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New rules to crack down on child pornography


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New rules to crack down on child pornography

From Terry Frieden


Tuesday, May 17, 2005 Posted: 6:44 PM EDT (2244 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Producers of sexually explicit material must be able to prove the subjects depicted in their photographs and films are adults, according to new government regulations approved Tuesday by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

To implement a government crackdown, Gonzales signed final rules that establish detailed procedures for inspecting pornography producers' records to ensure children aren't being used as performers in sexually explicit depictions.

Pornography producers who violate the new requirements would be subject to prison terms of up to five years on the first offense and up to 10 years for subsequent offenses.

Porn producers must keep detailed records that verify the identity and age of each individual depicted. The new regulations, to be published in the Federal Register, also update the definition of "pornography producers" to include producers of visual depictions of sexually explicit conduct published on the Internet.

The regulations implement recent congressionally-approved amendments to the Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act, which President Bush signed into law in 2003.


Child porn is disgusting, but how does regulating legit porno producers even more make children safer and "crack down" on child pornography? They, legit producers, already have to keep extinsive records of everyone in the material they produce. Child porn is underground. The lack of "records" is the least of those sicko's concerns. They don't keep records!!!

Maybe I'm jaded, but this smells like a feel good law the poloticians can hold up and say how hard they worked to rid the world of child porn. When in reality it does nothing to help and might even hurt those efforts.

Do we really need proof that Ron Jeremy is over 18? Spend that money on the tough dectective work that results is success and catches criminals.

Sorry, end rant......


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Funny, all the porn I own opens up with a title identifying the name and address of the person who maintains the records on who was in this movie, and how old they were, and which releases they signed, and so forth. Been that way since '95, I think.

So, I wonder what this new law really does, once you get behind all the glowing "protect the children" rhetoric that make it sound like it only does something that was already being done.

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