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June 1st is here and no news yet

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What the hell gives? I have been patiently waiting all week for today to hurry up and get here so I could see some transactions and we can all have some new things to talk about. And I keep reading everything will happen between monday and wednesday.

This totally sucks. I hurried home from work so I can see what happened today and.............. nothing. I had enough, I am going to take the Mrs. down to the Jersey shore and go bar hopping and get drunk and maybe I can convince her to go under the boardwalk:D

I will be sure to have a drink for you guys and check out some g-strings for ya too:laugh:

I almost forgot gotta find my sunglasses so my wife doesn't catch me........;)

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Damn ... guy's back starts feeling better and he thinks he's 18 again. :)

I didn't let myself get too worked up over June 1 since it falls on a Saturday. Figured all along things wouldn't really start happening until Monday. Hey, everybody's watching World Cup, right? Who's got time to negotiate with free agents?


Stay tuned for sarcastic soccer comment from sailor type.

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I took the following from espn.com/nfl. It explains why there isn't anything happening today. Teams don't officially start releasing players for cap relief until Monday. I think the Giants may try to get this guy as I am hearing they may release Kenny Holmes.

"The Washington Redskins will release starting left defensive end Marco Coleman next Monday, the first day that NFL teams can officially gain salary cap relief by making post-June 1 roster moves, agent Jack Reale told ESPN.com on Friday night."

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Originally posted by Om

Damn ... guy's back starts feeling better and he thinks he's 18 again. :)

I have learned one thing since my back problems. When it is feeling better, get the hell out of the house and do something cause it never seems to fail when it is out I just sit here and think about those kinda things. The mrs. talked me into going into the ocean after a few beers and shots. Damn that was cold. We couldn't go under the boardwalk cause after I got out of the cold water, i couldn't find it.:laugh:

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Regardless of when a player is cut...the player will wait for any bidding wars to develop. There are also domino effects on player signings. This can create bidding pressure as needs are not filled by various teams. DE's seem to be readily available, but DT's are scarse. If I were Sam's agent, I'd be waiting for other bids before deciding anything quickly.


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Oh well, so much for the Giants going after Coleman. Kenny Holmes re-did his contract for this year saving the Giants $1.2 million towards this years cap so they can sign their draft picks and maybe a lower price free agent. I got that off of espn.com/nfl. That is usually the source of most of my posts for future references.

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