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Everything posted by Predicto

  1. Welp, my Dubs. Let' s just pretend that yesterday never happened, ok? Who knew that Dave Chappelle was a Clipper?
  2. Except Iggy didn't get drafted by Denver. He stayed with Philly for his whole career, then got traded somewhere he didn't want to go. I don't think it is unreasonable for a ten year vet to try to get to a specific place to play. And LOL at the idea that Golden State is a glamour team like the Lakers, Miami, the Knicks or the Celtics. Iggy is the first big free agent we have landed in 25 years. We have stocked the rosters of the rest of the NBA much worse than Denver ever has. Every team in the league used to have a couple former Warriors happy to be away from the endless seasons of suckitude in Oakland. We're the team that had to pay Andrens Biedrens a hundred zillion dollars just to keep HIM from leaving. But I do know how you feel. That was how I felt when Chris Webber got out, right after the Dubs won 55 games in his rookie season and were looking like a real dynasty in the making.
  3. Yeah, it's just bad coaching. You need to keep 1, preferably 2, starters out there at all times, so that you don't lost offensive continuity. Even Chicago doesn't do it anymore, and they were the only team I ever saw where it was effective.
  4. Mark Jackson is an excellent motivator and teacher, and a lousy bench coach. There are a lot of Warriors fans out there, including me, that think Jackson lost multiple games this year solely due to his "bench mob" substitutions. He always puts in 5 scrubs at the same time in the second quarter, and they always blow the lead in a flash. Then he does the same thing at the start of the 4th, and the same thing happens agina. In addition, with Curry, Iggy, Lee and Bogut, the team is one of the most gifted top to bottom passing teams the NBA has ever seen. When the offense is allowed to run freely, it is very effective. However, when things get tight (especially at the end of games) Jackson always panics and calls over and over for isos by Klay Thompson or Lee, and they never, ever work work. It isn't 1996 anymore. Defenses can control the isos better than ever, and those guys are not Kobe or Carmelo in isolation anyway. The owner, Joe Lacob, knows enough about basketball to know that Jackson's playcalling is holding the team back in individual games. I'm not sure, however, that he understands how much Jackson's teaching and motivation has improved the team overall. I'm not sure about that myself, to be honest. They have become a contender, but there has been a lot of talent added too. Curry and Thompson have improved under Jackson, especially on defense, but Harrison Barnes doesn't seem to be learning a thing, and the bench roleplayers rarely show much. I wish there was some way that Jackson could be the head coach but some gnome with a clipboard could call plays and substitutions. Iggy is awesome. Not his fault you root for a dirty team.
  5. Ummm... not sure what this means. Road to the finals in the west greater than in the east? Harder than? More interesting than?
  6. Idiot indeed. Dirk is the greatest player of our time not named Lebron, Kobe or Duncan.
  7. Interesting article with the shot charts for every team's point guard. I was surprised to see that Wall's shot chart has so much red. I thought he was a better shooter than that, but he's mostly a great finisher around the rim. LOL at the shot chart for Steph Curry. http://www.cbssports.com/nba/eye-on-basketball/24530751/playoff-assist-how-the-point-guards-match-up-in-the-first-round
  8. Dirk got a ring that way, but it doesn't happen very often. Everything fell their way, they won every close game (and you forgot about Tyson Chandler, who was an absolute beast). The last guy to carry a team to a ring like that was Hakeem, and that was almost 20 years ago.
  9. Absolutely. Bosh is a terrific player who has been willing to subsume his game for the Heat team's needs. He plays great defense, plays out of position half the time, does all the dirty work, and can score when needed. Put him on the Warriors, please. oh, and we are screwed if Bogut can't play. The Clippers will destroy us inside. We would have a better chance against OKC, but that isn't likely to happen.
  10. I totally disagree. The NBA is a lot better now, IMO. The game was more boring and sloppy in the 80s and the talent was too concentrated on a few teams. (and I was a fan of the Bad Boys back then, having lived in Michigan at the time) This. Detroit figured out how to win with defense, but that doesn't mean that the basketball being played back then was very good. Too many isos, too much grabbing, too little passing (unless you were Magic or Bird).
  11. Actually, the Warriors have the second or third best record in the NBA since the all-star break (obviously the Spurs have the best record). When they were cold was the first third of the season, when Igoudala was out for a long time, Bogut and Curry were out for stretches, and the bench was terrible. Problem is, in the meantime the Clippers have gotten better and better, and the Spurs have reached a level of basketball trancendence. So they haven't made up much ground. It is amazing how differently people can see the same plays, depending on how you feel about the players involved. I was watching that game and didn't see it like that at all.
  12. Whoh. That is one hot athlete there. As a Warriors fan, you make me sad. But you are probably right - except I might knock the Rockets off that list too. Not sure.
  13. Yeah, I'd take him at the bottom of the lottery. Just nowhere near the top.
  14. No, that really is not true. Not unless you are talking about China suddenly dealing with out 20 million refugees and suddenly having US troops right on their border, neither of which are things that China wants to happen.
  15. I always get a good giggle whenever someone tells me that North Korea is nothing more than China's puppet, and every time NK does something stupid/evil it is because China told them to mess with us. It's such a preciously simplistic view of world affairs.
  16. Jay Williams is wrong. McDermott is a good college player, but he has Adam Morrison Part 2 written all over him. Well, perhaps not that. Jimmer Fredette part 2? Kyle Korver part 2? He has a sweet shot and a high basketball IQ, but he is not athletic and the moves that work so well in college are not going to work as well in the pros, and he is going to be a defensive liability as well. He will make the rotation on an NBA team and be useful, but he isn't going to be a star.
  17. Yes, fouls and T's always give a team free points. You don't know what was said, what precipitated any of this. So you assume what you want to assume. NBA refs aren't perfect and sometimes superstars get calls, but the game's not fixed.
  18. Yeah, it's always easy to see things like that if you are looking for them. But they really aren't there, IMO.
  19. And what you saw was influenced by your own preconceptions. Look, I'm a Warriors fan. I like to go skim message board game threads from the opposing team after every Warriors game, see what fans of other teams think about my team. Guess what. In every single one of those threads, the opposing fans complain that the refs favor the Warriors and hate their own team. And in every Warriors game thread, you hear Warriors fans say the exact opposite. I don't know what your favorite team is, but if it is the Rockets, just be aware that everyone else in the league thinks that Harden gets about 6 bullcrap calls in his favor every single game.
  20. I agree. It is the hardest sport to referee, by far. People see what they want to see.
  21. Lebron is a force of nature. Damn. And I too hate James Harden. Easily my least favorite All Star caliber player in the NBA.
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