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Posts posted by dchogs

  1. 9 hours ago, Fresh8686 said:


    For real, that last statement came off tone deaf as **** to me. Although Im sure he didn’t meant it that way. But it’s especially galling after talking about “slumming it” at Hopkins in the sentence before (if I’m reading him right). 


    It pisses people off when people who have the privilege to not have to deal with certain things tells others to just “deal with it”. It’s analogous to those telling others to just “get over” slavery, racism, or trauma. 


    This is not supposed to be something we just accept and get used to. 

    lower classes as in the 99%.  or even the 99.9%.  i've edited that to make it more clear what i meant. 


    slumming it at hopkins is/was very tongue in cheek.

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/23/2019 at 4:07 PM, AsburySkinsFan said:

    The more I read about this the more I hate these ****s. 

    I agree.


    but... what advantages do our kids have within the system?  is it their fault?


    For example, who gets into ASF University?

      1)  Excellent student (3.9 GPA), strong recommendations, good athlete, solid SAT scores (1400), great extr -curriculars.

      2)  Good student (3.6GPA), solid recommendations, solid SAT scores (1300), average recs and extra curriculars


    oh, #2 can pay the full $60,000/yr tuition and #1 can only pay $10,000.


    The fact is that the average upper income american HS graduate (whom are primarily white) has an admission advantage over the average low income american HS graduate (whom are predominately minority).  even if it is $20,000 vs $10,000  or $10,000 vs. $5,000, there is a substantial effect.




    Your son, and my kids, both benefit from an inherently classist (and therefore also racist)  system.  Students who's families can afford full tuition are more likely to be accepted to schools than those from lower income families.  A kid in my son's class got into Harvard with SUBSTANTIALLY lower SAT, GPA, and extracurriculars.  His family is full pay, we are not (he didn't apply to Harvard, but was denied at Yale and wait listed at Brown.  He's currently slumming it at Hopkins).  While Harvard is an exception, most colleges need tuition dollars to meet budget needs. 


    Is this current outrage wrong?  absolutely.  but as long as colleges have to remain competitive and make budget, money will be a factor.  It is an ugly truth, but it's one that regular folks should get used to.


    • Like 1
  3. Interesting videos @BenningRoadSkin


    I found this quote interesting:  "The people with the most to lose from change cannot be put in charge of reforming the status quo."   Man.  That applies to so much in the US/world.  Politics, health care, financial industry, education, etc.  Maybe it's a function of Americans growing up with a national mythology that places wealth, power, and fame as the measures of success, but the rich have absolutely rigged the system so that they stay rich and stay in power. 


    That being said, I don't think the American dream is unobtainable for the middle and lower classes.   There just isn't any margin for error (or sickness, or financial disaster, or act of god, or...).   The middle and lower classes can absolutely rise up, but if they push all in and lose, they're out.  The rich can just buy another stake in the game and keep playing.

    • Like 1
  4. Reds looking increasingly nervous, though it was a derby where tensions are elevated.  Just didn't have that settled approach to possession or attack like was had vs. watford-- a side at a similar spot on the table as the Ev.


    Hopefully with 5 of 9 remaining at home and 7 of 9 against bottom 14 teams (with both of the remaining top 6 games at home), the nerves will calm a bit.  Need that creative spark to break down the buses that will inevitably be parked.  Far to pedestrian today... too content in the attacking third and too passive in the defending third (more the 2nd half).  The Reds had their chances and were, by far, the more deserving team of a win, but just not clinical enough with the few chances they generated.  


    Milner and Firmino did not look good during the time they had.  Bobby's been off his game, and Milner shouldn't be more than a squad player in the midfield at this point.


    On you reds!  27 left to get!

    • Thanks 2
  5. 22 minutes ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:

    Very happy with that. Without winning the game. Not conceading was the key there. I like our chances massively of scoring in Munich



    I've always wondered about the more common take about needing to score at home and/or drawing away.  Homefield adv aside, it makes the most sense to score away and take that tactical advantage into a home game than to tie and then risk conceding at home.  Or pushing too hard for a goal at home, conceding a counter, and then needing to win by 1+ on the road.  it seems like the numbers would line up for bunkering at home, getting the draw, and then only needing to nick a goal away to get through.


    Am I missing something (again, other than the home atmosphere)?

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  6. 17 hours ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:

    I don’t know how that came across the TV but that was an absoluting pulsating game of top level togger between the two best teams in this league by a Country mile. The way it ebbed and flowed ..... yeah, there were mistakes, and some of the passing and first touches both sides were off. But a real privilage to pay to watch another classic between these two.

    NO problem our unbeaten record going like that. We had what, three cleared off the line? Kompany could have walked. Three superb goals. Every player giving every last ounce. A draw would probably have been a fair result and you’re naturally disappointed to not still be sat here unbeaten but that was a super game played ar times at a ridiculous pace.

    When arguably the two top teams in Europe go at it like that, in as close a contest as that, decided by a wonderful goal like that (the fine margins huh? Sadio hits the post and its cleared off the line. Sane hits the post and it goes in); you just tip your hat to both teams, congratulate City on coming out on top this time, and walk away with your head held high.

    Well done City. Did what you had to in a Hell of a game and now it’s game on again.

    Still well in our own hands with 17 to go. Can’t ask for much more than that.

    Up the down but FAR from out Reds!



    oh, the energy and pace of the game was totally evident on tv-- probably not the same as in person, but it was awesome, just the same. 


    i was bummed to have the reds lose, but not crushed or angry like some reds on twitter are.  folks are acting like 'pool is looking up at city with an 8 pt gap.  i guarantee that ANY of them would have been thrilled with liverpool being top of the table by 4 pts one game into the 2nd half of the season (with that game being against the main challengers). 


    for the game itself, trent was really running hot or cold.  some terrible touches and mistakes, but some sublime flank switches-- one to set up bobby's goal.  he should get a second assist on that goal like in hockey.  i thought the game fairly reffed (in that there were some bad calls both ways).  terribly unlucky sequence at 20 min:  1) sadio hitting the post  2) stones clearing the ball by 1.1cm  and 3) not having that clear bounce off a charging salah, who was all but in the goal himself (and was caught like a tuna in the nets after).  a great save on salah's near miss in the 2nd half too. 


    playing either of these teams is like juggling a powder keg... one slight mistake, misstep, or bad angle, and it can all blow up in your face.  the sane, sterling, aguero combo is a dangerous one, and the only one in the league that could challenge mane, firminio, salah for potency. 


    gonna be a fun back half of the season.  let's go reds!


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  7. Family shot from last Thanksgiving.


    Son on pace to graduate a semester early as a double major at Hopkins (thank god!); hair is purple now and has been just about every color of the rainbow.  Daughter accepted into 8/8 colleges so far and weighing her options (casting a wide net encompassing financial impact, major, location, opportunity to play sports... in that order for me, not her).  Part luck, part consistent parenting, but we've got some ****ing awesome kids. 


    Best part:  empty nest soon, and off the payroll in 4 years.  Love 'em but looking forward to them thriving in their own adventures.  Short time!

    Family Photo.jpg

    • Like 6
  8. 7 hours ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:

    Fair ****s to the La Liga players: 




    Realising that kissing TV’s ass isn’t the be all and end all of football. 


    Be nice, if we ever got to this disgraceful stage, if the PL players would make a similar stance. 






    As they should.  Same as NFL teams and fans losing home games to London.  Okay for the expansion of the game (and I'd suspect that soccer is more prone to expansion than football), but at what cost?!?  Such a competitive disadvantage, even with a likely solid profit margin.


    You want to increase the game stateside?   Stop putting games on bull**** cable networks that people don't get easily, and stop milking fans with NBC gold plus bull****.  Play the games, show the games, grow the game.  It's thrilling enough without the ****ing bull****. 

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  9. the CP game is one 'pool would drop point on, especially when not firing on all cylinders.  not this year...


    a frightening attack backed up by a stout defense-- the only squad not to concede a goal in the PL-- and teams are rightly afraid. 


    the only question is if liverpool can handle the pressure put upon them by city.  they are so good that liverpool will have to be nearly perfect.  liverpool has to take care of business with low and mid table teams, and hold their own against the top 6.  it's going to be a wild ride this season...

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  10. It was a great weekend in Charlotte. Fun meeting up with Long n Left and his family, fun being surrounded by fellow Reds (the city was VERY Red), and fun to watch Liverpool in person.  My wife is already talking about doing it all at Anfield sometime soon.  


    The penalty was so soft, the second goal was pretty, and the third should have never been. 


    Still, a wonderful weekend in the Queen City-- great weather, a fun down town area, and good to be with so many other Reds.  I'm used to being in the minority.  

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  11. 3 hours ago, Long n Left said:

    Boss time with these lads last night! Tons of fun, thanks for the heads up to go GHH! 


    Chatted with Gareth a moment afterwards, great bloke.


    Fun time at the Wrap for sure... the more drunk I got and he more drunk the boys on stage got, the less I could make out.  Needed a Scouse to American English translator.  ?

    • Haha 1
  12. 6 hours ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:




    You’re going too mate? Well aren’t you a sly one? Haha. I’ve been posting about @Long n Left and you’re there too! You guys should try meet up! Have a blast my friend. As noted a few posts back, I love the chance on these tours for you guys to get that experience what many in the City just take for granted. The chance to watch the mighty Reds live. Just reward for all the early shifts watching the match hey? Top dedication. If you happen to be in Charlotte tonight you could have gone the Wrap gig which should be a brilliant night. Sure L n L wil have a run-down. 


    Just a purr the WC will deprive you of most if the really top players but such is life. Thus is the squad that travelled if you’ve not seen it: 




    Savour it mate and have a boss time. And take photies!






    Yeah, last minute(ish) decision.  I threw it out there but it was swallowed by the WC post traffic.  Long&left gave me the rundown on some red friendly pubs.  


    Just happy to see em in person. Gonna be awesome.   Hope to meet up with long&left for a pint or three...

    3 hours ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:


    • Thanks 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Long n Left said:

    Oh yeah. I’m part of the local Charlotte Reds fan club. We’ll be having a big to do at The Dog House starting at 10am. Will walk as a group to the stadium, signing and chanting, not sure when. 


    I’ll start my partying at The Rogue on East Blvd. as I’ve become friends with the owner, a huge Liverpool fan from Ireland. I’ll be wanting to catch the Open Championship final round. 

    nice!  sounds like the dog house is the place to be (though maybe not at 10 if i'm going to make it to the game)...

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