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Everything posted by mojo

  1. The good news: the US has hit the 70% vax goal Biden set https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/08/02/covid-vaccine-us-reaches-bidens-70percent-goal-for-adults-a-month-behind.html the bad news: Covid cases up 300% up from last year
  2. Vaccinated or not, I really don’t see the China virus ever going away.
  3. So how would we be past this? The US has significantly more cases now than it did at this point last year with roughly 65% of the population vaccinated.
  4. Get your shot and collect on your free doughnuts for the rest of the year! It’s the American way!!
  5. Don’t forget the set of testicles that hang from the bumper.
  6. C’mon. It’s a super funny series from about 20 years ago. It’s does poke fun at people so it would probably offend you, on the other hand, it stars Alec Baldwin who is a card carrying bleeding heart liberal so you may enjoy that aspect.
  7. Oh c’mon you know the drill. I think Jack Donaghy from 30 Rock summed up the left best when he said “all the left want to do is raise taxes and make it legal to marry your dog.”
  8. It’s crazy. The left is all about follow the science and the science says there’s a direct correlation between obesity and Covid, but God forbid anybody actually say it out loud. It may offend someone
  9. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/sweetgreen-ceo-criticized-after-connecting-the-pandemic-to-unhealthy-eating-incredibly-fat-phobic/ar-AAO1p1S CEO of Sweetgreen vilified for publicly stating the obvious. Most Covid hospitalizations are for obese people. Now he’s being called out for ‘fat shaming’. This country is so weird. Instead of losing weight, people would rather wear a mask and stand in line for their triple cheeseburger and Coke.
  10. You gonna do the same for smokers? How about the morbidly obese who spend their benefits on junk food? I’m not saying I’m against it. But it’s a slippery slope.
  11. Agreed. If you’re that worried about it, stay the F home.
  12. Thinking the same thing. I think I saw one of them smoking a cigarette while dancing
  13. Listening to Keim, he said Leno got pushed around last week. And he had issues tonight as well.
  14. I did watch the game and saw him make a nice snag over the middle and bobble 2 easy catches. Hey, I hope I’m wrong. I’d love nothing more than for him to blossom into a quality TE but based on the beat reporters who watch practice say, he is a distance behind all of our other TE’s.
  15. I'd be shocked if Reyes made the active roster. Huge potential but he doesn't look ready for prime time. I figure him to land on the practice squad.
  16. Agreed. That said, the amount of the work they gave him gave the impression they want to give him every opportunity. For one night, he answered the bell.
  17. I think the fact he torched Norman with like 10 catches from a QB no one had heard of when we played the Browns the year prior to signing him played a part as well.
  18. Anyone else getting concerned with Willam Jackson, our new corner? Honestly, I wasn’t familiar with him before we signed him but he seemed to be a highly rated player and got a big contract. Now, the beat reporters are saying he’s been getting worked in practice for a while and now he’s on the injury report. Makes you wonder
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