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OT-- Klez question


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Question for you IT specialists. We've been getting a steady stream of Klez viruses coming through our work emails. The Norton software is up to date on all computers, yet people have been emailing us to say they've received the Klez from us. Full system scans using Norton have turned up nothing, and as we receive infected emails the attachments are automatically quarantined.

Is it possible that Klez is picking up our email addresses on someone else's infected computer and sending them out that way, rather than our computers actually emailing out the virus???

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Yes Budda, you are right, the Klez virus will pick up random addresses from address books and web pages to use as the sender. It will look like the email originated from you, or some other ficticious sender. If you run a trace you will see that the IP addresses are not consistent with the senders, if you are privy to that info. Klez is very good as far as viruses are concerend. We here are also getting a lot of emial saying we sent the virus because in our business our emails are very "public", not to mention that a lot of dummies who did contract the viurs have our people and groups in their address books.. The latest pattern file from Norton will find and clean this virus. This is just the annoyance level of this virus. The bastages.

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