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Everything posted by PCS

  1. 2001 Ford Range2 XT. V6 4...er....something big ass liter engine. If that means what I think it means,nope.
  2. What the hell. None of the mechanics here can figure this one out. At about 2200 to 2700 rpms,(no matter what gear),there is a stutter...a hesitation if you will in the engine. Nothing horrible. No lights come on and the truck keeps moving. Hasn't gotten worse. Happens somewhat regularly. Now while the truck is in 4 wheel drive,(last used that back in April),there is a very noticeable shake. Whole truck seems to just shake once and then keeps on going. I've been told O2 sensor,misfire in #5 cylinder,(Ford Ranger V6. Biggest V6 available for this model),4wheel drive,hell even a problem with the cruise control,(which I don't use all that often). Weird.
  3. Just one. Being a Cowboys fan. I'll admit I threw a hanging curve out there on that one.
  4. I knew it. Soon as I typed it I knew it,(That and I should have banned you when I had the chance. :mad: ).
  5. Have no idea if this has been seen or not,but what the hell. Starship Enterprise get's owned by the Death Star. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpztVZWC_hk
  6. Greetings ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for joining us here for this special Redskins Uniform fashion event brought to you by the Official Extremeskins fashion department. A celebration of fashion during this, the 100th merge. I know we all are excited to be here and are ready for this exclusive premiere showing of Redskins Uniforms that show off the very latest in exciting pro football fashion. If a player wants to be seen in a football uniform that makes a statement on any football field, whether it be the regular season and sunny or the post season and stormy – the ones you are about to see will do it. We know you can't wait any longer, so let's get started. If it's wonderful Spring day with the sun shining high in the sky and running around in real turf is the plan, then look no farther than what Casey Rabach is wearing today. That's right. The always versatile white top with the burgundy pants that are accented with the sporty,yellow and white racing car stripes down the sides that just make you go vroooom. Matching socks go along with this bright and cheery uniform and a pair of black, white, or for the more daring player, black and yellow or even gold cleats can complete the ensemble. No worries ladies and gentlemen, we haven't forgotten the helmet. It's just so versatile and goes with everything. Now if it's the bright sunlight, heat, and humidity they're trying to beat, then Chris Cooley is wearing the answer. The white pants and, remember that versatile white top? Well it's back in this white on white ensemble that's sure to open eyes behind those sunglasses on those sunny summer days or brighten things up on those hot summer nights. To complete his outfit, Chris is wearing the basic black cleats that never go out of fashion. Talk about a fashion risk. You go guy! As we head into autumn with all it's fall colors, what could be better than what Cornelius is wearing today. He's sporting the white pants with those burgundy and yellow racing stripes and that gorgeous burgundy top. This top with the white and yellow stripes on the sleeves is perfect for those beautiful fall days with all it's fall like colors. It just screams Fall is here. Now for those special occasions, when the player wants to look in the mirror and feel good at what they see, this throw back uniform being worn by London Fletcher is it. This uniform, with its dark top and gold pants, you'll notice those stripes make the scene again, is the perfect example of high fashion without being too formal. London is wearing the white cleats with this amazing outfit, but for the really special occassions, you can't beat basic black. And as with any special occasion, one must accessorize and can there be a better way to do that than this wonderful helmet with the spear on it? We think not. Now if the player doesn't want to feel quite that formal, then there is always the more casual, but even more daring throwback uniform that Jason Campbell is sporting right now. It combines the white top and yellow pants with that wonderfully bright yellow helmet with R on it for a casually formal feeling that is truly a sight to see. Thanks for coming to the show and we hope you have enjoyed yourselves as we have shown off the very best and latest in Redskins uniforms fashion.
  7. As long as the Fashion Police continue to be on duty with the Redskins uniforms, the thread will continue. They seem to be tireless.
  8. Speaking of meaningless contributions to this thread. Oh. Btw. Let me introduce myself. I'm the guy who merged the thread with this one. Along with several other traditions we have here at ES, all things Redskins fashion are discussed in this thread. If not, they're merged.
  9. Okay. That explains things. Now we just have to find out how much for after the game.
  10. Whoa. I'm guessing they're not making Margaritas with all that ice. That's a lot of bumps and bruises right there, (go figure).
  11. Well at least there aren't any more pics of spiders. Don't even think about it. :security:
  12. Started my projects,(definitely plural), around March. Started by re-organizing the walk in closet,(added a closetmaid system in there,wood, and it really helped). Then put hardware, (stainless steel lookin, middle of the road priced),on my kitchen cabinets. Installed one of those flip out storage deals in front of the kitchen sink as well. Still have alot of work to do. Going to sand off the stain on the kitchen and bathroom cabinets,(the old lacquer is yellowing bad), and stain them something a bit more rich in color. After that it's tile the front entry,(15 square feet), hardwood or tile in the kitchen, and tile in the bathroom. Going to install a ceiling fan in the living area of my small but comfortable condo, trim out a part of the ceiling in the kitchen, (the old lighting stuff hid a about a 4'x8'x12" "vault in the ceiling), and put in either a new light or some track light. Installing some under the counter lights in there as well. Possibly some LED rope lights to accent the light in the living area as well,(no lighting in the ceiling and I am not ripping out drywall and putting in wire). * :whew:
  13. There have been more posts edited and/or attachments removed by mods in just this month SO FAR, than there was in the first year this thread was opened. I won't even discuss the ridiculous number of times it's happened in just the 5 1/2 months of this year compared to the years leading up to this one. All this despite reported warnings from fellow posters and mods. Cripes. Ignorance is bliss I know, but some folks are just way too happy.
  14. Dang. Drive by thread starting. Welcome to the board NoVAskinfan22. Being a new member, you may not have seen the ongoing discussion about the latest in Redskins game fashion. Be aware though, it can be tough to keep up in that cutthroat,fast paced world of Redskins uniform fashion.
  15. Man I hate to do this, but a few of you need to grow up. "Vaginas?" Wusses? "Sit on a pole"? What's next? I know you are but what am I. Some rules violations there, (and I don't care who started it). I'm feeling charitable so you are still around based on that. Don't let it happen again. Now. On to some pics. Ya know, they really can be serious about that leaving the seat down thing.
  16. skinsfan07, listen just a little more next time. Actually, it would be preferable that there is no next time for anything like those you posted earlier, (since edited out). Take a cold shower or whatever works for you and keep it a little tamer. Thanks.
  17. Socks? Pfffft. Let's talk real fashion statement here. Clinton's shoes.
  18. Oh I'm sorry. Here I was thinking it was my "lucky" Redskins hat and shirt.
  19. Ah yes. It's the little things. Have to keep up on the fast pace, cut throat world of NFL fashion.
  20. Thread. It's thread. But you're correct in principle anyway.
  21. Well at least we finally got to the root of all the problems yesterday.
  22. Cop pulls you over for going to fast while driving with your dog. You start to play the " Really? I had no idea" act when the police officer tells you to look in the back seat. *
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