political adveraries don't own guns like they do.

    F/ convinced their political enemies are guilty of every single thing they are told, from drinking children's blood to trying to lock them all in prison.


    This stuff doesn't go away.

    People don't wake up from this.


    Best be ready. 




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  2. ECLIPSES are signs. An event that can be predicted DECADES, CENTURIES in advance. 


    Holy ****, elected leaders of this country are living in the ****ing STONE AGE. I see some of the GOP go along to get the ratings and votes by latching on and playing up the extremism, but she BELIEVES THIS ****. I guaranTEE you she believes an eclipse is an evil omen from the ****ing Sky Fairy.


    In the past, we have had threads about some weird ass **** in th Congo dealing with witchcraft belief, murders over it, arrests,, we usually have put them here with a sense of wonder, as in how does this exist now?
    I've asked "How do you DEAL with people who are SO COMPLETELY out of touch with the modern world? How do you drag them up?"

    MTG is exactly the same. Here. In the so-called "first world".


    And now I see the appeal of stoning these people to death.


    ~Bang on her head with ****ing granite.

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  3. Let's send the check in and forget to sign it!
     BUT they'll get it by the deadline, and then by the time they figure it out and send us a new bill, we bought at least a month before they can cut the lights off!

    And then ..  get this.. here's the best part. ..  we do it AGAIN.
    Say, that's pretty clever..   if you're a trailer park alcoholic who can't hold a job and you're trying to keep the microwave going for another month so Raylene can feed your 5 kids some damn nuggets so they's shut up!

    Man, **** THIS ****ING LOW RENT ****WAD OF A GUY. 



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  4. It's pretty good. 
    My MIL is 86 and has dementia, barely speaks any English and lives in an assisted living facility in Toronto.

    She likes me when she remembers who I am. 
    When my wife and i got married about 22 yrs back, she came down and stayed with us for a couple weeks. 
    I took her fishing, she enjoyed that, but we did have a language barrier. My wife told me that when my MiL was a young woman she was a projectionist in a Hong Kong movie house, so I turned on AMC, and she lit up instantly. Paul Nooman!, so we watched old movies for a week and had a ball.




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  5. 14 hours ago, Destino said:

    I said a long time ago that Trump would run out the clock. Our government look like idiots right now. This was always going to be his play and the fact that he’s been able to do it, despite everyone knowing it, is inexcusable. Our AG took too damn long to assign a special prosecutor and start this process. Then they got Trump’s personal stooge for a judge and just went with it.

    And the other idiot DA in Georgia just had to hire her boyfriend…

    My heart is sick.



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  6. Wish i could see it. 
    MASN's new deal with Comcast means i have to pay more to move up a tier to get the Orioles plus 30 channels i'll never watch, which would jack my TV portion of cable alone up near $300 per month.
    **** that.

    The O's were the last thing keeping me with cable, and I cut it last night. First time in 50 yrs there has not been Orioles baseball on in my house. I moved to MD when i was 10, and the O's were my TV on the first evening we were in, unpacking boxes. I am pretty bummed about it.



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  7. From the playlist

    For those in the back, the ****ing kids are ALRIGHT.






    What is my favorite album? Why, this one. 43 years ago. The imagination to make this album at the time is stunning, and this is like the 5th best song on it. 



    and you know, this is right up there among the best debut albums of all time. Chrissie is just awesome


    Robert Plant's solo career has been a great ride, and in a lot of ways very different from his Zeppelin days. But this one..  hoo-boy, this gives me the Led Zep chills once it gets up to speed




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  8. 1 hour ago, Skins24 said:

    Some have (I just google'd 'Christians Against Trump'.) But no one cares or listens, so it's not newsworthy....

    I've read essays from a lot of religious leaders, to be fair. We've had quite a few of them posted here.
    I think many local leaders have done what they can.. it's the everyone else. The rank and file, the gigantic population of American Christians of all denominations.  With all he has done that is straight sacrilegious (not counting the criminal stuff), if the rank and file rose up they could drown him out in seconds. It is their faith he is soiling. I guess I haven't seen the overwhelming outrage I thought it might, should garner.

    Maybe folks feel powerless, or that this is somehow a normal political thing.  it isn't like history hasn't shown us plenty of that.





  9. How has proper Christianity not risen up against this guy yet?
    I know the evangelicals love them ,but i've been told they are a minority, and the heart and soul of American Christians are blah blah blah blah.
    This guy is pissing all over their religion, USING it to do things that he has already said and are accepted by polite civil society as patently evil.
    He's broken pretty much EVERY Commandment (that word... it isn't negotiable by my understanding.), he IS the False Idol, and actually uses THAT to really threaten the souls of a LOT of your brethren.

    And yet here he is again standing on the precipice of power after already trying to destroy the Union in his last go, he stands again as the golden Idol, as the "savior", as the annointed chosen by God, holding up a Bible and selling it. How have they not stamped him out?




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  10. He got arrested.
    Like the rest of us regular citizens, he was able to make an appointment to be arrested and get his picture taken.

    Then, like the rest of us, nothing happened, and he went out to play ****ing golf.

    And then he had to go to court, and the judge kept telling him to stop doing things like threaten him and his staff and he didn't, and just like the rest of us, the judge didn't do anything.
    And then he did it again. And again. And like the rest of us, nothing happened as a result.

    And then he lost a judgement.
    And like the rest of us, nothing happened, and he didn't have to do anything except stop saying bad things, and he didn't so they added to his fine, and like the rest of us they 'made him pay' after he had raised enough money from his network of donors and suckers, just like the rest of us.
    Then he had another judgment go against him, and just like the rest of us he had to fork over nothing, and then when the deadline came for his assets to be seized, they weren't, just like would happen with anyone else.


    I don't see the problem here. Justice, y'know? Just like for any of us.





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