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Does any body know any other websites that will help me with learning


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I need some websites that can help me with all my core classes. Why am asking, is because i have a crap load of sols next week. And the other reason is because i have a hard time comprehending stuff. I have been in Special Ed for 10 years and this is important to my edcation. If anyone can help me i will apperciate it. Thanks.

I Need All Subjects

I need a Dictionary website that will go into details with the word.

Thanks For yours help if you help


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Start with www.dictionary.com

If you need help in specific subjects, there are many people on this board who can help you out. I used to work as a college tutor in math and science, so if you have any questions on those subjucts feel free to pm me and I will send you my e-mail address.

Congrads in realizing that your education is important. Don't ever stigmatize yourself with a "Special Ed" mentality. The fact that you realize that your education is important tells me you have a much higher intelligence then you give yourself credit for, definitely not special ed, no matter what some school wants to stigmatize people with.


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Originally posted by GOKU

I need some websites that can help me with all my core classes. Why am asking, is because i have a crap load of sols next week. And the other reason is because i have a hard time comprehending stuff. I have been in Special Ed for 10 years and this is important to my edcation. If anyone can help me i will apperciate it. Thanks.

I Need All Subjects

I need a Dictionary website that will go into details with the word.

Thanks For yours help if you help


Federal law mandates that any school receiving funds must assist students with special needs. I am assuming you go to KU (poor thing ;) ) and you can go to student assistance any they must assist you.


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