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Posts posted by Bang

  1. Oh June, I noticed the Beaver was getting into a bit of watersports in his porn last night.

    Oh Ward, it's nothing to worry about dear, Wally and I have been watching scat porn together for years!
    Gosh June, I must be old fashioned. Why the other night when you insisted on leaving the light on while i was in my underpants, I nearly fainted! What'll the boys at the club think?
    Oh Ward, maybe if you stop being so worried about the boys you'll have a lot more fun with the Beaver!

    >canned laughter<



    The whole thing is weird. 
    Be a goddam American. watch you porn and pretend you never touched your dick in your life just like God intended.



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  2. 6 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

    @Bang  Find the clip, post the clip. 

    This is an absolute classic, and chock full of swears.

      Hide contents


    OK, this is the treatment we gave it. 

    This is from an old summer rerun show, and it has 4 old clips in there. Bobby is the second one. These reruns were short, this one is 18 minutes.

    We had more fun with all the ansulary stuff that went on in and around football.
    The other bits are fun too, but be forewarned, these are NOT politically correct, I do impressions of Ray Lewis, my Pacman Jones character and Matt Millen character.. If you remember my old cartoons, you'll know the caricatures I did.
    We have Skip and Stephen A Smith arguing about then Lion GM Matt Millen. We have Bobby Knight, we have a thing I found on local news one night of Ray Lewis giving out backpacks to schoolkids... and Pacman discussing the positivity in his life, and all those 'gennelmin clubs" he should stay out of.
    If you never heard the show, a moment to brag.
    A/ it's funny, Riotously funny at times, if I do say so myself. It was an extension of the cartoons i used to do (and post on this site weekly.)  If you like this, in and around that same timeframe on Spotify there's a bunch of these "mini-casts" that'll give you best-of reruns like this. 
    B/ it was one of the first podcasts, we did our first show in 2005 after i read about this new "podcasting" thing and wrote my first feed file. It ran to 2019, and if anyone knows of any other podcasts that ran for 15 seasons, i'd say there aren't many.
    But it ran it's course, times change, so it's no longer "funny" to do impressions of Johnny Weir at the Olympics, or make fun of audio of Bernie Kosar being obviously drunk in the booth during a Browns preseason game, or his porn star daughter, which is true, and another great bit of fun we had. We closed it down in 2019, and honestly, the times doing that show are some of the most fun I've ever had. Some of the funniest things we had were about Joe Paterno before anyone knew any of the horrors going on. We had one AMAZING piece of audio of him on the radio and he can't work the phone. The radio guys keep yelling so he can hear, he's trying to get his nephew to help him, oh my GOD it's funny.

    Thanks for letting me reminisce!



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  3. 8 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


    I dunno...a Trump endorsement hasn't been paying dividends at the polls for Republicans for about a year now. I could see both Santos and Boebert booted out by voters in the next election.

    That would bode well for the Democrat.

    But the GOP still licks the boot. It isn't so much a Trump endorsement, it is a quiet little "what will you do to protect der Feuhrer?". And we know what Santos will do.



  4. Back in the day when we did the Bang Radio Hour, we had a piece of audio of Bob Knight being confronted by an angry man who claims some buckshot had landed in his pool. He went out to confront whoever, and he found Bobby Knight.
    Bobby was out hunting with his friend (apparently named Bob also) in an area designated for hunting (this was in Texas somewhere), and this guy's house was nearby.
    This guy went out there and confronted them with his phone on. (This was maybe 2006? So not a good video. But good audio)
    What ensues was one of the funniest things we ever had on the show.

    The guy is irate.. "I'm just  playin' in mah swimmin' pool, and all this shot come down!".. 

    Bobby is BOBBY, arguing, just a totally dismissive dick to the guy, blaming everything but himself, even trying to pin it on his friend, "how do you know I did it? How do you know bob here didn't do it?" Telling the guy to shut up and all kinds of fun.
    All the guy wants them to do is move down away from his house.. "Well it says we can shoot here!" says Bobby. The guy is screaming that there's about a thousand acres out there. Bobby refused to move.

    Anyway, RIP.



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  5. 18 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

    You really think Santos won’t have any Republican challengers?…That seat is ripe for the taking. 

    It truly depends on which one of them the party decides should be there. Will he protect Trump? That is the key question. No other position matters, there are no other issues.
    Santos is already pals with that cabal.
    If he votes their way and definitely pisses off the libs just for being there, they will endorse him.
    the GOP voters will be straight up told which one to vote for, and they will.



  6. 1 hour ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:




    Poll: 78% of Santos' voters want him to resign

    That number includes 71% of Republicans in his district.
    This was back in January, but I can't imagine he turned things around since then...


    By the time he runs again, some new horrifying threats to God and Kids and "Murica will be slopped all over their favorite propaganda trough, and they will eat it up.

    Like i said,, unless they primary him, those registered GOP will vote for him again.

    The GOP could tell you his opponent Democrat is a former cross dressing fraud with multiple identities, ties to Russia and dark money, that they funnel off campaign contributions to pay for their lifestyle, they make up phony campaign officers when questioned about it, and that George Santos is the All American High School quarterback who just loves God so much he'd give Jesus himself a handjob.
    And they'll believe it. And they will vote for him, even though everything they accuse his opponent of will be exactly what he is being charged with, right in front of their faces.

    And if any of them question his actual charges, they wlll be told that the Deep State is out to get him and molest their kids.


    Doubt it?


    You shouldn't by now.



  7. Unfortunately, i have no faith that voters will hold any of the worst accountable.
    They never do. 
    Especially when a lot who vote that way think the "D" behind the name means "Devil worshipping blood drinking pedophile".


    "Oh, I'll definitely take a complete fraud over that", says your average GOP voter. 
    And they do again and again and again.

    I fully expect them to do it again for Santos unless the GOP itself decides to primary him, and so long as he votes their way like a good boy, they won't. 


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