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About wrecker

  • Birthday 09/09/1960

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  • Location
    Hollywood, MD

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  1. Well I used to love her, but it's all over now. (Beatles)
  2. Kind of missing old Ryan Kerrigan right now ey? You know, someone who plays with heart?
  3. Sorry but it was my own thought up material and not a plagiarization. I guess we think alike. 😄
  4. One thing I hate is people who make judgments of people's character for whom they have never met. Most who have posted here and have actually met Larry Micheal seem to think he is a great guy. Others not so much. If it comes out he is a scumbag so be it, but let's not pass judgement until judgement is due.
  5. Although now that I think about it, calling COVID19 "Corona" may be considered a slur to the virus. 😏
  6. So all the reporters and journalists are all standing around waiting for someone to be the first to jump into the shark infested waters. Then the rest of them will all become sharks themselves.
  7. Hey you may be on to something there. I don't think Dan was a fan of Case playing with his first round pick sitting on the bench. Conspiracies parley....
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