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Hall of Famers playing last night?

Taco Bell

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The combination of these two teams I think brought together two teams with a bunch of future hall of famers. Heres my list:

Locks now:




Other deserved players:





Players who still could develop into one:




Agree? Too Many? Wrong Category? Just wondering, because while being a Skins fan since kindergarten, I love the history of football and hope the era I've grown up in can have the same legendary stories as generations before for the younger dudes like myself to experience.

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Seymour is more of a HoF candidate than Bruschi, IMO. Bruschi is like a better Gouveia. They do their thing well, but if making big plays is the standard for a winning team, I guess Gouveia should be headed to the Hall.

Owens will probably get in if he plays a bit longer because he's a self-promoter and he's been pretty damn good. Though he also has dropped a lot of balls in his career. That's my problem with him.

Westbrook? For being Dave Meggett x 2? McNabb for being one of the great choke men of all time? I suppose he can rack up the numbers.

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Yea, maybe Westbrook doesn't have a realistic shot because the top backs ever are a very elite group of players, but it just seems to me that if Reid ever used Westbrook to his max that he could be another Marshall Faulk. Westbrook never has had a bad game, he just has had games where he was under utilized so his stats aren't as loaded as they could be. As for McNabb, I think he could get in easily if he can just win one superbowl, because he'd be the first African American QB to be a full time starter and do that, not to put a racial factor in the voting but pioneers are always remembered.

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Originally posted by Taco Bell

Yea, maybe Westbrook doesn't have a realistic shot because the top backs ever are a very elite group of players, but it just seems to me that if Reid ever used Westbrook to his max that he could be another Marshall Faulk. Westbrook never has had a bad game, he just has had games where he was under utilized so his stats aren't as loaded as they could be. As for McNabb, I think he could get in easily if he can just win one superbowl, because he'd be the first African American QB to be a full time starter and do that, not to put a racial factor in the voting but pioneers are always remembered.

If they want to do that, there is a much better QB named Warren Moon who deserves induction first.

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If Peter King has anything to do with it, Bruschi will get in. He's the fourth best player on the defense and only been to one pro bowl. But he is a team player who makes sacrafices for the good of the team. "I'll fight like hell to get him in" says King.


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I'll break the list up into the three categories you have and give my thoughts... ;)


Brady: He keeps playing the way he does, I think he's a strong possibility. That's especially if he's on a couple more SB winning teams and at least one of those isn't the Pats.

Harrison: Don't think so.

Owens: Nope. It would be a damn shame if he even got a whiff, but Art Monk never got it.


Dawkins: Err... no.

Bruschi: After one great year? No. An above-average player at his position, but hardly HOF-caliber.

McGinest: Not sure.

Dillon: No.


Seymour: No

McNabb: Other than this year, McChoke hasn't done anything even remotely deserving of the Hall. Nevermind the fact that he chokes in situations that Linda Lovelace would take in-stride.

Westbrook: A back that has never even had a 1,000 yard season rushing? Please try again.

I'll add Vinatieri has a strong possibility if any kicker is ever considered.

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Originally posted by ntotoro

I'll break the list up into the three categories you have and give my thoughts... ;)


Brady: He keeps playing the way he does, I think he's a strong possibility. That's especially if he's on a couple more SB winning teams and at least one of those isn't the Pats.

Harrison: Don't think so.

Owens: Nope. It would be a damn shame if he even got a whiff, but Art Monk never got it.


Dawkins: Err... no.

Bruschi: After one great year? No. An above-average player at his position, but hardly HOF-caliber.

McGinest: Not sure.

Dillon: No.


Seymour: No

McNabb: Other than this year, McChoke hasn't done anything even remotely deserving of the Hall. Nevermind the fact that he chokes in situations that Linda Lovelace would take in-stride.

Westbrook: A back that has never even had a 1,000 yard season rushing? Please try again.

I'll add Vinatieri has a strong possibility if any kicker is ever considered.

I see all of your reasoning, and I can agree with alot of it, especially for Seymour, McNabb and Westbrook, those were more on potential and I felt as well they are longshots as possibilities, but I still think the three I have as locks will be locks for Canton. I don't know the # of probowls that Harrison has been to which is sadly a factor for some of the fools who vote the players in (damn Peter King, damn him) but he is by far the best safety in this recent era overall, Dawkins being the next closest, but he's already began his tailing off while Harrison seems to continue to get better and better. And Owens will obviously get in, all things considered, pro bowls, self promotion, his "heroism" for this superbowl, and still has another good 5-6 years in the condition he's in.

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