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I remember a team.....


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.....that had a whole bunch of doubt surrounding it in the not too distant past. I recall people wildly down on this team. This team had many questions. For it to succeed, most of the questions had to be answered positively. But, the questions were all so major, it seemed unlikely to some.

Some asked aloud what this team would do at running back. The preseason competition between two greatly unproven players was supposed to go one way, but, it went another. To a runner who had previously had a career best, 567 yards and a career 5 touchdowns went the weight of the running game. How could it be?

Especially behind an offensive line that had surrendered 60-some sacks the previous year, and flashed limited ability to play and stay together. Led by a guard injured yearly, a veteran left tackle with back issues and a rookie at right tackle and a recycled vet at the other guard spot who was on the downside of his career. This line couldn't open holes for an unproven runner. And worse, it was protecting a quarterback who had never been able to stay healthy. Very brittle. Very soft. This quarterback would surely fall and the season would be lost with that fall.

Still, it wouldn't matter whether he did or not really. Afterall, he had no one to throw to. At one receiver was a totally unproven player with four career touchdowns and just 451 yards in his best season. Just 28 catches in that "big" year. And he was more highly thought of that the other receiver, who is constantly hurt. Never proven a thing in the league. Sure, he was a high draft pick, but the other receiver was immature and couldn't stay healthy. Too many problems with this offense to overcome.

Not to mention the defense. Already people were figuring out the defensive ends on this team were weak. A recycled player out of San Diego was thought to be a good pickup. A wasted first round draft pick at the other spot. In front of soft backers and a rookie corner who wouldn't be good right away anyway. A totally unproven and weak free safety spot behind him.

Too many problems with this team. Too many questions. And the biggest, of course, being the coaching. The coach would tear it all down no matter how the players responded to the doubt. He'd shown his total inability. This team was doomed. Many were calling it so. And, who could really argue.

Now, a couple of years later, the same negativity is showing on the same team. But, the team really isn't the same. It's very, very different. Players who were questions a couple of years ago are gone. But, the negativity is coming back. It's being seen again.

Only, this time, at running back, instead of that guy with five career touchdowns, you have a Pro Bowl back who's rushed for a team record and has vaulted to one of the most proven players at his position in football. An actual star.

At offensive line, you have that same rookie right tackle, who's among the best a couple of years in. He's complimented by an exciting young left tackle. No questions there. Sure, at guard there's a problem. Afterall, two guys brought in have been durable, productive pros, and the two guys behind them are young and unproven and struggling. But, this line looks better than that line for that other team. Still, it's very negative, just like then.

At quarterback, that soft guy isn't there. Another guy is, and one who has experienced far more success than that other guy has heading into this season as compared to that guy for that team. At receiver, you still have a guy coming off an injury and needing to stay healthy, but, you now know what he can do when healthy. He's complimented by a guy who was highly touted in the draft and is a first round pick, as well as a career No. 3 receiver who has done more than that old No. 2 had done before that questionable season.

That retread from San Diego has been great in his time with this team. And the other end is a Hall of Fame player who played exceptionally well. The questions aren't at end now, but at tackle on this team. Though, not as serious questions on this team as with that. Still, it's very negative.

The linebackers are better than they were. Stronger in the middle with a proven vet and fleet and quick on the outside. There's that same nagging free safety question, to be sure. But, that rookie corner is now a couple of years in and established and the other side is generating a lot of excitement in another rookie.

It's hard to compare these two teams, in terms of questions entering the season. Certainly that other team had more. Glaring questions. Questions all over, not only in starters, but in reserves. That team won the division and a playoff game.

This team has the same negativity coming out about it, but, certainly appears on stronger ground than that team did. Oh, and we haven't even discussed having one of the most winning NFL coaches of all time as the leader.

Guys, there's no doubt this Redskin team has problem spots. But, this Redskin team is in a far better position to compete and win than another that did compete and did win not to very long ago.

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This team has a new head coach, offensive coordinator, defensive coordinator, special teams coach, position coaches, and a 40% turnover in the starters from last year.

Expecting it to go 12-4 based on a schedule of what our opponents did last year was never very realistic.

Expecting us to jump hot out of the gate with our act together wasn't either.

Earlier, I think I used the comparison of this team to Gibbs first teams (started 0-5), and that went over like a lead blimp. But I see nothing to dissaude me that that won't be a likely scenario.

With the setbacks to George and others, with need to still find out who can play under live fire, and with the learning curve of a new system, it will likely take a while before everything gets synched up. And there's likely to be a few butt-ugly moments along the way.

But it's undeniable that there is talent on this team, there is a strong committment to improving, and there is a method to getting us there. We will be a better team under Marty.

The only relevent question right now is 'how long?'.

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I agree with Terry. It may be extremely fotuitous for us that we're playing a rebuilding and injury-riddled San Diego squad the first game out the door. If we can get ourselves a nice win against them, say of the 20-7 variety or something, it may help the team's transition into the Marty era.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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What Terry says is very, very right on. A lot of us have said the same thing. This team will not set the world on fire for a long while. There's talent and ability, but it won't always show while the team is gelling and coming together.

A team we might very closely resemble is the New Orleans Saints of a year ago. A team with an entire new coaching staff, and 60 percent turnover on the roster, like we've experienced. They started out 1-3 before getting together and figuring out how to play with Haslett as the coach and within his scheme.

Though I see Washington winning it's opening two games, we should very likely have the same type of slow start that will extend several weeks. Sure, if everything turns out roses, we can do very well all year, but, expecting roses is a pie in the sky belief. The best thing we can hope for is to compete and stay in position to win while the team grows into what Marty does.

Could we start 4-0 out of the block? Sure. Other than Green Bay, we'll likely be favored in each game. But, count on struggling for several weeks. Let yourself be surprised if anything else happens.


Doom is in the box.

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one thing though, is the fact the NFC East in 1999 was a far weaker division than it is now. The second place team in 1999 was Dallas at 8-8.

Coming off last season, we have a 12-4 team that went to the Super Bowl and another team in Philly that won a playoff game after going 11-5 and seemed to be able to beat everyone except the Giants.

Put this year's team into that milieu and the forest is a lot thicker to see through this time around.

Brad didn't have any injury problems in the preseason in 1999. Tre was healthy and ready to contribute at a lighter 320. Sims was healthy and was rounding into a form he showed as a pro bowler in Miami. Westbrook and Connell played the entire season.

Where that team does not compare to this one is on defense. There is a lot more talent here now. Admittedly, some of it is older talent, especially on the defensive line. But the potential is there.

The one worrisome point is that no matter how great Barber and Arrington play, however, without a front four that takes on and engages against the run up the middle, we are likely to have a difficult time getting teams off the field and the ball back into the hands of the offense.

That depends on Lang and Wilkinson taking the lead. Neither has been a particularly consistent run defender in the past for different reasons. Mitchell, if he wins the MLB job, will be a first time starter there in his NFL career at age 30.

Altogether that does not instill me with confidence right now.

And, while Robert Jones may provide some help at MLB, I don't see anyone stepping up at DT to help out.

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