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OT - That silly Kwame

Zen-like Todd

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DUBLIN, Ga. -- Kwame Brown, the NBA's No. 1 overall draft pick in 2001 by the Washington Wizards, was arrested for driving 120 mph.


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Brown, a 20-year-old forward and the first high school player taken with the first pick of the NBA Draft, was charged Saturday with speeding in a 60 mph construction zone.

Sgt. Kirk Hartwell of the Laurens County Sheriff's Department said Brown was racing a motorcycle, but pulled over without any trouble.

Hartwell said Brown will automatically lose his license because of his age and the excessive speed. Brown was taken to the sheriff's office, where he paid a cash bond of $1,200.

Brown signed a three-year $11.9 million contract with the Wizards.

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I was in Brunswick Ga last Tuesday, and was eating in the same establishment as Kwame, an all you can eat chinese joint. He is one tall dude. He was sitting at the table in front of me, with his entourage (sp) and did not look very tall until he stood up.

He was driving a 90s model Chevy Suburban, which oddly enough was broken down outside of the restaurant. He was actually really dressed down, except for that multi-carated diamond bracelet on his right wrist.

Incase you are wondering, I don't know why you would be, if I got his autograph... I didn't. I let the guy eat and leave in peace. I'm not much of a basketball fan anyway.


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You know .. seems to me Jordan should give Kwame and old fashioned, behind the shed (arena) *** whooping. Not to sound too redneck (sorry, dad's side coming out) but this is rediculous. At 19, some are mature enough to live on their own, and some are still kids. Kwame is a friggin kid. That Sally Jenkins article is great and I was wide eyed as a read it. This kid isn't ready for life on his own, the NBA, or that kind of money. The Wizards are babysitting their #1 overall draft choice. He has no idea how to take his suits to the drycleaner, or how to grocery shop, yet he feels he can motorcycle race at 120 MPH. That talented a kid, and he's racing motorcycles. You'd think people'd learn from Jeff Kent's idiocy :gus:

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Comeon now he is a kid and I find some of you hypocritical to sit bac and act like none of you have never went above the speed limit I know I did tryingto get from DC to Norfolk to catch my ship when I was 22.

The ood thing s no onewas hurt and this should be a lesson learned and wake up call because of the feed back he'll hear.

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Just for the record, I am Kwame's age. I just got a speeding ticket for going 100 mph. It happens. I know you all did it. Maybe not that fast, but you did it. Speed is something that goes along with being a teenager. You know that phrase about teenagers feeling invincible? It's true. $hit I feel invincible, and I am just another college kid. Imagine having multiple millions in the bank and ***** being thrown at you left and right. I'd feel like Heman. No one could stop me. I'd be doing a lot worse stuff than Kwame.

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Give the kid a break. I'm not saying he deserves a free ride or anything, but what 19 year old given millions and a good bit of free time won't do something stoopid ? Let him take his lumps, learn from this mistake (nothing like having a fancy Benz in the garage that you can't even drive to teach you a lesson) and move on. I mean, think about it, he could have been like Weber and had high performance tobacco on board :high:

I liked the guy from the beginning and I still do. In spite of this little snafu, I think he's got pretty good character...just needs some life skillz. He's also obviously got talent and is in the process of developing the work ethic it takes to be a real superstar in the NBA. Give him a year or two with Michael and Collins and he'll be kicking some major a$$. Let's just hope that he does decide to stay here after that happens.

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I read that Sally Jenkins article.

Once again, I'll say that using our first pick on this kid was a mistake. Plain and simple. I won't go into a song and dance on why I feel this way. I am just pissed that the future of my hometown basketball team rest on this 19 year old kid. It is not his fault one bit. I blame the organization, the NBA owners and other powers that be who draft these high school kids.


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Kwame was in a car he raced against a motorcycle.

I dont think he is that stupid to get on a bike and as I said our local media will be on his a$$ which will show him he cant get way with mistakes like this.

My question will be when will mom move up here and keep him in check there is no reason why the other kids cant go to school here.

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