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Everything posted by mojo

  1. Anyone else getting concerned with Willam Jackson, our new corner? Honestly, I wasn’t familiar with him before we signed him but he seemed to be a highly rated player and got a big contract. Now, the beat reporters are saying he’s been getting worked in practice for a while and now he’s on the injury report. Makes you wonder
  2. Just watched a clip of Mclaurin tossing his gloves to a kid and how excited he was. Next year, they should have a ton of footballs for the fans. It's the perfect opportunity to reward the fans who travel to watch a practice. If a player makes a nice play, they toss the ball off the field to the stadium crew and let them hand them out to the fans. Cost them nothing and could make the night for a lot of kids.
  3. Heinicke wouldn't settle for such paltry compensation.
  4. I consider myself right of center but he always seemed a bit odd. The kind of guy who is nice enough but when he asks if you want to hang out, it’s like sorry, my uncle’s parrot died and I have to go to the funeral.
  5. Kirk Cousins brushing up on the playbook during team meetings
  6. Haskins looks like his old self. Not sure I’ve seen a throw go past the line of scrimmage
  7. Especially being the 2nd year in the system for most of the players...that's gonna help a lot.
  8. Sir, you will have to take those feathered moccasins off, they’re not allowed because we’ve deemed them to be offensive to Native American culture. But your jacket with the huge Indian head logo and racial slur underneath is perfectly fine. yea that makes sense. Sir, you will have to take those feathered moccasins off, they’re not allowed because we’ve deemed them to be offensive to Native American culture. But your jacket with the huge Indian head logo and racial slur underneath is perfectly fine. yea that makes sense
  9. I just read that any native american garb or costumes will be banned from the stadium. Would it really shock you if they banned Redskin gear as well?
  10. Y’know that’s a good point. That said, I’m not talking about Biden doing jumping jacks, how about just informing people?
  11. That was a CDC citation I sent and you scolded me for refuting of their data earlier so take it or leave it. And all I’m saying is that this data should be promoted as well as the vaccine. It’s a great opportunity to inform and educate, utilize it.
  12. I’m not on the right nor left. I lean toward common sense.
  13. Not me, it’s ridiculous what’s served to school kids these days.
  14. I will fatso. And it will be the greatest thread this forum has ever seen
  15. https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/obesity-and-covid-19.html Waiting for your response trying to twist into a MAGA, racist post but if you don’t think obesity is a major health crisis in this country, take a look around.
  16. Vaccine aside, over a third of hospitalizations due to Covid are attributed to obesity, why isn’t that publicized more? This country should take this opportunity to promote a healthier lifestyle because obesity and diabetes are huge factors in this epidemic.
  17. I was joking as well by the way. And don’t tell me to F off if you don’t want a response.
  18. So he’s a nurse and joking about infecting unvaccinated people? Wow, what a sense of humor!
  19. Sorry, it’s the Delta so you’re dead too. But since you’re vaxxed, you can have ‘I win’ engraved on your tombstone.
  20. I guess sometimes looking in the mirror stings a bit.
  21. It’s insane how ultra political this vaccine has become. I have a friend, 56 years old, vegan diet, lives on his own farm, runs 5x a week and the most non-political guy you will ever meet. No internet or cell phone, just the local paper occasionally and he does not want the vaccine. His mentality is that he’s healthy, he takes care of his body and he would rather let his immune system protect him than a vaccine. He also takes care of his 87 year old mother (who is vaxxed) who lives in the neighborhood he grew up in. So a neighbor he’s known most of his life was walking by and they start talking and of course the vaccine is brought up. He’s asked if he’s getting it and he says no. Now the guy will not speak to him anymore and has probably labeled him a MAGA, racist, and who knows what else in his former neighborhood. I see a lot of that in this thread.
  22. I’m not even sure what you’re talking about.. Have a good one!
  23. I’ve been vaccinated so save your lecture for someone who cares. Just trying to explain part of the reason for so many unvaccinated
  24. Obviously not blaming the CDC…but for those who are hesitant, you hear “you can still get it and pass it as easy as an unvaccinated person”, I think many are saying, what’s the point?
  25. And now the CDC is saying the delta variant is passed as easily by the vaxed as it is by unvaxed. News like that doesn't exactly get people rushing out to get jabbed.
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