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Would the Real Dan454 - Please Stand UP


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Contrary to Dan454 beliefs I am not a laughing stock on other forums. Dan454 may be a Dallas native and DallasCowboys fan, but what has been established by myself and very many posters at DMN site is Dan454 is a BIGOT. 75% of his post have been prejudicial and racially driven.

Dan454 is seeking favor where he might gain acceptance. That is a hardcore redskins forum, where Quincy Carter is viewed as a bust and the 9 in a row smack is loathed. . Most Dallas Cowboy fans think highly of Quincy Carter, but many like myself are not yet sold on Quincy being the franchise QB for the Cowboys. I am a Quincy Carter supporter, but if he does not produce then bring on the next prospect.

Sadly, I not able to paste or link any of Dan454 racial tirades because as of last week DMN moderators deleted the post history.

Should any Cowboy fan visit your site feel free to ask if they have encountered any of Dan454 posts laced with the n-word and assumptions that mobile(black QBs) do not have what it takes to win the SuperBowl.

DallasCowboy fans problems should not be a topic on your awesome site, but Dan454 opened up the can of worms by calling me out. He wants to gain acceptance from you guys by bashing me because he knows I have had numerous debates with ART, NavyDave etc. Whether I was right or wrong we are all entitled to our opinions which are influenced by our homerism or favoritism for our respective teams. But the fact remains that Dan454 is bigot.

Sorry I had to use up your forum space for this type of post, but I felt that you guys deserve to know the truth. I am not able to substantiate my stance because of the deletion of dan454 tirades on the DMN site. My suggestion is you guys send one of your respected forumites to the DMN site(or any other site Dan454 frequents) and pose a question to whom is actually regarded as a laughing stock.


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I didn't see the post you refer to, Q, but I think it's fair to say nobody here is even remotely interested in a pissing match between 2 Cowboy fans. Or any other fans. This needs to die on the vine right here.

And in anticipation of your "yeah, well he started it" response ... okay fine. Now let's move on.

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unfortunately, many sites don't have any built in safeguards to prevent profanity-laced tirades to be posted at will. And they also don't have administrators that police the boards regularly so the stuff stays there a while.

we don't have that problem here.

I am a Lakers fan but stopped posting to one of their boards because this guy that was a Mavericks-junkie starting posting all this garbage about Phil Jackson and Buss' daughter dating and literally flooded the board with garbage while the administrators sat on their hands.

I would have booted the SOB immediately as I don't consider flame posting to be expressing a legitimate viewpoint.

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