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Davis to be cut


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what is this i hear about s.d. being cut next year? why are we spending all this money on free agency if we cant afford to pay steven davis the money he wants. he has clearly been the focal point if not the entire offense for the past 2 years. What have you guys heard about the rb situation. plus there is also talk of champ and jon jansen leaving via free angency at the end of this year as well....what are your predictions on the situation.

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We can afford to pay Davis THIS year, but his contract balloons to count $11 million against the cap next year. All the team has said is that he must restructure or be released. All parties knew this without it being said.

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There is absolutely no talk of Bailey leaving at the end of this year. He reworked his contract already this year and it hasn't even been hinted at or rumored about anywhere where anyone has a clue about the Washington Redskins.

Stephen Davis signed a contract that will force the team to make him a free agent or to restructure him a couple of years ago. The team has long since approached him about such. Obviously, if he will not take a contract the team feels it should pay, we might lose him. If he'll take a contract that works for both sides, obviously we will not lose him.

Neither Jansen nor Davis is in danger of leaving now. Davis is under contract and Jansen is a potential free agent that can be tagged, if we wish, to keep him around. My predictions on the situation are that we'll probably lose Jansen but we probably won't lose Davis, though I reserve the right to change my mind.

And, for the record, we are spending money in free agency on players we can afford. If our players are those we can afford, we'll keep them both. If they want more than we reasonable value them at, then we'll lose them. Kind of how it works.

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Darrell's Bonus is tiny. I believe his bonus was close to 3 Million on a 5 year contract, that's he more than half way through.

Bruce carries some baggage. He oppened with a 4.5 mil bonus, and he rolled 3 mil of last year's salary into a bonus. I don't know how that adds up, but my hunch is that he'll have about $4 come due when he get's cut/retires next year.

If Coleman restructures, he might stick around for 2-3 more years.

The big bonus is that next year we'll be rid of Dead Money owed to: George, Carrier, & Deion and a few others, which I hear adds up to $14 Million. That's a lot smack to have come available next year.

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We may not lose Jansen. Although I doubt we would put the Franchise Tag on him unless he goes to the Pro Bowl this year, we could put the Transition Tag on him next year. That way we would have the option at least, of matching any contract offer he received from another team. Of course it has some risk, if it includes some "poison pill clauses"

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We do gain about 11 million next year due to dead money.

But if we cut one of the DE's, that will be 3-3.5 million in dead money. Also, almost everyones cap # will go up, since most contracts get bigger as time goes on.

I am sure we will be in a better situation next season, but how much is the question.

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