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no doubt a controversial subject......


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<a href="http://dailynews.netscape.com/dailynews/cnn/story_2.tmpl?story=2002032616175001170556&shortdate=0326" target="_blank">story</a> <br /><br />Someone's sueing some big corporations (aetna, CSX, etc.) for millions of dollars as they claim the predecessor companies or founders were involved in the slave trade back BEFORE the American Civil War.<br /><br />Puuulease. I'm sure somewhere down the line just about everyone of us has a relative who was a slave or was mistreated, or murdered or something. The eqyptians kept slaves, so did the african tribes........ There has been more white slavery in history than black slavery. So everyone should sue because of how some ancestor was mistreated or was given unequal rights?

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And then some. Searched for some info on this and got alot of hits. Here's one. <br /><br /><a href="http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/ny-bc-nj--aetna-slaverysuit0326mar25.story?coll=ny-ap-regional-wire" target="_blank">http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/ny-bc-nj--aetna-slaverysuit0326mar25.story?coll=ny-ap-regional-wire</a><br /><br />Sigh. I hope all this **** ends sometime soon.

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A while back, somebody did research on the long term economic effects of Japanese Americans who had been in internment camps during WWII. This was a survey of the actual people themselves, not their children or grandchildren. Anyway, the end result was that their average annual income was 72% HIGHER than the average income for white Americans. <br />While I freely admit our country has a rather sordid history in some areas, particularly regarding minorities; the past is the past, and this culture of victimization so vigorously promoted by academia and leftists does more to fuel racial tensions than anything else in our society.

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Rigoo-toni, that was very nicely put.<br /><br />Everyone is a victim of something at some time or another. So everyone should sue because of what was done to an ancester or done by an ancestor? Your going to hold me accountable for what my umpteenth great, great, great, great, great grandfather might of done? Some things are beyond belief. or stupidity.<br /><br />And at the time of these supposed transgressions, it was NOT A VIOLATION OF THE LAW. So why not sue the United States and the world for not outlawing slavery prior to the Civil War?

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I think this is taking "the sins if thy father" a tad too far. riggo, well said. Alot of work has been done by U.S. businesses,citizens, and even some by the government, to help close the racial divide in this country. I've lived long enough to see it and experience it first hand. This type of victimization tactic, as well as others that have surfaced recently, threaten to at least disassemble much of this work. I would hope that in the end, common sense will rule the day, hopefully before too much damage is done.

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i agree with all of you ....but i think that the peeps doing the sueing , are angry because the roots of the buisness are racist , and that since the buisness was created , and ran off of slavery , that the money that was made back in them days , should be reembursed(wrong spelling, too tired)........i say puhllleezzzzzzeeeeeee, but i can see where the hatred comes from ...<br /><br />once again , i agree with all of you ....lol

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