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Pierced through the heart

Tae Bo

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Originally posted by jrockster77

I think you're post is 100% true...some of the people here have blinders on when it comes to some of the things wrong with the organization, so are naturally upset whenever it is criticized.

But it is obvious when you examine a franchise like the Patriots, who's personnell strategy is pretty much the exact opposite of ours. Its been said a billion times, but there is a lot of truth in it.

It's hilarous that people keep pointing to the Patriots as the team to copy. Do you understand what it is the Patriots do? They don't overpay for players they feel can be replaced. So, doesn't the fact that we are taking the exact same approach and not giving in to the popular players' ransoms mean we're taking the same approach?

You don't think Troy Brown was a fan favorite in New England? Andruzzi?

The big over-turn of players of years past is due mostly to the coaching changes, thus getting the "right" players for those coaches was what was done. Our biggest mistakes were hiring the wrong coaches in years past- the rest followed.

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Originally posted by Bufford

dang, he signed hours ago.

Spend all this time thinking up that snappy title?

look, its a business and another team came at him strong. A few mill in a big contract wouldn't make a difference to a NFLer, but they blew us out of the water.

Get over it and wish him well.

Maybe he'll bark fake calls for the giants next year and get a flag when playing us. That would be nifty.

^^^ pretty much my sentiments. The Redskins have done this to other teams in the past(coles) etc. it happens. thats FA for you. I wish him(Pierce) well...well except for when we face the Giants *lol*

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I don't blacm Pierce at all. It was his one time pay day. I'm sure he will bleed Blue and Grey now. The irony is that the Skins are operating with restraint for the first time -- and with one of their own.

Yup, paying for past mistakes. I still think we should have signed him.

This is Ebay baby. Let the market determine your value. I don't fault him. It's new football. Get used to it.

We just have to trust in Greg Williams. He will bring in the right guy. He's the best defensive coach in football. Our defense was a bunch of misfits last year. He will find his replacement.

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