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Dan Snyder to appear on HBO's Bob Costas show at 10:30 tonight

Wacky Ralph

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Originally posted by Yomar

damn! I need an HBO subscription in the next 5 hours

I'm sure someone will recap it for you. *I* won't be doing any recapping, though. I'm already on my 7th beer. Any postings I make after, say, 10 pm will probably contain a ton of spelling errors.

In other words, they'll lack that high-quality intyluktual Kwality you guys have come to expect from me.


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Eh. Screw it. I'll recap.

-He said that the two owners he admires are Pat Bowlen and Jerry Jones.

-He claimed that today's franchise owner is a "sophisticated" biz owner and can certainly handle things like contracts.

-Admits to still learning.

-Says he "doesn't think" he's the Washington G.M.

-Admits to having imput in the draft.

-Says his individual decisions can be out-voted by his coaches and management.

-Defended Spurrier's system and was confident in his leadership.

-Why fire Marty??? "Because he wanted all the control." Said it was "too much work" for one person.

-Said Marty wouldn't let him bring in a player personell person.

-Sort of knocked Mark Cuban.

-Said the Skins were a long-term investment.

-His baseball interest? "It's a long-term project."

-"Most stories about me get exagerated."

-He wants to win.

-Defended Jerry Jones, saying he's trying to win.

-Defended the name of the Redskins. He doesn't think it's racist.

-He's used to criticism.

-Predicts Washington will win the NFC East.

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Ya pretty good, only one slight thing tho....

He wasn't really knocking Cuban, he was merely saying that his profit and fortune isn't going to be expanded quickly as owner of the Redskins as it would as an internet boombaby. Cuban's money came fast and in great bulk compared to what the Redskins will generate profit wise for Snyder. The question was how much money he makes off the Redskins.

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