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Server Time Setting


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Ok, the server time setting may seem somewhat screwy to you. If so, then do this:

1. click on "User CP" at the top of the page.

2. click on "Edit Options"

3. scroll down to "Time Offset" and select your time zone.

4. click on "Submit Modifications"

This should normalize the times to your home time zone.

Post any problems you may have with this on this thread.


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BTW, for anyone reading Blade's post. I had done this awhile ago, and continued to have bizarre times displayed in the forum. I just went to the settings, and reselected my time zone (it was already "set" to that anyway), and resubmitted the change. My times are now displaying correctly.

So basically, even if you did it earlier, if you are still having problems, change it again.

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Oh crap...now I have to go back in and undo my fix for that problem. Guys, it would have been easier for you all to just ask all of us to do what I did....set my time preference for GMT. :silly:

Seriously, thanks for the fix, it does in fact display the correct time now.

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