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Posts posted by Burgold

  1. 18 minutes ago, Zim489 said:


    Good lord where the hell does this level of confidence come from

    Honestly, it's probably... Look how good we were at times with Heinike, McClaurin and Gibson. Imagine what we can do with Wentz, Samuels, Logan, McKissic, and Dotson!


    Besides, if you can't be positive at this time of the year you may as well pack it in.

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  2. Just thought of this. If they build a stadium in Dumfries then I fully expect to hear--


    The Washington Commodes play at the Dump!


    In any case, Snyder choosing a location with "Dumb" in it is just begging for it.

  3. I think the reporting that the "sides are far apart" is the concerning bit. It's one thing if they're waiting for Collins to come off the books, but just like Washington promising to be aggressive in free agency and aggressive post draft, they have promised to be aggressive in signing Terry. Clearly, they don't know what that word means.


    They've had the entire offseason to prepare a plan and to be negotiating. I could see there being some fine points, holding things up, but the sides shouldn't be far apart. Far apart sounds like the serious negotiating hasn't even begun and clearly Washington has lost ground by waiting. If they jumped to the front and signed McClaurin before any of these other receivers the cost would have been less and Terry still would have gotten an elite contract. More, he would have felt loved.


    I don't know if he feels unloved now, but having to wait and wait and wait for things to happen when he sees others being taken care of can't be good.  Hopefully, there's more going on behind the scenes, but by this time the sides should have a handshake deal or a deal in principle done even if for some reason they want to wait until June. 


    I hope this will get done. It should get done, but over the few years there have been a lot of things that should have gotten done that the team has failed on.

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  4. 3 hours ago, FLSkinz83 said:

    So why would they purchase land in VA, but sill be looking at DC and MD?   

    Because you want to water down your negotiating power.


    Dan is trying to play VA off DC and MD to get a sweeter deal. Mind you, I don't know that you can do that when all three look at that land purchase and say, "Whelp" the Redskins are stuck. In fact, to a degree, Virginia can now feel comfortable in lowering their bid because Snyder has basically showed his cards. 


    Even Dan should know you can't bluff after you show your cards. Although apparently... Dan doesn't know this.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Skinsinparadise said:


    Heard similar stories but he was a young pro bowl safety, so its not like he had no value.  Portis straight up for Champ is a great deal for Denver but they had to throw in a 2nd rounder too to sweeten the deal?


    yep for a third and 4th no less.  They gave the same amount for Brandon Lloyd.  

    Yeah, the second irked me too.


    I'll assume the safety bit was morning brain :ols:

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  6. 1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:


    Gibbs wasn't a hot GM I agree.  But as Gibbs explained they made decisions by committee back then, him, Vinny and Dan, wtih Gibbs having final say. 

    As I recall, there were also rumors of an infidelity and Champ's wife demanding they leave town to get a new beginning. I think Champ had to go.

    32 minutes ago, Jericho said:


    Not sure what you are waiting for. There wouldn't be an actual vote until there's an owners meeting (if ever). And before then it will be PR moves and trying to sway people one way or another. But that takes time.

    Right, and this is a lot like Congress. Sometimes, you don't hold a vote until you know you have the result you want. 

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  7. There's a part of me that thinks that all the controversies won't undo Snyder, but the owners will look at the failure to get a stadium deal and that will do it. After all, if cities or counties stop paying for the stadium and that golden egg disappears... that's costing every owner a billion dollars. 


    How on Earth did Snyder screw up owning an NFL team so badly that he can't get a stadium deal?


    It should be the moral failings. It should be the harassment. It should be the double books and fraud. It should be abuse of the fans. It should be any number of serious missteps that go beyond winning and losing


    But, Snyder's been trying to get a new stadium deal for ten years and hasn't pulled it off. If other cities follow the example of the DMV, and they could because stadium deals are getting less and less popular locally, every single owner in the NFL not to mention every other pro sports owner will get screwed.



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  8. 5 minutes ago, Sniffler said:

    According to Merriam-Webster:



    I'm not too sure it's ever been used in neutral context. So, as an educator myself, it could be fair to say your professor may have misspoke.

    I have heard people talking about propaganda that can be used for good purposes. For example, people talk about Uncle Sam in WWI or the WWII efforts of Captain America, Wonder Woman, Hollywood war movies, etc. that were clearly propaganda efforts to help mobilize the nation's will against Germany.


    So, I can sort of see his/his professor's point. Still, like the word myth, the meaning definitely has a tilt. Myth used to denote a different set of beliefs. These days, it means a belief in something that isn't true. Propaganda is generally viewed as a form of manipulation. As such, it's generally viewed in a negative fashion.

    • Like 2
  9. 52 minutes ago, Bang said:

    **** the GOP.

    Call that whatever you want, I couldn't care less. the time for semantics and trying to civilly find common ground is long since past, and it was the GOP who killed it. They will willingly hurt this country and their own constituents to score politically. It is a tried and true method among the idiots that can't figure it out. 

    **** them, and anyone who stands with them.



    I don't like that I feel the same, but I do. Modern Republicanism is a murderous, hateful, myopic unredeemable monster.

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  10. I find that those who complain about being "canceled" tend to be more anti-free speech than the cancelers. Maybe that's because so many of the folks who say they've been "canceled" continue to have huge forums and platforms.


    On a simpler level, organizing a boycott is actually pro-free speech. 


    What I find anti-free speech is this notion that you shouldn't be allowed to protest in front of a SCOTUS Justices' home or anywhere they might hear you.



    4 hours ago, TheDoyler23 said:


    I was referencing the use of the Aunt Jemima mascot. It was top of mind as I had literally just had a conversation about that with my boomer MIL.  

    This is a good example of using free speech to foster a change. People organized, made their concerns known, and a mascot was changed. The company never stopped production of the syrup, it responded to the voice of the market or the voice of their consumers. If it were canceled then the company or at least the product would have disappeared from the face of the earth.

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  11. If I wanted to go a bit crazy I'd dust off one of my old plays, hire a top director and Broadway-level crew and cast and mount it. I figure that might cost me 10-20 million, but it'd be friggin' amazing. Long ago, I did get to see one of my works on Broadway, but it was 78th and Broadway and produced as an Equity Showcase. It was pretty successful and hearing an audience laugh and gasp and mutter in reaction to my imaginings is something that I cherish, but seeing my work done by the best and working and rewriting it to maximize its potential would be the dream. Well... One of them.



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  12. 4 minutes ago, philibusters said:




    But you may be right that conservatives are turning the word woke into something meaningless.

    It's that and it's more insidious. The idea of "woke" is implied hypocrisy or the idea of "you say these things because you think it's the right thing to say. You don't really believe it or if you do you're a brainwashed idiot."


    You may be right that "woke" is a coopted term, but today it is commonly used it is a broad brush insult. In fact, I never hear the term "woke" except when used as an attack by the Right. That's why I look at as a boogeyman. That's why I look at it just like the accusations of being PC. PC was a bit narrower, but PCism  was also about race. It became an attack by people who wanted to say the "N" word or insult minorities, people with disabilities, etc. without repercussion. It was about people who wanted to be able to be racist without being looked down on for it. 

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    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  13. Sure, I buy that, but the court packing of McConnell began well before Garland. That was just a really obvious one. Before that, McConnell refused to hold hearings on countless judge appointments. He was so insistent on not fulfilling his duty that recess appointments became a necessity. After that, the Senate realized the only way they could ever even get a vote on a judge was to change the rules.


    McConnell has been a terror for decades in dismantling the Court and making a mockery of the institution. He's a super villain level threat. And yes, everyone who voted for him or voted Republican has been complicit, but he is the mastermind... or he is the visible mastermind.

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  14. McConnell is uniquely responsible for destroying the Court. He has almost singly destroyed it as an arbitrator of issues. 

    it is now an ideological weapon where you know rulings are made before any arguments are made and rulings are made independent of precedent or merit. 

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  15. I disagree. I think "Wokism" is a conservative boogeyman. Twenty years ago, being woke was the horror of being "politically correct". These are just labels, conservatives apply to make things that sound reasonable sound icky.


    Oh... you think we need election reform that expands access rather than shrinks it? You're so woke!!!

    Oh... you think separating children from their mothers and slamming them in dog kennels while not keeping any papers to reunite them is awful... You're so woke!!!

    Oh... You think that racial disparities leading to higher incarceration rates, worse educational opportunities, and lower salaries ought to be fixed?  Woke! Woke! Woke! Woke!

    Oh! You think vaccinations are good and we should listen to scientists instead of Joe Rogan? WOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKEEEEE!

    Oh! You think storming the US Capitol is an assault on democracy? How ****ing woke can you get!!!

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