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Posts posted by Bang

  1. From the playlist

    You know how there are bands that are so critically acclaimed you'd think it was in the Critic's Union contract that you had to praise them, but truthfully most of their stuff was crap?
    Television is that for me.
    But this is a good one



    Excellent song. Just discordant enough.

    If you can't dig Morphine, you may need to check with a doctor. If you've never heard them, it's a baritone sax, a bass and a drummer. Unique.



    Kill All Hippies

    Brownout seems to be nothing but a Black Sabbath cover band, but they come up with some really nifty versions, like this. This is my favorite Black Sabbath song, and they do it great. 


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  2. Pretty sure the Argentines used Exocet anti-ship missiles in the Falklands war in the 80s, and it resulted in several large British Navy ships going to the bottom or at least severely damaged. Also, even if they were 'peacefully protesting' by attempting to board, destroy or commandeer commercial vessels, the disruption of world trade is justification to use lethal methods of ending the 'protest'.



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  3. 11 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:



    You see Comer get all pissed off when he's called out in his committee? Or Jordan stumble around trying to get his committee back on track when he's been called out?


    The call-outs are having an effect. Plus, the best effect it may be having is invigorating the Dem base, who get really ****ing tired of seeing GOP politicians seemingly skate by with ease and next to no pushback by anyone.

    They aren't the ones that need to be convinced by this stuff.
    It's the people who blindly support them that can't change no matter how much truth is thrown at their leaders and how much it makes them squirm.

    Does Himmler look at all like the Teutonic Aryan elite he said MUST rule the earth? He looks much more like the "weak interbred mud-blood" he tried to eradicate while pushing a doctrine of racial superiority.
    The people don't give a **** if the facts aren't on their side. They have an excuse to be themselves. Savage, brutish, ignorant and ultimately murderous.

    Much like then, you can sit back and let the truth show itself right to their faces. They do not give a ****. Fluster Jordan all you want. Everyone with a brain knows these "proceedings" are just persecutorial timewasting bull****, including those who support it. They ****ing LOVE IT. 


    Honestly, if any of these call outs wanted to have an effect, they should be given with a baseball bat. 

    Don't get me wrong, they should keep doing it. But the people who need to change aren't getting the message.. both figuratively and literally. They'll never see it. Our hope is that in November there has not been enough bull**** (crooked or otherwise) involved to sway elections to their side. Because if it does, that guy above is making a comeback.



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  4. 2 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


    Whatever happened to chomerics? 

    Long ago we ran a mock election battle thread in here..in my pairing I ended up running as a Republican against Chomerics. (I useta be one long ago when i came here.)

    Anyway, my entire campaign was to loudly exclaim he was a vampire and offer up all sorts of nonsense reasons as to how i knew it. every issue he tried to discuss I ran ack around to him being a vampire. I had fun. 😀

    I don't remember if I won.

    Burgold somehow caught himself a ban.. BURGOLD of all people, so he's mad and won't come back. He's over on Twitter now.



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  5. They want Taiwan.

    Simple as that.

    They will go for that and fight anyone who tries to stop them. They believe Taiwan is part of China, and treats it as a wayward child. Once China, always China, and the fact Taiwan provides the microchips that make all of our computers work to the world doesn't hurt. They control more than 60% of the global market, and that is a lot of power.

    This is why we are scrambling to build microchip facilities of our own in Ohio and Arizona.

    As far as our trade partner goes, if we cut trade ties with them it's we who would suffer. Either we buy from them or we rebuild industry and manufacturing here, and pay the costs for goods that manufacturing here would cost. I very much doubt that will go well, we're used to inexpensive goods, and we're comfortable turning a blind eye as to why they can be so cheap. 


    China used to b content with just China. But not so much anymore, and for global dominance, we stand in their way.



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  6. It reminds me of an old Bill Cosby routine about him and his brother Russell horsing around and jumping on the bed when they were supposed to be sleeping.
    Dad busts in and demands to know what all the noise is.
    the kids holler and scream thata man came in through the window and was jumping on the beds and making all kinds of noise.
    When dad points out there is no window, they scream "He brought it with him!"


    Trump sounds like a ****ing 3 yr old.



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  7. I figured this might be a spot to discuss correlations to the US for all of it.

    Our military is now acting under the notion that we are in the first stages of conflict with China, and they firmly expect war by 2027 if not sooner. I work with these folks, and these are the words being used by leadership right now. t isn't a secret. The lead ups to past wars are much clearer in the light of history, and the lead up to what is happening now is becoming quite clear as well.

    First up is China, who has been ramping up military production madly in the last five years. They are cranking out warships at an alarming rate. Their primary goal is Taiwan, it's no secret, they say it's theirs and will take it back. Their incursion games happen almost daily. They routinely muster flights of fighters and troop carriers and send them directly on attack vectors toward Taiwan, scrambling defense forces. They launch invasion ships filled with soldiers and send them toward Taiwan, and like the jets, turn back at the last second. 
    They have been increasingly belligerent toward our ships and aircraft. They have done dangerous things, like flying fighter jets directly across the nose of American aircraft, within a few dozen yards. Sailing warships dangerously close. In other things they have been expanding what they think is their territory by using warships to chase off fishing boats that are operating in traditional fishing waters.
    We routinely transit the South China sea to show we will defend 'free and open trade routes'. We don't shy from the games of chicken that are going on. Australia feels war is inevitable, and feel as if they are directly under the gun. 
    And on top of that, a relatively new China is now interested in projecting power globally. Used to be they were insular, wanting only what they think is traditionally theirs. Now they have built long range warships, they have started to establish bases in other parts of the world. Their success with that has been up or down. They built a pier in Djbouti that can handle an aircraft carrier, and within six months it was discovered to be loaded with spy gear and it is in a state of flux right now. Building piers and facilities in middle east ports is a priority of theirs, and thankfully, the process is slow. But if they get warships into the middle east nothing good can come of it.
    They are building hypersonic missiles that can be virtually undetectable, and can easily hit us.
    Drone armadas, not only for themselves, but they are selling them around the world.
    You see this somewhat new commercial for the Marines, they go out in the field and zap down all these drones. China have developed fleets of trucks that can launch hundreds of these things from pretty much anywhere. Some are autonomous, and they are selling them worldwide. 

    They are 100% winning the cyber war. Our military cyber forces have literally been at war for years, the attempts to penetrate are daily, and have been for a long time. But it s a tpoiugh fight, as in most cyber security it is largely reactive.. it is hard to anticipate the next tech. Our best defense is constant monitoring and defending, which we do.
    but it also isn't infallible. A few years ago a fuel pipeline in Virginia (?) was shut down with a cyber attack, and it affected a panic along the east coast. A cyber attack group working out of and with the blessing of Russia sell things like this, and they proved they could do something as severe as that. They have been working on that ever since.. it's a HUGE first strike capability that can cause massive amounts of damage without firing a shot.
    We laugh about Tik Tok. they don't. All of these things... as a people we are ignorant, stupid, over-confident and self-absorbed. And our misuse of social media is a goldmine of intel. People don't think about how this is done and so they never see their own part in it, but it's a matter of assembling billions of pieces of info into pictures that reveal something to them. Almost all of the info is useless, but not everything, and many things we never consider. 
    We take a picture of our night in a restaurant and post it to facebook, but we don't know who is in the picture, like that guy back there who looks like no one special, but is a person of interest in a sensitive position at the Pentagon, and now they know he's there, when he's there and that he goes there. It feeds into the puzzle.
    It sounds ridiculous, but we (especially those of us in the DC area) need to consider this.


    China is the primary puppeteer. A role that used to be the Soviets. But Russia is now theirs, economically and reliant on Chinese weapon tech. 
    While China likely did not order Putin to attack Ukraine, they certainly are pleased with the result. We have poured loads of money and material in. The material depletes our stocks.
    and as is shown in that article, our own homegrown traitors are aiding in this effort by denying resupply. The military has been under attack by the GOP, and while some questions need answering, NOTHING the GOP does is done in good faith, or for the good of our country. Delay and disruption tactics aren't even hidden, nor is the desire to poison our minds. (Military recruiting is unbelievably low, and when conflict does happen, the potential of a draft is very real. Our resident dividers would LOVE to see that.) The Ukraine war has provided yet another wedge to drive. (Russia also becomes more dependent on China as they get their ass kicked around.)

    Chinese money infects our political system, and while we love to think a lot of these GOP have Russia guiding them, ultimately it is China. (Unless we doubt that at least a huge part of the GOP are not bought and paid for.) Tommy Tuberville suddenly takes a radical stance that significantly damages our command structure as all of this other stuff is happening. GOP congress-people attack leadership, attack in their media outlets, drive wedges. I mentioned recruiting, think this isn't connected? 
    None of this is coincidental. The GOP is part of the "axis", even if many of them don't know it. Boebert, Jordan and assorted idiots are pawns.

    Does that sound paranoid?
    I don't think so. Things that would have sounded paranoid about the radical right of our country ten years ago have come to be very real. 

    Houthi rebels now firing off all these drones. 
    Their goal of capturing Yemen is likely a pipe dream, but it is easily used by the "axis" to disrupt shipping as much as possible through the Red Sea and Suez canal. Disrupt economies, and tie up military resources.
    They do this under the direction (and supply) of Iran, who takes their marching orders from Russia, who take their marching orders from China. Last week an Indian ship was attacked and the US officially leveled the finger at Iran. Which doesn't seem like much and hardly new, except we are now officially making warlike public declarations.

    A US carrier group is now engaged in picking at these fleas as shown in the article leading off this thread.

    If they can do it. the Chinese / Russian / Iran chain will get us further involved with these pests, and no matter what we do, if we escalate like maybe invade Houthi compounds in Yemen, it is a propaganda win, and puts pressure on us even further, because if Biden is president when we do anything we do, the powerful GOP propaganda network goes on the attack, further distracting and dividing us.

    On cue, North Korea rattles the nuclear sabers again, which is getting to be a Christmas tradition. And as much as it's easy to ignore them, they DO have this capability, and likely CAN be pushed into using it as a proxy. In the last several months most of the news out of NK that has been worth paying attention to are not their usual political nonsense, but population problems, desperation even more desperate than usual. This can be used.

    And all of it is aimed at us, and NATO. 


    I think it is time we do prepare for the potential for the 3rd world war in a realistic way.

    I know i'm a bit of an alarmist on these pages, but I also think the things I ring alarms about are real. I may not be the most articulate in presenting this, I tend to be a bit scattered.

    But all of this is out there from plenty of reputable sources, and seeing the big picture coming together doesn't seem so difficult to me, nor does it seem paranoid.
    And that is why this thread. I learn a lot from all of you, and if we view these things from these angles in a concentrated place, we/ I may see it all clearer.


    If it is redundant, I don't mind if mods delete it. I did consider this before making it. I even started to write a message to Jumbo to see what he thought, but then i said "You know what? **** him." 😁


    Happy new year!



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  8. "sick of the grift".

    THIS is the breaking point. She's had enough NOW.

    This woman has been bathing in excrement and is complaining that someone farted.

    Besides. It's not a grift. She and her target audience have bought ALL of it. It is only a grift if there is an unwitting victim.

    Witless, yes. Victim, not even close.


    Even when they try to sound reasonable, they just show their ass again.



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  9. Summarized:
    Dumb **** watches too much Fox, gets brainwashed, believes everything Trump says, ignores everyone who tries to tell her otherwise, argues incessantly on social media with anyone challenging her 'reality', and finally pays the consequences of her ****ing stupidity.
    Everything else in between is just whining and pathetic attempts at justifying what she did and "why it happened to her".




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  10. Across the globe conflicts are escalating involving either the US directly, or our direct interests or allies. More than the usual juntas and coups and assorted small fires always going on somewhere on earth, great powers are moving closer to war, and the words "World War III" are not being used in a facetious way so much anymore. So this can be a thread to post news of these events, our involvement, etc., beyond the politics of the other threads.




    This is from December 26

    Super Hornets score aerial kills over Red Sea
    Yemen's Houthis unleashed a new onslaught of anti-ship and land attack weaponry today around the southern end of the Red Sea. U.S. Central Command says the Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Laboon (DDG-58) and F/A-18 Super Hornets from the Eisenhower Carrier Strike group shot down a dozen one-way attack drones, three anti-ship ballistic missiles, and two land attack cruise missiles. The series of engagements occurred over a 10-hour period starting at 6:30 AM local time. Not one of the weapons hit its mark.

    The fact that Super Hornets scored kills is a new development. They would constitute just the second (and possibly more) aerial kill by a F/A-18E/F, the first being an Su-22 over Syria in 2017. While the Israeli Air Force has shot down Houthi drones since October 7th (and apparently did so again today, as seen in the tweet below), and it's possible Saudi Arabia, which has a long history of air-to-air kills on drones emanating from Yemen, may have as well, U.S. fighters have not. The employment of Super Hornets in the air defense role isn't that surprising though, as the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike) is currently loitering in the Gulf of Aden. This body of water is separated from the Red Sea by the narrow and tumultous Bab el-Madeb Strait.
    Click the link for the rest of the story.

    An update: 
    With the recent spate of attacks on commercial shipping now extending far out from the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, the Indian Navy has announced the deployment of warships and maritime patrol aircraft to “maintain a deterrent presence” out into the Arabian Sea.

    The move comes after a suspected drone attack on the tanker M/V Chem Pluto about 120 miles off the Indian coast over the weekend, which Washington has now blamed squarely on Iran. The damaged ship is now pier side in Mumbai. You can read our coverage of that incident here.



  11. On 12/22/2023 at 12:14 PM, tshile said:


    you never fail to reveal just how little you know about something 


    hallucinogens aren’t serious drugs 😂 sure thing. 

    They are serious in that you don't want people doing them in public. it isn't addictive or harmful, and the myths of people jumping off buildings or other self-harmful nonsense are silly. it just isn't that intense. But, it can be VERY unpredictable based on the individual.

    In the words of Jimi, am I experienced?
    Yes, many many many many many many many times. Many many.
    Never had a bad experience. Never had a scare, nothing.
    If you're someplace safe where you feel secure and don't have to go anywhere for the duration, it's SO much fun.

    They aren't unpredictable in that you won't get a dose that will make you murderously insane or suicidal (unless you already are), they don't create a reality that doesn't exist, you won't see anything that isn't there. Hallucinations happen on the edges, slight distortions. 

    I think most people can benefit from a psychedelic experience.


    But you can't stop people from tripping in public, and therein lies the danger. Public introduces unexpected things, and that can **** with you.. and everyone else around. 
    And while my personality just means i'd laugh.. others certainly may not.

    (Note, i am talking 'traditional' hallucinogens, LSD, Mushrooms. No bath salts, ex, designer things. No thanks. I prefer LSD to mushrooms. For one, i don't have to eat those nasty things, and if the acid is clean, it is VERY good. Make a fruit salad ahead of time, get some movies set up and have fun. 


    The idea of legalizing everything is ridiculous. Some drugs like LSD might not be inherently 'dangerous' in the way heroin and cocaine are, but the effect on some people means you can't just have them walk around in public tripping. Some people ARE crazy. Some people ARE violent in nature. Get them dosed up and who knows what happens.



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  12. I remember when Alphas didn't have to ask anyone if they found them attractive.
    I also remember when they didn't have to tell people they were alphas.

    Wildly successful at 17: Can masturbate to conclusion in under 60 seconds with only a discarded panty hose wrapper for stimulation. 28th level necromancer (still with original character sheet he made when he was 11), once saw two dogs ****ing, can name the last 36 TV champions from any professional wrasslin' franchise. Hobbies include posing his naked Matt Gaetz action figure with his sister's Barbies, kissing his Donald Trump pillow, fighting off hordes of women aching for his seed, pulling wedgies out of his ass after school.



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