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Any local theaters selling Ep III midnight tix yet?


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I called the theater right by my house and they said they weren't sure they were even going to have a midnight showing of Ep III. They said they probably will, but didn't want to give me a yes answer until it is confirmed. I sure hope they do as it will save me from driving to the ridiculously overcrowded areas 10-20 miles from here. I remember for Ep I the paper announced when tickets went on sale, which caused pandemonium among Star Wars fans, but for Ep II they were smart and tickets went on sale unannounced and my friend just went up to the booth a couple weeks before the show and bought all the tickets we needed. I am just wondering if any of your towns have starting selling tickets for it yet being that we are right about a month away.


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Our local theater will have a midnight showing and they always do a great job. The close of the 6 large theaters around around 5 or 6 and from then on, people can go into their theater and get their seats rather than waiting in lines outside.

Sure, you may have to wait a little longer if you want to go early and get a good seat, but I'd rather be sitting and waiting than standing.

I can't wait, I've seen each of the prequels at the midnight showing and to be honest, it really enhances the experience because you have so many diehard in the theater and everyone is so into the movie. It's really cool.

My brother is going to this one and taking his son (my nephew) who is 6 and loves star wars, so this one will be extra special.

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