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Posts posted by Bang

  1. I also think it's a bad idea.
    Coke is highly addictive, and it's sole benefit is to make you think you are WAY more interesting than you are, and then of course, the instant jones.

    Did my time with it. Laid awake in bed trying to sleep after a night of it feeling my heart racing a lot. Always wanting more, waking up thinking about where I'm getting some today and when.
    The War on Drugs has failed, but legalizing dangerous hard drugs is total capitulation.



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  2. Meanwhile the military is entering the pre-stages of conflict with China. Confrontations with Chinese warships and aircraft have increased significantly in the last few months, and they are getting more and more aggressive. Our military is viewing conflict as an inevitability.


    The military couldn't care less about pronouns. If you want to join, they'll take you, they are way short on recruiting.

    I'm around military all day long. The only pronouns they care about are "sir" and "ma'am". And since this isn't boot camp, they're pretty loose on that too, except in official capacity. 


    MAGA does the work of our enemies. The GOP is a clear and present danger, and within the next few years, things are going to get very serious. 

    they scream about enemies within our borders, and as usual, it is them.



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  3. 43 minutes ago, China said:


    I'm not wanting them to rush the process, I'm just pissed that (as it has been reported) Garland didn't initially investtigate Trump et al, until after the Congressional report and felt his hand was forced, apparently thinking going after Trump would seem too political (ironically making a political decision in doing so, rather than a legal one).

    What have i been saying?
    Historically, good does not act against evil until it is either too late, or almost too late.

    Good expects evil to adhere to some of the standards that make good GOOD, and when it doesn't, they fall back on those standards that the enemy does not recognize in the slightest, except to use it against the good intentions that gave it life to begin with.

    As is obvious, the fear of whatever political "appearance", or "optics' or whatever made up bull**** that the enemy could not care less about is a weapon used against anyone with any scruples, self reflection or sense of right.


    And it's beyond time these ****ing ******* learn from history and figure it out.



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  4. So.... I am not so sure about all this (unless he's confessed since i last heard.)
    Video is easily faked, and faked well. AI does amazingly realistic things, and is getting better every day. 

    Now I am not sure if this guy did do this unbelievably stupid thing. He might have.
    But I AM sure that you can't trust your eyes and ears as much as you could just 5 years ago.

    And I AM sure you can't trust the GOP or any of it's followers, especially given the laundry list of fakes and dirty tricks they have done since going full on insane about 20 yrs ago.


    SO color me skeptical. And this skepticism should be applied to ALL things now, especially that which you don't actually see with your own eyes.
    It sounds 'conspiracy crazy" but when the reality of deep-fakes and audio manipulation what it is now, nothing should be taken at 'face value'. Especially something so politically charged and 'leaked' only to media outlets that has judgments of fraud against them, and has gone on the witness stand time and again and admitted no one should believe what they say.


    Any info I haven't heard that washes this all down the drain?




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  5. 26 minutes ago, China said:


    Sounds like you are lactose intolerant.

    I absolutely will not stand for it.



    But yeah, my mom and i had wars when i was a kid.. she'd force me to drink it. They didn't know about that stuff back then.


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  6. 4 minutes ago, tshile said:

    I’m not seeing why we’re really supposed to care?


    If the argument is sanctions for violating international law - fine, that makes sense. The idea of trying to prevent it? I’m not seeing why we’re supposed to care. 

    I feel much the same way.
    Not everything is our business, unless we're going to fall on the Monroe doctrine.



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