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Posts posted by dchogs

  1. i also think that arlovski and ortiz will take it. i have a feeling that the arlovski/silvia fight will be over quickly and that ortiz/shamrock will be a battle ending in the 2nd round. not placing any bets on these hunches, just what my gut is telling me (other than "feed me").

  2. here's me standing in front of the same background as Mona Lisa did back in 1506...

    (they were just starting the Hoover dam back then)

    with your username, i was expecting a little more eye makeup and maybe a mohawk.


  3. Originally posted by TK-IV II I


    I knew I wasn't the only one that kept their stadium cups. :D

    guilty here too. hey, when you can't be at fedex on sundays, you need to have a little fedex with you.

  4. Originally posted by fishrgirl

    ok guys, here goes. I don't have hardly any pics of myself. I guess I'll have to have one taken with all my 'Skins paraphenalia.

    Thanks again for all your help! :notworthy

    to answer your question, dchogs.. must have been a twin of mine.. 'twasn't me..

    it must be. you're a dead ringer for her (or visa versa :)). she was/is a huge redskins fan too. i've lost track of her and was psyched to see she found her way "home."

    not that i'm disappointed that you've found your way "home." welcome!

  5. Originally posted by fishrgirl

    it just keeps installing it as a link... I'll keep trying... sorry :(

    click on the "post reply" button (not the quick reply).

    at the bottom of the next page (right below the white input field) there is a "browse" button. click it.

    find the pic file on your cpu.

    taaa daaaa.

    i did click on your link though, and you look just like a friend of mine from HS. you didn't happen to be a swimmer from lancaster in a past life did you?

  6. Originally posted by dks1240

    who on here can i email a picture to who can post it up for me por favor? :)

    i'll help you out, but why can't you do it yourself? if it is on your cpu, click the browse button below the big white "reply" box (after you click on reply... not the quick reply box).

    email is dchogs@yahoo.com

  7. Originally posted by GSF


    I've been skiing at Park City a few times, though it's been a few years. Spent most of my time in the Jupiter bowls. I've also been to Alta and Snowbird. Utah has the best skiing in the world.

    jupiter was my first time skiing a bowl. i was about 12 or so and the powder was thigh high. man, i miss having my parents footing the bill for sweet vacations :) .

  8. Originally posted by rdsknbill

    DC, being that you are a former resident of Pennsylvania, I will hold my soccer comments :D

    We need fields for lacrosse but Soccer holds the fields, for now at least. :cuss:

    LOL... no worries. i hesitated before posting the pic because of the soccer thing. knew some smarta$$ would say something :silly:. alas, i didn't have any other pics of me though.

    to explain myself... i got tired of watching my wife play in her co-ed league every week, so i joined too. the field we play on is actually an indoor field, but outside. basically an open-air hockey rink with turf. gotta love california.

  9. Originally posted by skinsfanjoe

    I haven't been around here long but I remember someone having a "In memory of One Dollar in there sig"

    He looked so young. How did he pass away?

    i don't think we know for sure, or at least, i don't remember reading anything definitive.

    and, not that it matters at all, but as #950 something, you were here when he passed. no biggie.

    it still surprises me how touching his passing was, as i didn't know him personally. IMO, it speaks highly of extremeskins, the mods, and the members that the loss of a cyberfriend can make your stomach drop.

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