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Posts posted by dchogs

  1. true enough 9... top 4 was almost a pipe dream. just tough being so close and then "letting it slip" with three weeks to go. just don't understand why they didn't bunker in after 3-1 today.

    the transfer window will need to be huge to add both quality and depth for Europe tourneys.

  2. no they wouldnt

    Its why I never understood the wankfest over the 0-0 first leg. All Atletico needed to do was score 1 goal at the bridge and it was over.

    And Atletico is a much better team than Chelsea and was the worst match up for them since they don't mind grinding out games and not having the ball.

    in thinking about this and also explaining the home/away leg rules (as i know them), i came to the same conclusion. to me, it makes the most sense (if you're going to park the bus anywhere) to park the bus for one's home leg and then steal a goal away. forces the opposition to score two to beat you.

    i know it is easier to play at home with your supporters, but the power of an away goal is huge. am i missing something?

    Do American commentators call 'ATletico' 'ATHletico' like the idiots who can't read here?

    Modern day footie.SMH.

    And the first person that say's 'CHAMPioni' instead of 'CAMPioni' May 11 is getting a slap from me. Scouse style. Which you DON'T want!

    Just so we're all clear.


    i always thought it was athletico. interesting. it's not every day you learn something from GHH (dem jus jokes, amigo!)

  3. I think Liverpool would be the equivalent of Berkeley to Jackson in this situation since he came through the youth ranks at Liverpool.

    Yeah, maybe. They still sold him though. Maybe like a 7th round draft pick that flourishes but gets more money from another nfl team? Def a different situation.

  4. He has played good for Swansea and I think that is where he belongs. I'm not sure if he would have been as successful this year if he would have stayed in Liverpool. I'm happy for him nonetheless...

    I thought he was on loan, but it appears that I was mistaken. Sucks... he is developing nicely. Might take another year "on loan" (if he were still a red), but I could see him stepping in when we are unable to pay EVERYONE that has developed into desired players.

    AND... a classy reaction to his goal at Anfield. Love the respect he shows to his former club. An American question- is that normal? I can't imagine Desean Jackson (or any American footballer) doing similar against their old team...

    Loyalists manners vs revolutionary manners?

  5. Yesterday's CL match was the equivalent of the beginning of the Dark Ages.

    It was a sad, pathetic excuse for a 'soccer' match. I almost expected to see Terry and Lampard nailing 2x4s across the goal in time for the second half. It is one thing to play counter-attacking soccer, but Chelsea played such a bunker ball/hack it long game that I thought I was watching 1970s 3rd division stuff.

    Mou may be the 'special one', if special means learning how to park 12 players behind the ball, because that is what the majority of yesterday's game looked like. Chelsea supporters must be so proud - they feel the need to bunker against any team that can play good soccer (yet cry like little babies when someone like West Ham does it just a bit better).

    The soccer gods MUST not let this abomination go on. It would put soccer back in the horrible days of every match being 0-0.

    Foreshadowing to what his tactics will be if he does use backups against liverpool? Play for a draw, give up on his clubs own chances at winning the league, but screwing liverpool and opening the door for manc?

  6. Has Mourinho gone mad? I thought Brendan Rogers used to work under him why would he do something like this to him? All jokes aside Liverpool and City deserve better. I know at the end of the day nobody will be able to deny Liverpool thoroughly deserve to win the title but it's an injustice to them to even have this as a talking point right now. I hope the press in England refuse to give this another moment's attention but that might be asking too much. Gerard in particular really doesn't deserve this.

    It's a trap. Jose playing mind games... Reds need to assume a full strength squad.

  7. How did the Millwall player get a penalty out of that when if anything he's the bigger offender? Your guy certainly had a hold of his shirt, but he throws him to the ground. To send off the Blackburn player is a joke.

    I'd be well pissed at that too.


    agreed... without following blackburn and not knowing their kit, i thought for sure the red was going to be for the offensive player on first watch. to me, that was 50/50 at best, and a foul on millwall if i'm the ref.

  8. Howard in defense of Moyes:

    "He is demanding," he said. "He never lets the players rest; not one day. Whether we were on a brilliant run or a bad run, he never let us rest. He was always on our backs, and it got the best out of us."

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