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Smoke screen for a name change


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I know that this topic has been discussed for the past week or so but I have been doing some thinking. Could the Retro 70th Anniversary Uniforms be a smoke screen for a new logo and name all-together? Does Mr. Snyder celebrating the 70th Anniversary this season instead of waiting 5 more years to celebrate the Diamond Anniversary of the Franchise be an attempt to soften the blow of a name change and new uniforms. Or does he just want to make money now and not wait another 5 years?

What got me thinking about it was when he bought the Redskin in 1999 he said he was not going to change the name of Jack Kent Cooke Stadium to a Corporate Name, just like he said he will not rename the Redskins. The 99 season began with the Stadium being called Washington Redskin Stadium, then in late 99 the Name Fed Ex Field was given to the stadium. Mr. Snyder later on said in a interview that the reason whey he gave it the name Washington Redskin Stadium was to soften the blow of a Corporate Name to the Fans. It was a marketing tool to get the fans to accept the new name. Instead of changing it to a corporate name right away he gives it an interim name, Washington Redskin Stadium, for a while then slaps the corporate name in hopes that the fans will accept it better with a gradual change. We know he is a marketing person

Is that what he is doing with the retro uniforms, kind of giving the fans a different helmet, from the past, with a spear on it and not an Indian Head and a different jersey, then changing the team name to the Washington Warriors in 2003 or 2004 and then using those uniforms permanently?

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

Dear fuji869,

I was trying to be clever, but it seems you found me out. Everything you wrote is true.


Dan Snyder

You are an imposter! The real Daniel Snyder would have signed it


Mr. Snyder :rotflmao:

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"Or does he just want to make money now ... - fuji

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the league share monies made from team merchandise? In this case, the increase Snyder might see due to any uniform change would be neglible. I don't think it's about money.

As for the softening up of the fans for a potential name change ... I don't know. It would be a pretty smart move IMHO if that's what's happening. Fans would be used to the uniforms already so there would be some connection. Guess we'll see soon enough.

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Originally posted by Brave

I don't think it's about money.

In my experience, it's *always* about money. And I'm not just talking football.

In the case of the Redskins, the team lost a U.S. Patent & Trademark Office suit in 1999 over the use of the "Redskins" name and the traditional Redskin trademarked imagery. The suit alleged that the Redskins name defamed Native Americans and thus was unworthy of a U.S. trademark. U.S. trademark law holds that no trademark can defame another person or company, so a name like MichaelJordanIsaFag can't be trademarked even if it's unique.

The trademark office sided against the Redskins in an unusually long (something like 70-page) decision, but Snyder appealed. He has this appeal and a possible further appeal to the Supreme Court before the matter is final. This could go on for several years.

Whether or not the Redskins name is changed, it would appear that the new spear design may be an attempt to test-market some new imagery that might be trademarked as a replacement for the Indian head in the future.

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I think there is a smoke screen alright but I dont think it has to do with the name change..

I think Snyder is doing this to take some pressure of his past mistakes and feed the media something new..

With the hiring of Spurrier and Lewis the retiring of Green after this year, Schott contreversy.. Snyder decided that it was time for a throw back.. Danny boy feeds off of the washington community and I dont think that he would be that back stabbing to all redskin alumni and the great JKC to change the sacred name REDSKINS..................................

Snyder doesnt get pressured into things he is probably the best salesman, smoothtalker/ Negotiotor.. So I dont think anyone is going to get him to change that name..

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Wow, looks like Snyder has some skins fans fooled.

He said he wouldn't change the name of the stadium. Well, I guess technically, he didn't lie.

He changed it TWICE!! :laugh:

Bottom line, if Snyder thinks the name change will bring more moeny, he will do it in a heart beat. I truly believe this. Sure, he is a fan of the team, but I think he may be a fan of money just a bit more.

What business man isn't a fan of money?

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Scary thought. But we've all been thinking about this for the past ten years. Really though, if the team changes the name to something more PC, is anyone really gonna call then by the new name. I bet chris berman would still call them the skins.

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I think Synder will keep the team name the same but it is not a lock, anything can happen.I think this was just a way for Dan to make a few extra bucks (70th ann.) and I believe that he feels as strongly as we do about the name, but as has been said money talks.

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