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White conference call.


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APRIL 24, 2005


On what the coaches have told him about where he will fit in on the team:

“I think they want someone to help Clinton Portis, a bigger back to help him out and pound it in there when you get close to the goal line. Also, I think they are thinking about using me at H-Back.”

On if he has ever played H-Back:

“I have done it a little bit so I am kind of familiar with it. I have a lot of learning to do.”

On if he is comfortable playing H-Back and fullback instead of running back:

“Definitely, I have no problem doing whatever it takes to help the team. Just as long as I can contribute to the team I am excited and all for it.”

On when he injured his knee at the Senior Bowl and if he thought it would affect his draft:

“No, not really because it was not a specific incident that I can remember that I hurt it. After the first practice that Monday it was a little sore. I went to the training room and they gave me some ice and Advil for the swelling. I continued to play the whole week and I played in the game. When I got back to Los Angeles I went back to my training regimen and it just didn’t feel right, so I went and got an MRI and they said it was a meniscus tear. At that point we didn’t know when I should get the surgery. If I should go to the combine and get the surgery after or get it prior to the combine. We decided to get it cleaned out before the combine so I when it was time for me to do my pro day I was ready to go.”

On if he feels like he is healthy:

“I am ready and 100 percent.”

On how is career at UCLA went:

“At first it was frustrating that I had to share time. As an athlete you feel like you can do everything. It was a learning experience. I was sharing time with some tremendous running backs.”

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Originally posted by TheDane

This pick and the McCune pick really show me that our decisionmakers are paying attention to detail and doing their homework on the scouting front. Not to mention on the character evaluation front.

Great second day so far.

Having good position coaches like we have know will do that. :cool:

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my only problem with white is i think he is very well rounded but he's not quite good enough to be a true running back and not quite good enough to be a true blocking full back.....he's too inbetween......but on a good note we once had stephen davis as our full back and look how well he turned out..

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